Tuesday 11 January 2022


Interview with Dr Taye Ayorinde

      Nigeria Constitution must be harmonized for Egalitarian Society”- DrTaye Ayorinde

 With the present state of things  in Nigeria; it is glaringly clear that the present constitution being used to run governance ,have oftentimes been a subject of controversies, hence many social critics believed it should be reviewed to enable an enabling environment’ for  co-existence of the heterogeneous tribes in the country; Nigeria’ hence our medium deem it behooves we sample opinions of the various schools of thoughts o0n this, hence our editorial crew paid a visit to a distinguished social critic, communicator and Baale in Ibadan; Dr Taye Ayorinde who we had an interview with recently at his home-based Ibadadan, Oyo State, and here underneath we unwinded  on  our interview with him, as reported below:

 Sir, with due humility we would like you introduce yourself briefly ?

Well, I am Dr. Taye Ayorinde , I happened to be first and foremost the Baale of Ekotedo but before then I was Chairman Oyo State Commodity Monitoring and Pricing , an Adviser to the British Government Commonwhealth African Programmes at the Central Office of Information, once a Manager for NTA, I Adapter Village Headmaster; I brought out the Saturday –Square and I involved in Magazine Programme which was coined to bring out people of note together, but I was also the head of drama department of NTA. I was the first Chairman NTA drama Festival in Nigeria and so on and so forth. I you ever heard of Arts Alade; He was on my programme called Bar beach Show, by which I came out to limelight and I that is the person I am, and apart from that I am also…..(interrupted) well apart from anything else, I happened to be the Chairman Yoruba World Assembly, from the onset I was a member of National Development Council of Traditional Rulers, so also I am a social commentator.

 Sir, as an industrious and notable Yoruba Son and Baale, what is your opinion in respect of Yoruba clamouring for Yoruba State; Odua Nation, are we ripe for it?

