Thursday 27 July 2017


  Reference the popular -demand by our numerous readers; cutting across the different classes of people, tribes, nationalities resident both home and abroad who were craving to be acquainted with some facts and not fallacy, on some mysterious subject-matters regarding power of prayers, impacts of faith and what value does God gives to prayer, through the various religions that exist all over the world; we deem it necessary on our part to go extra -length in making sure we dig-down into the subject-matter, on what 'prayer is all about, by starting from the right root; our locality, by proximity hence, our on-line editorial engaged the attention and understanding of a notable but young prophet of our time, in respect of Prophet Odekunle Epaphras of Comfort Life Mission International Church, located around Temidire Market, Opposite Wema Bank on the New-Ife Road along Gbagi Titun, Ibadan, who revealed some great facts and ideas about the importance of 'prayer', impact of faith to it and what importance God gives to both prayer through faith as scripturally emphasized that " Without faith no one can please God"
 On this he corroborated his facts and ideas, with citing some quotations thus-wise Jeremiah 33:3 , Hebrew 11:1 with making references to some instances about some great people of 'faith' like Abraham, Moses, Paul, Sarah and Hannah; stressing his facts to explain better, that there are three categories of responses God 'who answers prayers', always takes to react to human-beings' prayers, regardless of the religion any 'prayers' may be, hence he called one; automatic-prayer for automatic-answer, the second; a delayed-answer, while the third type of God's response is 'outright -no!
 -Here he tag the first type to the instance of Bartholomew's case of eye-restoration through Jesus Christ,which immediately he called on the Lord thus"Jesus Christ ; the son of David; please have mercy on me", his sight was restored. 
 -The second type of instance is that of Abraham and Sarah his wife who while they had asked God for at-least a child God later gave them a child; Isaac , at their old age.
 -The third type of instance is that of Moses and Paul which God out-rightly refused Moses from reaching the promised-land and that of Paul after he had prayed God did not grant answer to his request but emphasized to Paul that "My grace is enough for you".
 By and Large, this aforementioned- introduction or rather 'promo' to our exclusive interview with this man of God is of popular demand by many to be run in the language(Yoruba) by which we did the interview, in order to make intact and well outlined the richness and contextual quality of it, hence we are obliged to make sure since "There's no way to anywhere than to start from where one is", then we arrived at the conclusion that it behooves us to change our style in language at-least, if only for this exclusive-interview, yet we are not promising that we may not do so again, in near future or at intermittently, to be changing languages of our writing, as the time, nature, quality, taste, and circumstance warrant us to do, all is just to bring 'variety' into the worth of our responsibility to the readership, as "Variety is the spice of Life", so by adopting our native-language, this time around does not indicate any short-comings on the part of neither our guest nor our editorial.
 Thanks and be expecting a loaded and contextually but factual, rich and wholeness of the interview soon !

Wednesday 12 July 2017

BARRISTER BAYO SHITTU CAMPAIGN TEAM FLAGS OFF: " By God's grace I'm ready to contest in 2019, as the Governor of Oyo State but do not want to contest for the fun of it yet with the experience I had gathered politically for forty-years so, you can't compare this with anybody's, I'm confident that we would be there by the grace of God Governor Ajimobi will raise my hand to signify this and it is God that will do it"-Barrister Bayo Shittu.

