Thursday 31 January 2019

"We are the best alternative to revamp Oyo State economy for the good of the citizenry"- Accord Party Oyo State Gubernatorial Candidate; Hon. Saheed Ajadi

             Oyo township was agog with pomp and pageantry on 30th of January, 2019 to welcome the Oyo State Accord Gubernatorial Candidate Honourable Saheed Ajadi by the teeming supporters and admirers, with the members of Accord Party who had gathered at Durbar Stadium Shopping Complex open space of the main area , to usher in their gubernatorial candidate and his team of party stalwarts from various local governments in Oyo State to the venue.
 The event which had started in full swing; before the arrival of the gubernatorial candidate of Accord Party Oyo State Saheed Ajadi with some members of professional calisthenics and cultural cum musical artistes entertaining the members of the audience on stand, to bear witness to the beautiful occasion.
 On his arrival Honourable Saheed Ajadi went round to acknowledge the presence of some important members and party stalwarts like the Oyo State Accord Party Candidates for Oyo West and East Mr. Wakil OLusegun Ogunrinnu, Ibadan South West House of Assembly representing Ibadan South West2 for the Party Mr. Adepoju Olayiwola Popoola, Ogbomoso Accord Party Chairman Mr. Micheal Oyewole aka Brimo, Accord Party Oyo State Secretary Mogaji Igbinsola Sunday Paul, Elder Omoniyi Jacob Chairman for the Ibadan North Accord Party, Mr. Basiru Ayobami Accord Party Oyo State Organizing Secretary and Oluyole Chairman for Accord Party Oyo State Mr Akeyo to mention few, from the different local governments who were on their seats before his arrival.
 In his speech Oyo State Accord Party Gubernatorial Candidate Saheed Ajadi reiterated on the reason why he came on board to join others in the race for Oyo State Gubernatorial seat, so as to render the much service his people need to free them from the state of hardship and poverty, that has been bedeviling them, hence his party is the best alternative people in Oyo State want to revamp the ailing economy of the Oyo State .
 Here he further expresed that on this Accord Party in Oyo State has made a provision on five items on agenda in the party's manifesto, to give priority to the educational sector, with giving much emphasis to the importance of technical skills acquisition for students, in both the secondary and tertiary, so that practically they can be well enough and able in the technical know-how, to survive on their own and be independent after school, to be able to prioritize their areas of skills , as sources of earning income and yet be employers of labour thereafter.
 Secondly, he emphasized on agriculture as another area where his government through his party will give much focus , because of the impacts and importance of the value chain the agricultural activities could create, to tremendously strengthen employment, hence if voted in ; his government will make sure the youth and many other employable be engaged to earn their livings through agricultural but diversified areas of activities.
 He also cleared his stand on the idea of turning waste into wealth by making sure some of these waste causing health hazzards in the society be converted to serve more useful purposes, to the benefit of the people and their society, by generating fertile and electricity from them, with the assistance of the foreign investors.
 However, he appraised on the fact that the members of his team just need to put up their thinking cap, to proffer ideas and solution , in bringing Oyo State glory back as a pace-setting state, to make sure education is reviewed upon, to be well structured and supported in all areas , with much importance given to the retraining of the teachers , to meet adequately the changing standard of quality teaching, while his government would see to the exchange of ideas and technical-know-how, with the foreign partners, to help develop the natural and human resources within Oyo State and to open much channel and sources for raising internal generating revenue, instead of solely relying on federal allocation only.
 Nevertheless, he appealed to the members of the public, supporters, admirers and members of his party to make sure they work hand to vote Accord Party into power , while it is certain the real change they expected with concern for their adequate welfare would be given much attention, through a good government Accord Party is bent in promising to be.      

Thursday 24 January 2019

News Track Magazine: STOP PRESS!!!

News Track Magazine: STOP PRESS!!!: NEWSTRACK ONLINE has decided to improve on our publication as from today; 24th of January, 2019 by adding picture(s) to any of our news, int...


NEWSTRACK ONLINE has decided to improve on our publication as from today; 24th of January, 2019 by adding picture(s) to any of our news, interviews and stories, where it is needed.
This is to bring slight change to our in-house style.
Thanks for your usual cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Lanre Akinpelu


News Track Magazine: " ACCORD IN OYO STATE IS GOD'S PROJECT BECAUSE WE ...:    Accord Party as a party is believed to be a party of those that know what it entails to be steadfast, focus, and of an accommodating ...


