Saturday 21 September 2019


News Track Magazine: AMPAT INAUGURATES ASSOCIATION.:    NEWS:                The association of Mobile Phones and Allied Product Traders of Nigeria South West, Oyo State Chapter under the Ch...


       The association of Mobile Phones and Allied Product Traders of Nigeria South West, Oyo State Chapter under the Chairmanship of Honourable Temitope Odetayo aka Top Success and the Coordinator Mr Adeosun Ajibola Samuel; Harmony Links Telecoms, inaugurated her association yesterday 20th of September, 2019 inside the Civic Centre Functional Hall Idi Ape , Ibadan.
 At the occasion was where distinguished guests, important invitees and awardees with AMPAT National President Honourable Musa Haruna M and his team from Abuja, the members of the newly inaugurated association; AMPAT  and members of the public were present to grace the occasion.
 The AMPAT National President Hon. Musa Haruna M . emphatically affirmed the fact behind the inauguration of South West, Oyo State Chapter AMPAT as a result of making sure there is official endorsement and recognition given to all AMPAT  members in the South West, Oyo State Chapter; so as to authenticate their membership, for the association to have regular and official record at hand and enabling all her members spanning round the South West Zone be abreast of the up to date information necessary for them as recognized members, aside the issue of knowing the fake members from the genuine members, as well as having the confidence to stand for them in any matter of exigency and where there is need to defend innocence of any indictment against any one of them, in the course of their legitimate transaction.
 The National President Hon. Musa Haruna therefore implore the members of the association to justify their responsibility to the government, society and their various customers, to enable economic growth under a correct and legal transaction and enabling environment, for the development of the country, here he advised the security operatives to give their utmost support to them, where and when the need arises and urged the members of the public to also help in reducing phones' theft and various cases of crimes attached to the issue of the illegal exchange of phones from hand to hand, to promote a law abiding society.
 Nevertheless, the occasion attracted the aspect of the presentation of awards to some dignitaries among them was Yinka Ayefele (MON) who later on treated the audience to some of his lively tunes, to bring the occasion to an end   

Thursday 12 September 2019

"OYRTMA would be a service oriented, and at the same time we are going to put up human face at it, as we want to ensure that people enjoy benefit of the movement of goods, people and services, so we should expect something prompt, model and unique"-Chairman Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency; Dr./Mogaji Akin Fagbemi