On the 2nd of July was a memorable day for all the friends, admirers, fans, supporters and family-members of the Honourable Minister of Communication Alhaji/Barrister Bayo Shittu who had waited thus far to hear from the horses's mouth; the barrister himself on some of the steps, decisions and moves they had expected him to acquaint them with, in respect of his aspiration to contest among other intending aspirants, for the Oyo State gubernatorial position come 2019 election, when the No1 seat would have been vacant for whosoever among the aspirants, to occupy through the election and the votes of the electorates.
 This they felt relieved of if for nothing but to shut up the mouths of the Minister's opponents and political rivals, that were thought to have been trading in politics of calumny against the candidature of the Honourable Minister Bayo Shittu, who suggestively being castigated in various ways veritably from some of his vestiges or vagaries of his style of life, prepositional attributes and religious status.
 But promptly to time and purposefulness of his agelong attitude to criticism and his apt calculation to responding to such ; he seized the occasion to highlight on some of his achievement thus far as a Minister of Communication, his gubernatorial ambition, vision mission and plans by reminiscing on what make him qualify, thick, eligible and the best candidate for the most exaltable position of No1 citizenship of the Oyo State government come 2019 election, after the electorates might have cast their votes, which he confidently reiterated that he had got the knock and endorsement of the incumbent Gover Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State.
 The event started well with throng of people being present at his residence located within Aerodrome Area of Samonda, Bodija Ibadan.And simply put the meeting commenced with some rendition to express gratitude to God, for making the day a reality hence, after prayer was observed and the national anthem recited; Barrister Bayo Shittu began with microphone in his hand, to address the teeming crowd reasons, objectives and his goal, here he started unwinding on his stewardship thus far as the Honourable Minister of Communication with the array of what he had achieved, enumerating thus " By the value of the news and breaking flashes of the headlines from some media and pages of the newspapers, with their expositions atleast I have been the most prominent Minister on coverage, regarding the different news of the ICT; Information Communication Technology development and the laudable initiatives of the Federal Government hence, Information Communication Technology contributes a lot to perennial and cultural development of any nation aside the fact that it enhances educational, commerce and industrial development.
 In my track record atleast almost fifteen conferences I had been fortunate to attend and there are two presently on the agenda for this month of July, for me to deliberate, discuss and negotiate on the transfer of the value of the ICT to Nigeria , for example Indian business men had promised to institute an investment of four billion naira in Nigeria before the end of the year 2017, when the benefit would be greatly manifesting , if well coordinated so Information Communication Technology can be definitively adopted, adapted and aligned to establish national development and lest I forget  this experience I would use to improve upon the economic development of the Oyo State if voted in as the overwhelming candidate and winner of Gubernatorial position in Oyo State come 2019 election.
 Before my ministerial appointment half a million telephone lines were not mobile which are permanently instituted inside your houses as table-phones and yet you go to NITEL to phone either locally or internationally,which within two minutes it had cost indebted you of two thousand naira but with Olusegun Obasanjo's initiative on GSM which came in promptly at the right time to cushion the pain, problems and placate the aggrieved majority members of the country as citizens of this great nation; Nigeria, came in the introduction of GSM courtesy Olusegun Obasanjo,with his effort and my built-ups came One hundred and fifty three million lines, though there are challenges on it as Oyo township to Saki; there is connectivity problems but plan is underway to rectify this, with the erection of many masts,so there would be nowhere that there willbe connectivity problem again.
    NIPOST is under us with stamp sales,posting activities but then it took one week,two or more weeks to reach the aimed destination which is very disappointing and discouraging but with GSM; it had been rectified especially considering Whatsapp, SMS, Emails on texting and sending message  promptly yet we are trying to improve with more telephone lines to further help E-commerce; before it took us pain and cost more to go to Maiduguri before we can do anything on E-commerce meant for the are but now from Lagos precisely and exactly you can buy, do everything about E-commerce, bargain while they promptly bring your goods to your doorstep from anywhere you order it from without being there yourself.
 Yet we don't want left unused the NIPOST post offices in almost One thousand and seven hundred spreading withinwithin Nigeria unused hence with NIPOST; E-commerce we can do better by helping people.
 On NIPOST E-Government Service- we arrived at the fact as all members of the citizenry scramble to obtain International Passport and since in each state only one passport issuance office we have under Immigration and it is causing more problems,for some people from the hinterland of far within the region ,to leave where they reside for the cities where some of these passport offices are located  , for example some people from Saki coming often as mandated by the immigration officers of passport office, it would cause more problems so in order to reduce the problems for those people applying for International Passport from these offices located at the cities,we arrived at an arrangement for these applicants going to post offices NIPOST near them in the villages of far from the cities, to fill their forms for the International Passport issuance or obtainance ,as the case may be instead of going through  the problems of coming to the cities ,from that distant places of theirs . And within a week he or she gets his or her passport after the whole process of the officialdom offilling had been completed.
 What about the Information Communication Technology for Youth Learning, this is to impart to the youth for them to understand and obtain the skill,to be self-employed so already One center is already established at Oke-Ogun Polytechnic Saki to be precise,with two hundred and fifty million being spent by the Federal Government.
