Wednesday 4 July 2018

"Governor Abiola Ajimobi Is an Achiever, there is no doubt about that"-Oba Dr. Lekan Balogun

If surely "there is no where to anywhere than to start from where one is"; then it is better for anybody looking for the fact about his or her background, the history from a custodian of knowledge as an elder, in order to have the best of the fact of the history, hence talking about culture and tradition , which is essential for anybody wanting to enhance his or her understanding about and this is the reason why our Newstrack-Online thought it behooves us to stretched further, by having an exclusive interview with Oba Dr. Lekan Balogun who talked with us extensively, on what is the value of culture  and history cum the benefit therein in egungun festival, which he un-winded as reported below.

Sir,what is the importance of tradition and culture considering egungun festival and where are they helping in the generational development of our society, especially that of the Yoruba?

Essentially culture is an inherited product, it is another way of saying culture now represent your past and mine, and it is a worthwhile way of displaying the aspect our living in togetherness, to remember our forefathers and their values as inherited from generation to another, while it is better to present them, at least people without the knowledge of their history are like a tree without a root" even if masquerade is only a means of entertaining; it worth preserving, if it is a means of reflecting our old culture and history's effect, it worth preserving, which is why we are preserving masquerade.

With what we have seen as development and some probable changes in the areas of security, road-network, education under the present administration of Governor Ajimobi, sir with due reservation we thus ask you is Governor Ajimobi an achiever?

He is a great achiever, no doubt about it, he may be temperament , but in terms of concrete reality of achievement he is a real achiever, look at the roads-network, education, health, it is the most unusual things that happened in this area, the life that constitute likes of the society, life of the product  of the society; that is you and I, he has done very, very well, he may be temperamental, he may be impatient with people, who are not performance, not very intelligent, but he is a great achiever.

This is on the present killing in Nigeria here and there and as a father, king and a man of much experience, we like you to tell us what is the solution you could proffer, to make sure the killing is brought to an end?

The government should be upright , dealing with the problem, if a government cannot preserve the lives of the people it governs; why is it government and why are they governing the people, the herdsmen are killing the people everywhere, like they kill fowls, it is not right, it is unacceptable, whatever the basis may be, and the basic reason was said to be religion, in this day and age , why should anybody kill anybody , because of religion, in some cases a father may be Muslim and the children are Christians, some other children may be Muslim too in the same family, will they kill themselves, why will you leave your own territory and go other-side to start killing those who are not in the same religion, bible and quran described murder as sin, who do they thought they are fooling, the government should be prompt and deal with the problem, applying the law of the land, for everybody to sit up, but if the government is folding hands and watching ; then you are encouraging and that means you are not governing in that area and that means you have no legitimate right to govern in that area.

What is your comment on the Governor Ajimobi performance this second term he has been in the office?

I said it before, he's been wonderful, I hate commenting on his performance, because some people believe we are close, but you know I don't respect that kind of factor; closeness to anybody , at-least if I don't say it to him in the open I say it to him privately, but I have never had the cause to criticize him bitterly, some things he does I don't belittle him until he accept, I talk to him privately and he check his policy to change it, so how can I fault a man like that, if one makes the mistake of pursuing a wrong cause and I say aburo why must you do this one, two, three reasons; before you know it, he can drop it, what can you then say about a man like that, he is doing well and I'm happy with it, I don't even know who can succeed him , at that level of his performance, honestly I don't, at the level of his performance, and it is usual of people in power not to listen to correction but in his case, it is not unusual for him to listen to correction and change and in terms of public-personality conduct you can't beat him, true ! 


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