  It is believe that when a need arises in correcting a mistake being made in the past and put aright the lapses needing an instant rectification; then it is better to put the round peg in a round hole, for the good of posterity and this was what happened recently having the able but indefatigable personality of Chief/Dr Akin Fagbemi in place, as the new Chairman of Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency; OYRTMA, who with his wide experience in the various areas of his official engagement and activities both at the Federal and State levels; has proven the worth of being a committed, dedicated, diligent and determined type , with reputable record of credible performance both home and away, hence was picked by our News-track Online, to brief us of his take and responsibility, regarding the new position he has found himself to serve Oyo State, under the leadership of the able Governor Seyi Makinde and here underneath we unwind-ed on the report about our exclusive interview with him .
  Sir can we meet you?
  I'm Dr/Mogaji Akin Fagbemi , from Ibadan, I'm also privileged to have worked with several areas, worked with NAFDAC, was once an officer with NAFDAC for a period, I have worked with other agencies and by the grace of God I was also part of Abuja Metropolitan Agency activities and of recent I was also a member of the committee that was involved in the last election, regarding the Oyo State Gubernatorial election under Engineer Seyi Makinde, as the deputy campaign director for the Oyo South , in which Our able Governor Seyi Makinde became the Governor of Oyo State and I'm married with children.
  How do you find your new position as the OYRTMA Chairman  ?
Well, I think is more of a service where it has a direct impact on the people, OYRTMA was founded in 2009 by Governor Alao Akala and since then till now I came in as the third Chief Executive, we try to re position the agency, seeing the need as the benefit , by the grace of God we want to work in line with the mandate given to the agency ,more also with the vision of the Executive Governor of the Oyo State, Engineer Seyi Makinde, in ensuring people enjoy the benefit of the democracy and to make sure that people come in to invest and that people are safe , this will not be possible without the efficiency of this agency, for instance you look at the area of traffic management if an investor is coming to the state let assume they came in through Alakia and on getting to Iwo road they are spending over four to five hours that can really discourage them and ought not to allow economic growth , we also talk about the issue of health where lets assume somebody is sick and he is being taken to the hospital and was held up in traffic for three to four hours , you know what could happen, also when there is a high traffic point in some areas like that of Ibadan- Ogbomoso road for heavy duty trucks, the trailers , I have lost somebody due to high traffic , the vehicle was on traffic and the place was sloppy, while the truck was coming there was no break but if there was no traffic probably the truck could have gone through and there wouldn't have been any accident not to talk of anybody losing his /her life but we lost that person, so with that I know that if there is a free flow of traffic it also help to save lives, so also about the issue of the young ones in schools, the general students in the course of coming and going to their various schools and homes , you are aware that the Executive Governor Seyi Makinde has given the scholarship , declaring free education , where they do not pay any fees, and also  given free books, but beyond that when they resume if a student is going to school by 8am in the morning and due to traffic the child is being delayed by the traffic congestion on the road and got to school by 10am, the child could have been weak and tired , we have a role to play in ensuring that the educational system is at work, so that people can get to work on time, it also had impact on the teacher ; if a teacher is to start work with the students in class and cannot get to school on time that also could affect the educational system , so we are working all round the clock to ensure that the efficiency of this agency is prioritized and people benefit from the mandate that had been given to us.
  Sir, regards the reinforcement of the personnel and equipment ; what are you doing lately about this?
  Well, First and foremost I want to thank His Execellency the Executive Governor of the Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde , when we first came in he has really given us utmost and necessary support both morally and financially, when we came in there was nothing on ground , the equipment were bad, the towing trucks , walking talking were not available , but he gave us the mandate and money was released,  to put some serviceable equipment in place, which we have started , he also promised to give us the expected opportunity , to buy some equipment , one thing I am sure of is that we have the full support of His Excellency and we are ready to swing into full and proficient  action as expected of the agency and her activities.
  We have known Lagos to have same styled outfit called LASMA  like OYRTMA in Oyo State , what should we expect from OYRTMA under your ,management?
  We should expect something better than that of LASMA in Lagos, we want a friendly agency that people will be proud of, I know when people mention LASMA people often get afraid but I want people to be happy when they mention OYRTMA, because it would be service oriented , and at the same time we are going to put up human face at it, we want to ensure that people enjoy benefit of the movement of goods, people and services, so we should expect something prompt, model and unique, and as Oyo State is a pace-setting state , we want to set the pace, and let see how we can go to implement all the necessary things within our agency.
  Sometime congestion happens on the roads because of the presence of some beggars, what will you be doing to reduce or eradicate this menace?
  Well, with the new system of the free education and engagement of these youth in extra mural after school's hours, we are working together with the Ministry of Environment, to pick these youth from the streets, and interact with them and their parents, I have seen a situation where when they resume for school, most of them will be off roads and most of them that have no parents we are going to work on that to make sure they are rehabilitated and taken off road.
  On the distribution of some of your officers, what are you going to do to reach some areas that are within the inner areas of the state, for them to benefit from your service?
  For now, we are short of staff, but we are trying to manage the number of the staff we have now, and also collaborate with sister agencies , including some para-military , what we are trying to do is to be strategic in our movement, we have to put our officers where we have high traffic and low traffic, yet also where we have much focus on, His Excellency has also promised us that he is going to look into the employment of new but enough staff, and the purchase of some equipment, but one thing we want to do is to designate this few staff into some areas we know they really need their service and on short time you are going to see our officers around, We also have this club called OYRTMA Marshall, which will be coming in just to partner with the people of the Oyo State, they are people who are willing to work with us, who cannot be employed, it is going to be rendering services without payment, we are going to work with them and ensure that each of those areas people can come out as OYRTMA Marshall, to also be part of what we are doing , so that collaboration will go a long way.
  It is noted that only during the day your officers work, what plan do you have to dispatch them on the roads at night , to curb the motorists of any havoc on the roads and see to the management of traffic during the night also?
  Well, we have gone beyond planning, the moment I resumed the second day we began night patrol, with some of our officers, it is part of our mandate and this team we called Chairman's squad have the day and night , where we do keen patrol , though there is a time for that and we have started , the last time we were at Mokola around 9pm to 11pm, you know the high traffic is often between 8pm to 10pm and we also  have a number we want people to call us , so that within an area at night whenever there is any traffic congestion they can also put a call through to us , as we already have a standby bus, truck and towing vehicle, we also did that in the recent xenophobic attack , the reaction that we got at Bodija , our men were the first operatives that got there , which happened between 11pm to 12pm, so we have started and we hope to do more.
  What is your message to the members of the public especially the motorists and commuters ?
  They should expect good things, we want to plead to them, especially the motorists should cooperate with us , we are not there to make life difficult for them, but to ensure there is free flow of traffic, people have peaceful livings, stress free movement and if they have any issue with our officers they should please come to our office, our doors are open to them, they should see us as partners in progress, we will be glad to discuss with them, I have also have my phone line available for them to reach me, on any of their issues bothering them, about the traffic and the activities of our officers out there on duty.
  The Executive Governor Seyi Makinde of the Oyo State has just marked his hundred days in office, what can you say of his performance thus far?
  Well, His Excellency Seyi Makinde has impressed his people of Oyo State excellently and his performance if you could remember started from May 29, 2019 when he came up during his inauguration, to declare free education, that alone is a very big, important and critical aspect to the development of Oyo State educationally, you know in time Oyo State was rated low, so acting that there is going to be free education the first day is the great achievement, he also talked about revamping some of our moribund companies, which he has gone round and work has started in that area, another one is that of OYRTMA  which has not been active before, but now you can see OYRTMA officers everywhere doing what they are mandated to do , so also the issue of schools, we were in Oyo township and Ibadan on inspection, to see some of these schools, especially the model schools, and another thing again is his declaration of his asset, is also a great thing which happened within the hundred days, so we can mention about his concern about the hospitals, one of them is that of Adeoyo Hospital and you can see that good work is going on , that was before the hundred days, I think he has achieved more greater successes before the hundred days, hundred days is just a number and the people of Oyo State should also expect that greater things is coming , because a lot of investors are coming to Oyo State,while a lot of things would be happening within the state, lets not forget Ibadan is critical, Oyo State is important in the South West and you need a man of this intelligence and exposure , a man who can manage both materials and human resources and this character you can find in this man; Governor Seyi Makinde , so he is not a man you can doubt nor can disappoint, he is a man of his words, so when you start counting hundred days and more; a lot of good things will be coming up and I trust that people of Oyo State will be happy.
  This was how we came to the end of our exclusive interview with the Chairman Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency; Dr./Mogaji Akin Fagbemi, feeling satisfied to have garnered and gathered the necessary and relevant information valuable in enriching and keeping our readership abreast of the latest development within the Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency.