Saturday 22 December 2018

"If we can set up skill acquisition centres to give jobs to a lot of people following us then it is certain it would help boost up the nation's economy as well- ADC Oyo State House of Assembly Ibadan North West, ward 11; Hon. Akindipe Ahmed Abiodun Akinsumnbo


 When the Federal government passed the bill on the "Not too young to run"  as inclusive right of the youth in Nigeria to participate fully, in the political activities in Nigeria; little the government knows that it would bring development to the political activities in Nigeria and the influx of some bright, brilliant, intelligent and focused set of the auspicious young politicians, into the political arena of the Nigerian politics and thus recently here we came across a young politician with name Akindipe Ahmed Abiodun Akinsumnbo under ADC Party in Oyo state, a candidate contesting for a seat in the Oyo State House of Assembly come 2019 election, this chap has traveled far and wide, yet very humble, gentle, enterprising and  receptive, while he is also determined that with God Almighty's support; he is billed to win a seat in the OYHA come 2019, to serve his people, to the best of his ability, experience and knowledge regarding global understanding of what politics and democracy ought to be about, in the amelioration of his people's problems, to provide an enabling environment and good standard of livings to the people of his constituency.
 And here underneath we unwind-ed on the reported version of our chat with him recently

 Honourable Akindipe Ahmed  Akinsumnbo under the ADC Party in Oyo state from Ward 11 Eleyele, Ibadan under Ibadan North West Local Government had his political career right from 2002 under ANPP, when his father was fully engaged in ANPP contesting for councillorship seat then, but  later joined PDP in 2007 under the gubernatorial candidate; Yekini Adeojo who couldn't get the ticket as he lost the ticket to Ex Oyo State Governor Alao Akala, yet the young chap remained in PDP, which as fate would have it he had to travel to Abeokuta on professional assignment, representing an Insurance Company, Branch Manager then, while since then he had been nursing an ambition to win a seat, as an honourable in the Oyo State House of Assembly, hence he acquainted his people of the constituency he belongs about it and they wholeheartedly gave him their support, due to some exemplary attributes of his, that they know would helped him a lot to represent them well, if given the opportunity to achieve the political position he aspires for..
 And this is the reason why he joined ADC with Senator/ Osi Olubadan of Ibadanland Senator Rashidi Ladoja  being his leader, but on the long run when Senator Rashidi Ladoja left ADC he thought over it that as a young breed and politician it is too early for him; to be jumping from one party to another, hence he remained in ADC; where he had gotten a ticket as candidate for a seat in the Oyo State House of Assembly come 2019 election, representing Ward 11 Ibadan North West Local Government Constituency.
  While responding to what structure his party ADC and him has presently to have believed in victory eventually, here he enunciated that party is just of logo and name, despite some descriptive importance attached to each party, in comparison with other parties, but the calibers and types of the people in the parties matter, and thus qualifying ADC Party as the party of the visionary, credible and considerate set of the politicians, that have the much concern for the welfare and good of the commoners, especially the downtrodden, who are the major electorates, that carry out their civic duties, to make sure democracy in actual fact exists, by this he bemoaned the shortcoming often from some politicians, failing to actualize their promises, as presented to the electorates, at their initial stage of canvassing to win the electorates to their sides and during the campaign, hence he lambasted it as being bad, but promised to make sure that he distant himself from such abnormality.
 However, he with candour vouched to described ADC Gubernatorial Candidate in Oyo State Senator Femi Olugbade Lanlehin as a truly tested, trusted and visionary leader, who when he served as senator had done a lot for his people, with nine local governments under him having evidence to justify his credibility and thus; sermonized to augment his point, that with good heart, it would be easy for anybody to be led to good end of any aspiration, hence his good heart for his people and his belief in God are the only requisite on which he relies, to see him through, to be one of the members of the next Oyo State House of Assembly come 2019.
 On what he has on ground for his people; the amiable young politician Ahmed Akinsumnbo stressed to empower his people, among many other programmes he has, by having a skill acquisition center established, to trained a lot of the members following them to be professionally independent and thus give them the necessary equipment with financial support after training them, to enable them serve as wealth creators; contributing optimally to the development of the country's economy.
 He further expressed his pity to the present state of the country's economic hardship, which has been bedeviling the people of the country, while he call on the leaders in the country to promptly come into their rescue, to help ameliorate their suffering.
 Therefore, he advised the Nigerian youth to come on board politically and not be dissuaded by their erroneous believe that without the elders or godfather, there could not be a head-way for them to do well in politics, with this he chided the Nigerians not to be bought with money, in order not to jeopardize the future the nation and that of her people and the unborn generation, but to vote the right kind of people and politicians into the rein of governance, to move the country forward, for the good of all and sundry.

