Friday 26 October 2018

"It is a woman's world once the women follow me; we are winning the election in 2019"- NIP Oyo State Gubernatorial Candidate Omobolanle Ashabi Sarumi Aliyu.

It is absolutely true that girl child education should be given much priority and gender equality must be embraced , for the good of the society, to get the best from both male and female children educationally, this assumption is being deduced from the reality in this present generation, having and seeing in different fields of professions some best products from different colleges, tertiary institutions globally as female ; performing wonderfully, in their various walks of life and immensely contributing excellently to this modern day development in their different sectors of life, hence to say the fact that women in Nigeria should come on board politically and that they could bring much positive difference to politics in Nigeria is an issue that should be welcomed and deliberated upon for an acceptance.
 This suggestion is premised on the summation of our evaluation about the personality and proficiency by which the gubernatorial candidate of the National Interest Party Mrs Omobolanle Ashabi Sarumi Aliyu responded to our various questions posed to her recently in the course of our interview with her, proving to us of her readiness in all aspects. that is essentially needed politically to take women in Nigeria to an enviable level of engagement and performance in contributing their much quota to the state of politics and changing the fortune of the women, youth and the Nigerians in general.
 She is very eloquent in speech, sound in diction. coherent in presentation and fully knowledgeable of the intrinsic in politics, but of a compassionate and selfless in her objective to serve her people , and bring the necessary change to politics in Nigeria and here underneath we presented the interview we had with her as thus.
  Who are we having a chat with?
  Iam Mrs Omobolanle Ashabi Sarumi Aliyu, the candidate under National Interest Party contesting as the Oyo State Gubernatorial Candidate, come 2019 election.
Madam, the issue in Nigeria today especially the Oyo State focuses on youth , women , if selected in 2019 what are your plans for the women and youth?
Quite early to give you my manifestos however I will ensure every single citizen and not just women and the youth only, of the state live a comfortable life, I will ensure I give them an enabling  environment to thrive , and perform better, I will ensure that our medical facilities are top notched, I will ensure the educational system is fantastic , ensure the kids have the materials we need , to make sure they have proper laboratory equipment; physics and chemistry equipment, make sure they have computers in the schools, and the expectant mothers will have prenatal and post natal health care and the elderly will collect their pensions as at when due, how can somebody worked for donkey years and you cannot value the person and ensure they get their pension on time, the civil-servants will be paid timely as well, there will be a lot of welfare, because I studied social policy as well, psychology and sociology , everything I have done all my life is related to working for the betterment of people's life basically, so we would ensure we have all that is necessary , mass housing , all sorts, my manifestos forms my heart , if you breakdown HEART , I can send it to you on whats app, so you can have the breakdown there what I have to do for the people.
  Madam , what can you say about your area of vocational empowerment of the people especially women and the youth?
  Oh, definitely I have been in the business since the age of twenty-one, I have never used my certificate to work for anybody, so that is to show you that anyone that feels he/she couldn't continue or further  the education shouldn't feels he/she is going to be left out because I'm an entrepreneur , I will ensure we have enough vocational institution and skills acquisition centres, where people will learn different trades and also we will give them grants to make sure they fulfill what they wish to do and those who are in schools as well, we will make sure they are able to study well without disturbing their parents for finances, I did both my primary and secondary education in Nigeria but my university education in England and I know what the government over there did for me , to make my life comfortable to finish my education  without giving my parents one day of worry, so we are going to make sure we have that here as well.
  Madam, what do you have to do about some of our ladies going outside he shore of the country without having genuine document and yet do engage in illicit activities oversea?
  Yes, I do not support people leaving Nigeria and going to another man's land without the right documentation, they are going out there to suffer and it pains me when I heard of the women they are using for sex slavery in Libya and all those funny countries, I'm sure most of these people left the country because of the harsh nature of this country , that is why beside I wanting to be governor, every other person s aspiring to be governors should also have this at heart, they should ensure we can have an enabling environment for people to thrive so that we can be proud to be Nigerians, stay in Nigeria and live well here.