 While another two of this type to be established in Ibadan because of Ibadan largeness so Governor Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi has given us some adequate piece of land to do it.
 In Nigeria with the seven hundred and four local governments courtesy the Federal Government we had introduced the idea of adapting the post offices to do bank work, here NIPOST departments to do Community Bank job in the alternative,so we call it NIPOST-BANK.
  On NIPOST Property and Development Plan- we have arranged to make sure some unused lands of the NIPOST would be lease to some companies for hundred years and to be developed as Community Settlement,where all communal infrastructure would be made available to enhance good living condition,for the settlers.
 NIPOST Transport and Logistic Service-With this we have arranged to commercialize some NIPOST unused vehicle which can be adapted and adopted to transport goods and convey people or commuters,for profit purposes,this would serves as succour, to the problem of transportation for the less-privileged and the downtrodden.
 To go personally I have been sinking at-least three motor-driven borehole each,in each local government which is to go round the thirty-three local governments in Oyo State  which I had already started with Saki and Iseyin local governments having theirs;three boreholes each, while Oluyole local government and Ibadan North local government are next this month of July.It is not the government that is doing this  but I'm personally doing it.
 To digress a bit from my personal contribution to the development of my society suffice I stress further that among the many good plans of the Federal government for the benefit of the citizenry alsoare
 School Knowledge Center;a smallette of the Information Communication Technology Centre for the students in Oyo State ,which we had built seven of it with the expectation to build more before the end of the year .
 ICT as termed otherwise denotedly thus Instructive /Destructive Technology because of the constant change of its creativity as it is notably practiced  and experienced in India hence we are planning to adopt the template for beneficial development .
 Another in the pipeline is the Information Communication Technology University of Nigeria, which would by God's grace take off in September this year 2017 while Kano, Yola, Enugu, and Delta are already penciled down to be areas of location, while the acting Vice Chancellor for each University of this type pegged down to the locations is underway,to be employed , this I'm assuring you that the University would be first of its kind in Africa.
 However back to my plans for the Oyo State Local Government on three boreholes each permit me to stand on the previous explanation I gave earlier to sink three boreholes each ; in each local government with three each being sank at Saki and Iseyin while that of Oluyole and Ibadan North local government are underway this month of July with prompt plans to be consistent in bringing it manifest-able,in other local governments in Oyo State sooner than later .
 However, the effect of Poverty in our society had induced many into expecting more from the Federal Government and especially in Oyo State people expected quick transformation through us and with God my salary which is not up to a million naira if shared among my teeming supporters cannot go round not talking of the whole citizenry of the state but my prayer is that the grace of being fortunate enough to have seen the good faceof God in my appointment as one of the Minister under President Muhammed Buhari should be the major supplication and prayer by everybody to have through God's mercy rather than rely on me solely.
 Meanwhile, seven scholarship I'd given to some students for Master-Degree  and six under-graduates I'm also sponsoring while seven kidney problematic patients I have sent oversea for surgery yet I'm influencing some applicants employment into some communicationcompanies.
 In Igbo Ora I have influenced the establishment of a Police Secondary School which could had been abandoned as a white elephant project but I came in by intervention to actualize its establishment and the is actively operating till date .
 With M-power computer degree I promised to the applicants that any reliable evidence they give I shall do to work on it to actualize the success of their engagement.
 With these aforementioned array of some of my achievement I beg to apologize that if any Federal honourable does better on this than I well, I should hereby and emphatically stated thus that since I'm just on a ministerial appointment with a stipulated amount of salary I may not do better than them or surpass them any waybut given the opportunity to become the Governor of Oyo State come 2019 I shall surprise and do better to improve upon the standard of living of my people extra-ordinarily .
 My political policy is not by accident as I started politics in 1978,I alone politically was the only one that had an opportunity to have deliberated and related with Chief Obafemi Awolowo when he came toOke-Ogunto scout for any promising but politically talented child fromthe region so afterwards I went toPark-Lane to see him hence we formed Committee of Friends which metamorphosed to be UPN in 1978 I was the youngest member of the Oyo State House of Assembly .
 In 1983 when government changed to favour the indigene in Oyo State when Governor Omololu Olunloyo came into rein of governance I was chosen asa Commissioner for Internal Affair and Culture yet I was still made Commissioner under Governor /Senator Rashidi Ladoja .
 As an experienced politician I'mcertified to be knowledgeable ,pragmatic with adequate expertise ,takl of judiciary;I was once member of judicial of Oyo State for forty-years so among those that are aspiring to be Governor in Oyo State come 2019 election none of themhas this same experience I had.
 In 2011  I contested for Gubernatorial position in Oyo State under CPC but not chosen but later I was chosen as the Minister for Communication  some years after so I I had gained experience to discuss with people and influential but distinguished stalwarts within the state ,to fathom what to do to favour mypeople's betterment if I'm voted in as Governor of Of Oyo State come 2019 election yet If I retired as the Honourable Minister of Communication I'm self-fulfilled.
 By God's grace I'm ready to contest in 2019 as the Governor of Oyo State but do not want to contest for the fun of it yet with the experience I had gathered  politically for forty-years so you can't compare this with anybody's ,I'm confident that we would be there by the grace og
f God; Governor Ajimobi will raise up my hand to signify this and it is God that will do it, now is the time for work,let us see ourselves as the members of armed forces,to take charge of the Oyo State come 2019      