 There are three areas to for that, some people were clamouring for secession, some for self-declaration, some want restructuring, they are all talking sense but is secession right; No!, you can’t secede , no, it is  negative, to plan to secede you have to fight for it but have you got the wherewithal to fight?, No! the guns, bullets you have not, anything you have not got, that is why  secession is wrong. But again Self-declaration requires to have fulfilled yourself from the economic, cultural, social and international angles, then you can easily say oh! We can go, you must have secured yourself well on that to stand on your own. But with the present dispensation, the government , it cannot allow that, on the side of Yoruba, why? Because most of the economic structures that are on ground they are not only from Yo4ruba but generally at the Southern part of Nigeria hence they will not want to allow it, but soon3er than later; “Bi o ba pe titi idi a la a to be fe su.” So I would rather subscribe ro when we had Western Region, we would have declared our intention to stand alone, to cater for any other things, in this marriage that is not working. Since when we were alone, we achieved a lot of things many things we have , like industries galore; the first Television, Cocoa House, solidly built secretariat etc,. When Chief Awolowo took education to them, they did not accept education, they prefer the Rankadede and Boko Haram system, that is, they don’t need education, the repercussion of not accepting books is what is called Book Haram; the Almajiris system, all those young ones then have grown up to be Almajiris; BokoHaram, yet it is not the fault of these Boko Haram but that of the system being put there then, even now that people are going to schools there then have been tortured by Boko Haram, Bandits, to say No!. Look at how many schools being destroyed there, if that is the case ; “Bi apa ko ba se e san, a n ka le ori ni”. That is, if they don’t want to accept us the way we were doing before and they don’t want to accept that we need progressive life, then, we have to take our own decision for Self determination. But restructuring , yes, that is the cause of the imbroglio, because the constitution is not only worse, not working, wicked but corrupt. I can defend that, how can you have two laws in the country , we have one law for the North, the other for the South, instead of having one law for the whole country, that is one, was there any national conference, was there any collection of opinions and meetings of the States of Assembly  to Federal House of Representatives  or National Assembly members? No! but only few anonymous, who wrote it. Only those few people that wrote the constitution, but before you can say “We!” it must have involved those members of the arms of the government  I mentioned earlier, but up till today, they cannot mention all those who wrote the constitution. How can you write a constitution which supposed to be liberal in religion , a country which has many Christians and Muslims and everything in that constitution has to be of Muslim, mosque, you cannot find a single line that talk about Jesus, Church, what kind of constitution is that? That kind of constitution cannot go down well with the Christians, at the South, because we have intermarriages of Christians and Muslims. We cannot accept such constitution . Must I say because I married to a Muslim I should  cut off the head of the Muslim I married or vice versa, No way! Take for instance, in Ibadan, the tradition in Ibadan where high Chiefs married married to top Catholic and Muslim women, how  can you want to say you will banish that, No way !. So also I want to say this to every Nigerian are very selfish , before the advent of both religions we had our own religion. But why do they want to beat our own religion to the background, then why is that when they take any rich man or public functionary or any of them to court that they stole billions of money they will swear by bible or Quran , and in the long run they will swear falsely and find them guilty, to say “E se mi jeje”, but take Sango, Ayelala, Ogun for them , to swear, they find excuse to take caution, not to swear by these, because  of the immediate repercussion. Why don’t we think, why don’t they use  that as a point of deterrence. In  the constitution, it beggars for all resources in the South belong to all but the gold in Zamfara is only for Zamfara, No wa !, No. I shouldn’t be and that is why we say “What goes up mustb come down”. En en incidentally I have something to say about the Law of this country, but before this, to quell Boko Haram System, the solution is there , they are not using it, solution is not only military. I tell you what , let us go into the military. There are so many retired officers, why retired them, when they are good , but we take it that you have retired them, call all of them back because they are on the least of the country`s earning categories. They are in the least system, because these they were earning in office is still what they are earning at retirement, so if there is problem then they could be recalled, lets recalled them this time, to give solution, because some of them have been unduly retired, apologize for whatever and lets jaw, jaw and not war, war, from that meeting retreat of the entire general , retreat of the entire general ; they will get solution to this thing and I tell you another thing the issue of Boko Haram and Banditry, both try to do with the public, the public in the banditry aspect,  with information, all these banditry that have been taking  money , who has been giving them money must be traced, what kind money,we have a system that can trace them through phone, these people can be traced, GPS to trace them, why and what is our security agents doing about that, there are many aspects that becloud the whole thing, maybe some people are happy about all these negative that are happening against us, maybe I said, we need to do something to arrest such ugly development, millions of people have killed, through that, should we allow it to be like that, that is about that. About the economic cost ; oh! The economic cost of Boko Haram is enormous, how mch have we spent on pursuing  them, couldn’t we pursue them into Sambisa Forest? How much is the life of a child or a girl cost or boy cost?, all those people that have been killed, you cant  cost their lives.



  “If my suggestion is taken; you will see utmost development take place in Ibadan, within six months, under the reign of Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland; the designated Olubadan”- Dr Taye Ayorinde

           We had a chat with Dr Taye Ayorinde; Baale Ekotedo, to express his view on the present state of things about the issue of the installation of the new Olubadan after the demise of the last Olubadan of Ibadan Oba Saliu Adetunji Ogungunniso and this is how it went as reported below:

 Sir, with the present imbroglio on the installation of the new Olubadan, you as a notable and respectable Baale of Ekotedo, could you acquaint us better of the whole situation , the cause and as well as the solution to arrest the ugly situation and thus bring it into a positive conclusion?