  Madam, among the educated is where we believe girl-child education is more pronounced but what do you plan to do to help those girls at the grassroots who have not being fortunate enough to enjoy being educated well?
  It is not the wish of the women at the grassroots not to see their daughters being sent to school . I dont think any woman will go through the pains of nine months , carrying the baby, raising the child and then wants the child to be selling on the streets, you could find most of these homes have some major problems. I met one woman at Ode Aje in Ibadan she has three children , the husband has run away and she is on her own , so the child couldnt go to school and I asked her what was the problem I discovered  it was only something of five thousand naira, and I make sure I gave her the money to put that child back in the school , do you think a woman will be the governor and allow the children to be hawking on the streets, it is not going to happen because I have children, I have kept my children aside and said look you guys cannot be comfortable while the children in Oyo State are suffering, because I picture how the children in pains feel, that is why they need more women in government because most of these men in government have no glue, they are not bothered about things like that, it doesn't pain them, for example once I am the governor I will ensure every single state in Nigeria adopts that child-right-act, that child's-right-act of 2003 till today all those states in the north have refused to adopt it, a twelve years old girl is being married to a fifty years old man as I speak to you right now, it is wrong, and if they refused to adopt it; I'm going to marry their own twelve years old daughters , I will make sure I found some of my adopted sons to marry their young-aged daughters and see how they will feel about it , it is the poor man's daughters they are marrying now, they cannot marry their own daughters at that tender age.
  With our evaluation of your personality, it is obvious you have the gut, grit and gumption, how do you want to win women more to your side to achieve this objective behind your aspiration?
  It is a woman's world, once the women follow me we are winning the election in 2019, because I have told the women that they are the ones suffering the most, so I have gingered them and I have woken them up, they should stop collecting one kongo of rice and dancing , singing and following these men, it is not going to happen again, we need to claim our rightful position now, back in the days the women did very well. I dont know how we got suppressed and oppressed along the line. You cannot tell me to be giving birth to children to the society and be giving birth for nothing to enjoy, so now we are all out there , and I have told the mothers that do they want to enjoy their fruits of labour then they should put me there and see what would happen, I'm not worrying, I'm not bothered, we are going to get there , all women are going to lock down , all women are going to lock down their 'thing', by January , there would be a strike in January.
  What will be your first area of concern if voted in come 2019?
  Employment ASAP especially for the youth and the young women with talents inside them but nobody to encourage them, the system has frustrated them, they have no jobs to go through, somebody needs to tell them look there is hope in you, you can be somebody , now I want to make sure you are somebody, so I would make sure there is employment ASAP, there will be a lot of things to do, I will collect data of the people in Oyo State, that will be the basis to the employment of ten thousand people , I want to know know  how many old people, I have in this state, how many young, how many unemployed, how many pensioners, like that they do abroad, so everybody will be documented and will be linked to computer. And it will be linked to their BVN as well and those who don't have BVN will go and get , so that I will know how many things I will channel for the pensioners, youth, unemployed, women , that is how they run a system, Nigeria we don't even know how many we are and it is on purpose, they don't want us to know how many we are so that  when they say I billion we have for the pension-fund, nobody can divide the one billion if they know three thousand people that should be there, but they don't want you to know the accurate figure , so it can't work with me.
What is your message to the populace?
Don't sell your tomorrow again, don't sell your future , if any politician come to you with money tell them to go and bring empowerment, don't collect that cash because that cash would do you nothing good for long, tell them to bring you your wealth, tell them to go and renovate schools, it is government money, so they can do it, when they have now done it decide if you want them , but for me I  cannot start doing a lot of things in local governments because I cannot afford it, I'm a business woman, I have never served before but I will ensure to sit down at every local government and map out what you need and I will sign "Memorandum Of Understanding" with you and then I would deliver once I'm voted in as the governor of Oyo State. So my people should not sell their votes .


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