Wednesday 5 July 2017


  Can we know you better sir?

  My names are Honourable Dauda Ademola Lawal at the same time State  Chairman of factional Accord party in Oyo State when I say factional Accord party, you know by the time we conducted our congress, we conducted our own at Olubadan Stadium while other faction led by Wahab Oyelade conducted their own at Green Spring hotel though, we supposed to do everything together but when they saw they cannot match us so they made a U-turn and quickly did their own at Green Spring hotel so, immediately we conducted that congress we sent our list to Abuja, which was accepted by the national headquarter of the Accord party.
Accord Party is a registered political party like any other party registered by Independent National Electoral Commission; INEC so, in view of this there is no any dispute within Accord Party, it is only that there are some disgruntled elements in Accord Party, they are the ones that caused this problem within the Accord Party because they are self-centered, there is no crisis in Accord Party, everybody still accept our father; Senator/Chief Rasheed Adewolu Ladoja as our leader and we respect him very much , we cannot rule that one out, if he had adopted the style of Late Chief Adedibu, things could have been settled long time ago, if the day we conducted our congress though they convinced him to come down to their congress at Green Spring hotel and Chief Ladoja used about fifteen minutes so also  we are expecting him at Olubadan Stadium, if he just drove down to us that day, you know all of us we drove down to Ondo Street and he commanded other people there and we sit on a round-table and he said let us share these posts; there wouldn't have been hullabaloo but there is no such thing done and as you are seeing now we wanted to hold our meeting last two weeks on the 29th, it is because of him we announced this thing on radio, that we wanted to hold our meeting there, you see, there is no cause for alarm, there is nothing disturbing him coming down to us that day we can't say he is not our leader , we would all welcome him that day maybe the one we held at Expoyo we could have treated everything together that day we will sit down, to deliberate; what is the problem, we will have the meeting from there , some of our personalities would even followed him down there, whereby he will send some of the people of the other side, he cannot do as if he wanted to support one side and leave the other side unfatheredly or not being supported, he has to be a father of all, he must be a father of all, we are not fighting him, it is just those disgruntled elements, those who caused the downfall of the party in 2011 and 2015, that is what we are arguing against, we cannot just open our eyes again and allow the same thing to happen, there is no problem as such and if at all we want to hold another meeting tomorrow he can come down there and embrace all of us, things will just be settled amicably.

  Sir, we learnt after the dissolution of the Accord Party Local Governments' Chairmen did not wanted to leave is the major cause of the imbroglio, what do you have to say to this ?

  That is just a blackmail-news, they just wanted to blackmail them, and it is not so, if they said those people wanted to go the national headquarter of the party headed by Nalado, since the inception of Accord they have never conducted a national convention of the party, at the National level, they spent more than they supposed to spend , what happens at the national level is still what is happening at the state level and the local government , if someone now come to say their term has expired, what are you going to do about those at the national level, initially there was a circular letter signed by the administrative secretary sent to all the Local government Chairmen of the party and the administrative secretary is not their boss, they are all under the state-Chairman of the Accord Party,from whose office that directive supposed to come from and to be signed by the Accord Party State Chairman only, if any circular suppose to come at all. that is the practice, now the administrative secretary signed a circular letter instructing all the Accord Party Local Government Chairmen to relinquish their posts and that they had established a caretaker committee of sole administrator, which is not recognized by the constitution of the Accord Party, this made them to write a protest letter to the national headquarter, to ask whether they are aware of the circular- letter of the dissolution of their tenure, and the national headquarter responded to it by sending and giving a letter to dispute it and refuted that they are not aware and that they had not given the instruction of such nature neither backing it up and this letter was sent to the Oyo State Accord Party Office of the State Chairman of the party, that they should reinstate or restore them back immediately and that there should not be any care-taker committee or sole administrator in the local government , this people now called them to go and implement the directive(order) from the national headquarter, and  they ; the state executive now said once they had serve the chairmen the earlier circular out ; it will be a shame on them to do as directed by the national headquarter, that is to rewrite the reinstate letter is not possible, is the administrative secretary; a paid staff of the party ,what right does he has to take that sole decision, you see all these is what Chief Rasheed Ladoja supposed to handle , by coming in, to settle it, once there was already an order from the national headquarter to reinstate these chairmen, you it is now the duty of the state party leaders to call both sides, okay! you the administrative secretary since you know there is a letter from the national headquarter to reinstate them, you know that letter from the national headquarter has superseded the initial circular letter you served these party chairmen, on dissolution so, carry out the order of the national headquarter with immediate effect but nothing of such was done and this is the bone of contention and of course, you see there is no party in this state or national level that does not have factions; if you want to cheat me aia will kick against it and we may disagree to agree, and now if that is to happen; the next thing is that we need to come to round table, that is why all the chairmen are protesting, you see we should not misinterpret what is on the ground, we have parallel congress, we are at the Olubadan Stadium and the other was at Green Spring hotel and neither they protest or go to court or challenged the congress conducted by us nor we challenged their neither we take them to court on this, it was those chairmen, the sacked chairmen that went to court to challenged the party executive, for their dissolution, to request for their mandate, not the two sides of factions of the party so, if some people are now saying they won the court case, court case between who against who ? the battle is between the chairmen and the state party executive, that the action taken by the administrative-secretary is illegal and should be declared non and void, that is their request.
  I; Dauda Lawal with my faction did not take Wahab Faction to court. For example Alimotu Sherrif versus Markafi in the PDP some factions conducted their congress at Port Harcourt while the other conducted theirs at Abuja so Alimotu Sheriff now challenged Markafi they went to court, Markafi too challenged Alimotu Sheriff, the too of them, firstly the same Markafi won it they declared him Chairman, Alimotu Sheriff went to Appeal, Appeal Court now say Alimotu Sheriff is the Chairman of PDP, boldly written at the national level of the PDP , boldly written, underline this, and Markafi now says they did not want to accept and went to the Supreme Court, to challenge it , that is what they are now on.
  It is not that all states chairmen went to court, it is the local chairmen that went to court, to seek for their mandate so, it is two things on ground; two parallel congresses, no one is challenging the other, if the chairmen then that is the court accepted their prayer then that means all the chairmen at our side will step down and the other faction's chairmen will step down so both of us wouldn't have had chairmen so the congresses held by both factions could have been declared non and void because they would have installed them.

