Monday 17 December 2018

Oyo State Government Organises 1dayWorkshop On High Quality Cassava Peels Utilization And Its Value Chains


 The Office of the Special Adviser on Intervention Funds and Development Partners in Collaboration with Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MANR&RD), Raw Materials Research and Development Council(RMR&DC) with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) held a one day sensitization workshop on High Quality Cassava Peels Utilization and its Value Chain on Theme: Waste to Wealth : Cassava Peels Utilization inside House of Chiefs Secretariat, Ibadan on the 13th of December, 2018.
  The occasion which drew along many  successful and indigenous farmers of various kind of crops and animal husbandry both females and males to the venue, was well justified and used  to educate the participants and members of the audience, on the importance and magnitude values lying in the conversion of the cassava peels to feeds, for various kinds of animals, with the assurance of healthy growth and productive importance , as suitable feeds to these animals.
  However, different speakers and specialists were invited by the organizers to educate the participants and audience on various kind of farming,starting from planting of cassava , processing of the food and feeds from it, fishery, snail rearing and many more.
  Meanwhile, the participants were made to realize the much benefit in agricultural activities, with diversified value chains, which also creates job employment, for the teeming people who are both young, old,women and men. By which through this much positive impact is made to be effected on the buoyancy of any nation in food production and produce from agricultural activities .
  According to Dr./Mrs Adebusuyi the Special Adviser on Intervention Funds and Development Partners to His Executive Governor of Oyo State Governor Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi, farming as a lucrative occupation is of a diversified value chain, which with researches regularly agriculture could ease up a lot of the problems in the area of food production to mankind, animals and yet be of an inexhaustible avenue to generate employment for the different categories of people in the country, here she stressed forth that the 1 day sensitization was first of its kind, after the Federal Government's official endorsement on initiative programmes like it , and being a practicing farmer she made it more  clear the much importance lying in farming, concerning animal husbandry and crops plantation, which in the eventual helps  any nation a lot in productive and healthy living.
  She thus promised to give priority to the indigenous farmers who are majorly the general part of the population to benefit from the initiative, when planning for another workshop, hence giving consideration to bridging the gap that could be in communication to necessitate reaching them through different languages , so that they can understand the main context and idea of the workshop, for the good of the tribes in the country. 

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