 You have just asked me about the cause of the imbroglio in Ibadan, yes, sthe last Olubadan that passed on happened to be the Chairman of the whole Oyo State Traditional  Council, he was a good man, he was a man versed in the aspect of peace  and reconciliation, he hanled that very well. He did not jumped into wahala. But again em, you mentioned imbroglio, confusion, confusion has to be that unfortunately he made a tactical move  not about what is causing problem now, em, the rightful person to be Olubadan now, no other person than Senator Lekan Balogun, the proper person to be on the throne, because Ibadan system, or ascendancy to the throne is based on rotation, and then hierarchical rotation, that is Ibadan system, based  on that in all circumstances present Senator Lekan Balogun is the Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland, he is the rightful person to be there, but the hullaballoo of the imbroglio, of the controversy or delay in announcing him to be or be installed; though he mistakenly received crown and staff of office from the Late Gov. Ajimobi, whereas installation or promotion of  Chiefs as usually done by Olubadan of Ibadan, who is the prescribed and consenting authority, not the governor, but Senator Ajimiobi, the Late Governor thenalso meant well; I would tell you, usually when Olubadan goes out, he only goes with some chiefs, but Ajimobi wanted dignity for Olubadan, hence he installed those people as chiefs, though I think , if you called them chiefs; if you called them Obas, why gave them staff of office, but because you have given  them crown and staffs of office, you have made them Obas, and you declared them as Oba, announced  them as Oba, you proclaim them Oba, whereas there are position for another Oba, to which Senator Lekan Balogun is qualified, the question is how does he do it? Can he wears the Ajimobi Obaship crown and the staff given to him to become Olubadan of Ibadanland, and again pick his rightful  crown and staff of office due to him, for my position, my suggestion is that he should renounce the temporary , decorative crown and staff of office  that was given to him by Late/Governor Abiola Ajimobi and take his rightful place as Olubadan of Ibadanland and Chairman of Oyo State Traditional Council, bigger than Ibadan. How can you take two crowns is the question? Senator Ajimobi said when he was to give them the crowns, he said , “the staffs and the crowns do not erode their hierarchical positions”; that is a loose word. Because you said it does not, how can you made them an Oba, with a staff of office? This is the thing that caused the confusion. If they don’t, they should wait for court to judge, if the court say that they can wear two crowns, but where in Yoruba-land does an Oba  wear two crowns, it never  happens, and that is why am suggesting , with respect to my Oba to be ; Chief Lekan Balogun, that he should mind my word, with humility, saying to my Oba to be, to drop the crown and staff of Ajimobi, before he can take over the leadership of both Olubadan of Ibadanland andthat of Oyo State Traditional Council of Obas.

;Sir, regards the court case in respect of the challenge instituted against Late/Governor Ajimobi to have given them such crowns and staffs , and your advice  to the incoming Olubadan; Chief Lekan Balogun, how could he appeal to the rest involved in such a case to go along with him in the relinquish of the crowns and staffs ditto his withdrawal of their side of the defence in the court?

No!, once the head is off, if you cut off the head of a cow, what is the body body doing, it is tantamount lifelessness . Because he being the head that filed their defense, when relinquishes such position, other kingmakers agreed eventually. The kingmakers who are his colleagues given both the crowns and staffs should tread softly because whatever happened to Senator Lekan Balogun , the Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland will affect  them eventually, that is why it is good for us all to look at it from a positive and pleasant angle, hence I’m giving my advice that the rightful person for Olubadan position now is Senator Lekan Balogun , the Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland, an educated PHD hoder, a former lecturer, a business mogul, good, he is the rightful person to be the OlubAdan of Ibadanland. My appeal to him, is that he should call all of his other high chiefs , his other Obas ,please think of relinquishing that crowns and staffs of office, they should keep them in their houses and let him take over the mantle and management of Ibadanland .

 Do you expect he compensate these his colleagues or Obas or the high chiefs, for agreeing with him for such sterling decision?

 There is no compensation because they have all first got compensation, when they first got the crowns and staffs. It is not him to compensate them, everybody must be reasonable with him, to have relinquished both staff and crowns.

 Was this why you arrived at the cogent conclusion because you believe in the mythological  value and virtue of the Traditional Structure?

 Yes! The traditional structure of Ibadanland is an enviable  structure, than a State or Country, it all goes peacefully but if in the contrary it may not be peaceful , but would denigrate the stool, they should give peace a chance , to give priority to standing order, hierarchical promotional orderliness and allow Lekan Balogun to be Olubadan of Ibadanland. And no Olubadan of Ibadanland has ever got to that position , the stool, wearing two crowns. They should be kind enough to herald the Ibadan people to hail them and not to see them as somebody daredevil, don’t be a daredevil to the tradition, don’t be a daredevil to the history , how, as Lekan Balogun is the most wanted to be on that stool now and he has to get there in a good way. Unfortunately people noticed that they were absent at the Late Olubadan of Ibadanland that burial rites that has passed on, all the programmes for the Late Olubadan , I don’t know why but probably they see themselves as Kings then how could they want to be another king again but if that is not the position, mayble they are planning to see things move well,  hence they did not come.