  Now, that Chief Ladoja has won the court case.......(interrupted)?

  Won what?, you see , I said the congress we conducted at Olubadan Stadium, where I was held as the state chairman of the Accord Party nobody challenged it and so also that of Green spring hotel nobody challenged it likewise, the Chairmen ; sacked chairmen were the one that challenged that the congress conducted by Basiru Lawal at the Green Spring should be declared non and void and it is of no effect but instead of the court then to look into that aspect the court did not do that , the court only dismissed their case and they did not say you Basiru Lawal you go ahead with or step down from, so there is no clear picture, you can go and read that judgement and the ruling of the court, you will see there is a lacuna (gap) somewhere.

  Now that election is getting close come 2019; what are you doing lately to make sure this imbroglio does not cause problem for your party Accord?

  Okay! thank you very much, it will not affect the election, if will could manage it properly, one; there are rooms for reconciliation and since we still have some time maybe, today, tomorrow, we can still reconcile together despite the fact we have two factions within the Accord Party , people from other parties have been coming to either , to brainstorm with either, they have been discussing with us , what is the modalities , everybody we are consulting , likewise at our leader's side too; some PDP and other parties' people have been going to him, to discuss , deliberate with him on the way forward for 2019, we too do not want to damage the party so, when we now see this, we thought we can have working relationship within each others, choose together some of them even thought they had done so much for the party so they are skeptical to leave Accord Party and don't forget when we say 'Rescue';It is to save something from collapse aside the fact that if you see my certificate you cannot see Rescue but Accord Party State Chairman, I have that certificate with me, so we are just factions within the party, APC too is factional as it has Lamist, AD, faction of the serving Minister, Ajimobi has his own faction called Seneco and others like that and nobody disturb one another , they are just trying make contact and mobilize people but at the time for their congress "water will finds its level.

  But wouldn't there be a clash later?

  That is lovely, you see what is going on now there are some people at the Supreme Court now ;Tribune of the 4th July 2017 published that there are some serving Ministers from Obasanjo Yar Adua to Goodluck regimes, they have merged together, they wanted to fathom the way forward, should they still remain in the PDP or what should be the option, you see there are five new political parties being registered lately; PPA, APDA, Young Progressive Party, New Generation Party, you see within these five parties there are still political undertone, you see as we say okay we come to our leader and he come to us, you see at the end of the day everybody may now be going towards the same trailer, say okay, this is where we are going, it may not be PDP, it may not be this or that but we may say in one voice let us go to this party, just to conquer the victory of the election overwhelmingly.

  What is your message to the electorates?

  The electorates should not have cause to fear or cause for alarm neither they should complain because during election before they go to the polling booth they must have known whom to vote for  and now they have known the right from wrong and come 2019 election they are the ones to decide.