  Accord Party as a party is believed to be a party of those that know what it entails to be steadfast, focus, and of an accommodating stand; especially when considering the party as a new party, but that has entrenched itself to the hearts of the majority at the grassroots, and with this we thought it is proper to know better about the level at which the party is presently, as the country; Nigeria general election is drawing near and to ascertain how prepared the party and her candidates are, towards the election and that what is its stand in seizing the opportunity it has gained with the downtrodden earlier, compare to other new parties, to win many electorates to its side this coming election, hence we thought it wise to have an interview with the Secretary of the party in Oyo State;  Mogaji Igbinsola Sunday Paul, who bared out his mind on the state of things with the party and what they are presently doing to make a much good impact come this general election.
 And here underneath we unwind-ed on our interview with him as reported below.

 What are the chances of your party in the coming election?
  En, we thank God , Accord in Oyo State is a God's project, because we remain steadfast in all our ways, we remain binding with the constitution of our party and we are a party that is out there that knows what the people, the citizens of Oyo State want, so we imbibe our manifesto on the yearning of the citizens of Oyo State and we have been trying to assemble the credible candidates whatsoever, the candidates that has the gut of what the people wanted, because they are the people that are living among the grass-rooters, they know what the people want and we are telling them they have to focus on the manifesto, as the trainees of our constitution, so we have the candidates many people wanted, we have been going around and many people have received our candidates, up and down throughout the seven zones of the Oyo State, they even say they thought we did not exist before and since they are tired of APC and PDP and that they are looking for a credible alternative and what they wanted is Accord Party, because they have seen the party as the party that knows their needs and can reason well concerning their welfare, hence they affirmed to be ready to vote in Accord, so there will be proper change in the development  of the state if Accord is voted in, to win this coming election, as the suffering is too much, so the people has fallen in line with our manifesto, it is about seven points agenda, the economy development, the empowerment of our youth and women, the inclusion of the health system, the increase in Internal Generated Revenue, and the provision of the essential infrastructure, to the development of the people at the grassroots and that is what we want to give to the people at the grass-root and that is our manifestos and the mission of Accord in Oyo State, if given a chance we are trying to make Oyo State a pace-setting state indeed.

 Is Accord presenting all the candidates for the various elective offices?
 We did not present some of the candidates but out of the fifty-two we have about thirty-three candidates that we met the INEC regulation about their coming out for election on the 16th of February and the 2nd of March, 2019.

 As part of the stakeholders of the Accord Party has Accord Party align with any other party for the selection of the presidential candidate, since your party has no presidential candidate?
 We have not aligned with any party, but Accord especially in the Oyo State especially in South West we will be a major stakeholder, to decide who is going to steer the ship of Nigeria in the next election, we want the best for Nigeria, that is why we say anytime in the nearest future, we will sit down with the people that have  the good intention for Nigeria, the people of like- minds, not for selfish interest and we will decide  rightly for the best,  if we must change; we must be able to see a better candidate for a real change, so as far as I'm concerned as of today; we have not aligned with any political party, but we are not ruling out an alliance, with any political party .

 If your party emerged as a victorious party come 2019; what are your plans?
 We are going to make a lot of difference, because there's no change , the best government we have seen in Oyo State was in the time of Alhaji Adesina and our former leader Chief Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja and towards the end of his government then the government collapsed, the system changed,therefore we have to re-orientate people , we have to revitalize the elements of governance, so that governance will belong to all crannies and corners of the areas where the people of the state belong, not only politicians but everybody, that is when the Oyo State will have a better taste of governance, we have to liberate our people from this governance of slavery, so Accord Party has been putting all hands on deck, that whenever we took power in Oyo State; there is going to be a reality of change and not ordinary change.

 All the time you have been going around for campaign what has been the people's response?
 We thank God, people are accepting us day by day, we have been going around some places among the downtrodden and other important places , as we have gone to Aseyin of Iseyin; Oba Abdulganiyy Ajinase Ologunebi, who invited us and received us warmly, we have credible candidates and gubernatorial candidate; a youth that has something up-stair, that the country and her people need, he has been helping other states; like Oshun and other states to develop, he is a consultant on an economic-matter and he has given himself to Oyo State, that he wants to use the part of himself to develop Oyo State, so he has not been of any criminal case in any way, he is well known, he has the giant but private security service in Nigeria.