Monday 17 December 2018

Oyo State Government Organises 1dayWorkshop On High Quality Cassava Peels Utilization And Its Value Chains


 The Office of the Special Adviser on Intervention Funds and Development Partners in Collaboration with Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MANR&RD), Raw Materials Research and Development Council(RMR&DC) with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) held a one day sensitization workshop on High Quality Cassava Peels Utilization and its Value Chain on Theme: Waste to Wealth : Cassava Peels Utilization inside House of Chiefs Secretariat, Ibadan on the 13th of December, 2018.
  The occasion which drew along many  successful and indigenous farmers of various kind of crops and animal husbandry both females and males to the venue, was well justified and used  to educate the participants and members of the audience, on the importance and magnitude values lying in the conversion of the cassava peels to feeds, for various kinds of animals, with the assurance of healthy growth and productive importance , as suitable feeds to these animals.
  However, different speakers and specialists were invited by the organizers to educate the participants and audience on various kind of farming,starting from planting of cassava , processing of the food and feeds from it, fishery, snail rearing and many more.
  Meanwhile, the participants were made to realize the much benefit in agricultural activities, with diversified value chains, which also creates job employment, for the teeming people who are both young, old,women and men. By which through this much positive impact is made to be effected on the buoyancy of any nation in food production and produce from agricultural activities .
  According to Dr./Mrs Adebusuyi the Special Adviser on Intervention Funds and Development Partners to His Executive Governor of Oyo State Governor Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi, farming as a lucrative occupation is of a diversified value chain, which with researches regularly agriculture could ease up a lot of the problems in the area of food production to mankind, animals and yet be of an inexhaustible avenue to generate employment for the different categories of people in the country, here she stressed forth that the 1 day sensitization was first of its kind, after the Federal Government's official endorsement on initiative programmes like it , and being a practicing farmer she made it more  clear the much importance lying in farming, concerning animal husbandry and crops plantation, which in the eventual helps  any nation a lot in productive and healthy living.
  She thus promised to give priority to the indigenous farmers who are majorly the general part of the population to benefit from the initiative, when planning for another workshop, hence giving consideration to bridging the gap that could be in communication to necessitate reaching them through different languages , so that they can understand the main context and idea of the workshop, for the good of the tribes in the country. 

PDP Oyo State Inaugurates Campaign Council

  People's Democratic Party Oyo State held the inauguration of her Campaign Council inside the Premier Hotel Banquet Hall, Ibadan on the 14th of December, 2018.
  Here the party's political stalwarts both male and female like Elder Wole Oyelese, Party Chairman Alhaji Omokunmi Mustapha,Professor Taoheed Adedoja,Chief/Mrs Jumoke Akinjide, Mrs Bose Adedibu, Dr. Saka Balogun , Chief Jacob Adetoro, Senator Robert Koleoso, Nureni Akande, Honourable Kamoru Adedibu, PDP Gubernatorial Candidate Engineer Seyi Makinde and wife, Deputy Governor Candidate of the party Engineer Olaniyan, Afijio Sunday Ogunlade to mention few were present.
  The event which started with the Chairman of the party in Oyo State Alhaji Omokunmi Mustapha giving highlight on the purpose of the meeting while after him the party gubernatorial candidate Engineer Seyi Makinde rose up to introduce those on the high-table.
  However, in his speech he made it clear that fixing the ailing economy of the state is paramount, as uphold by the party, hence the option lies with  the electorates whether to secure the future of the state and her citizenry by voting wisely, to bring in the PDP Candidates from the Federal to the states especially that of the Oyo State,come 2019 election or ruin another opportunity of four years rule under the hands of incompetent set of those that would made them suffered again under unfavorable but economic hardship , which would adversely affect their future and that of the children.
  Meanwhile, he reminisced to appraised historically that as hardworking people it has been common with Oyo State and her people generating internal revenue through the discovery and development of the available natural resources without depending on allocation from the Federal Government , hence his party is ready to renew the pace being set on this by tapping into both natural and human resources , for the optimum development of the state and her citizenry.
  Nevertheless, he reiterated  in his speech that his party is readily determined to take care of the able-bodied and the physically challenged people in the state while the elderly will be given adequate priority too,in the proposed bill of the People's Democratic Party.
  After this was the presentation of both the party's gubernatorial and deputy candidates in respect of Engineer Seyi Makinde and Engineer Olaniyan by the Chairman PDP Oyo State Alhaji Omokunmi Mustapha and thus the party campaign council was declared opened.
  By and large some party members seized the opportunity to expressed some points to clarify on some issues,before the event was brought to an end