Okay, with your right and good suggestion to bring everything to positive conclusion; what is your projection with Senator Lekan Balogun, the Otun Olubadan of Ibadan  on throne eventually; what level of development do you see Ibadan in about two to three years to this time?

 Wow! If my suggestion is taken, you are talking of two to three years, it can’t be more than six months , you will see Ibadan turned around for good and the utmost development. Do you know who Senator Lekan Balogun is, Senator Lekan Balogun happens to be a technocrat, in the area of business, Business Management and Business Tutorial, he is a PHD holder, whose family has been in traditional status before, he is a personal friend, very respectful and religious, so I expect fantastic progress to be made, that is what I expected,. You see , you are talking of two to three years, but I am talking of six months, he most relates and dines with kings himself. Senator Lekan Balogun moves with kings and dines with them.Both the youngs and oldswould mostly enjoy his reign, such are his feat.

 So he could be the perfect bridge between the old and young generation?

 Yes, exactly.

And this how we came to the conclusion of our chat with Dr. Taye Ayorinde, the Bale of Ekotedo who had from his cache enlightened, educated and informed us better, about the position of things, regards the installation of the new Olubadan and the circumstance surrounding the delay, but with much believe that things would be brought to normalcy, as “Aji  se bi Oyo la n ri Oyo ki n se bi baba enikan.


“Oba Lekan Balogun is the man who the cap fits.”- Comrade Kehinde Akinyemi, CEO Human Right Centre and Professional Social Welfare Practitioner

Comrade Kehinde Akinyemi, a human right activist has described the Olubadan designate Oba Lekan Balogun as the amn who the cap fits to be the next Olubadan of Ibadanland.

 This he expressed, while being briefly interviewed by some crop of the journalists, who met him at the residence of the Olubadan to be; Chief Lekan Balogun, here the human right activist stressed that everything happens at God”s time, being natural and thus Ibadan being known for peace, is about warming up again, to usher in another Olubadan peacefully, as peace would continue to reign in Ibadan, since there has never been any rancor nor issue ever, in the installation of Olubadan  because of the well arranged and the traditional structure of the Ibadanland. Hence appraising well that Oba Lekan Balogun is now the present Olubadan to be.

 However he envisaged to see Ibadan becoming well developed in about couples of months, with the experience and cache of a sound person like Otun Balogun of Olubadan, being part of the egg heads, of other professionals who are  so also industrious sons and daughters of Ibadanland, to attract much more innovation for both economic and physical development of the Ibadan city with utmost peace accompanying the unprecedented development.

Nevetheless, taking glimpse into the progeny of Aliwo Family of Senator Lekan Balogun, the Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland, Comrade Kehinde Akinyemi explained that  the Oba to be progeny had once  being in Obaship position; 1962 to be precise, and the then Oba in the lineage and his rule was peaceful and now that it has come to the turn of Oba Lekan Balogun, it is certain it would be peaceful by God`s grace .

Therefore he concluded to advise the people of Ibadanland that since the installation of Oba Lekan Balogun is naturalness, without any outside influence, as premised on the agelong traditional arrangement and structure, then the generality of Ibadan people both home and abroad should know that now is the time Ibadan people , to give utmost support to the new Olubadan and ensure that his reign is supreme and peaceful , to the adequate development  of Ibadanland and prosperous livings for all and sundry.

 At the residence of the new Olubadan to be was Mrs Florence Amole aka “Mama Oyinbo Onigele”, who came to pay the incoming Oba homage and here she too expressed her joy at the positive development having Senator Lekan Balogun Olubadan as Olubadan designate, while she advised the Ibadan indigenes to support thew new Olubadan for fruitful and peaceful reign.