 What makes Accord Party different from other parties?
 The good area of difference of Accord Party to other parties is that we want our candidates to study the manifesto and constitution of our party and be ready to accept and abide to implement our manifesto because the party is supreme. 

Friday 18 January 2019



  16th of January, 2019 was another chapter of great occasion for Oyo State All Farmers Association Of Nigeria which took very giant stride, by organizing an interpersonal (face to face) meeting inside a functional Hall of the Idi-Ape Civic Center, Ibadan, Oyo State for deliberation with some political parties' gubernatorial candidates like Engineer Seyi Makinde for People's Democratic Party, Honorable Adetunji Sodiq of Labour Party, Dr. David Oluwafemi Okunlola for AGA, Barrister Sarafadeen Alli for Zenith Party and Mrs Omobosola Owolabi, to reach a memorandum of understanding, on their plans for the farmers, when voted in as the next political office holders, after this coming 2019 general election.
  The event which attracted the presence of some notable farmers like Chief Folorunso Ogunnaike and many big time stakeholders in agricultural sectors, with the composition of egg-heads like Professor Samuel Adelowo, Professor Adeshinwa, Mr Bolaji Akanbi, S.A. Olakojo, Mr Funso Ogunsina, Profesor Kolade T. Emmanuel , Mr Alesinloye Abass aka Big Abass and Professor Oladele Ademola as the panel of judges, not leaving out the different commodities groups and the teeming members of the public, on ground, to bear witness to the special occasion.
 Here Engineer John Olateru after the recitation of the nation anthems and offering of prayer came on board to explain the purpose of the deliberation, as a means to rob minds with some of the members of the audience and the political parties gubernatorial candidates, on the problems facing the farmers and  have an established plan and agreement with some of the political parties' gubernatorial candidates present, on ways and what to do to help , in solving the problems of the farmers, when voted in as members of the policies' makers in the next dispensation.
 However, the panel of the judges and masters of the ceremony in respect of Abolade Salami the well known but bilingually proficient and versatile radio presenter for Fresh FM in Ibadan and his junior colleague from the same station who translated into english language conducted a very good questions and answers interaction between the gubernatorial candidates and some members of the audience including the members of the panel, while each and everyone of the political parties gubernatorial candidates present did well also, to justify their favourable and auspicious but intended plans, programmes and policies, as formulated in their different manifestos, concerning their priorities, on how to boost agriculture in the Oyo State and ways to help improve upon the welfare and standard of living of both the farmers and the citizenry.
 Therefore, at the end of the event; a memorandum of understanding was reached as a bond between the farmers and the group of the political parties' gubernatorial candidates present at the occasion.
 In his response to our chat with him; Dr.(Mogaji) Fagbemi, the Deputy Director General for Engineer Seyi Makinde's Campaign Team advised that technological knowhow is essential and that as a stakeholder who is professionally concerned with regards to farming, as one of the mainstay of the economy condemned the fact that the leadership in Nigeria had for long based much on oil and left the issue of farming unattended to, hence the country is facing the present problems in agriculture but said if one could look at the gains and value chain in agriculture; then one cannot overlook the areas of processing and preservation, where most of the challenges the country is facing is from, while to seek for solution the farmers need to be encouraged, in respect of the processing, preservation and creating the necessary enabling environment, with some cogent strategic plans, to ensure that small and medium scale industries are raised within Oyo State. vice a vice areas where the state have agricultural produce e.g Ogbomoso for mangoes juice, this he enunciated will lead to employment and this he emphatically defended that the state has the capacity to do,
 In accordance to this he revealed to talk about the plans of the Engineer Seyi Makinde's Team of Think-Thank Committee, who had included this plan in his policy statement , reason why some of the members of the team were chosen to be part of his government, while in respect of Dr. Fagbemi as a specialist in bio-technology defended that the Engineer Seyi Makinde in his policy statement has been making emphasis on farming, because farming can employ sixty to seventy percent  apart from teaching sector, hence by the time the farmers gain from what they are doing, that will go a long way.
 On this he bemoaned that over the years the issue of farming has been left back and that Oyo State as a pacesetting state in agriculture in Nigeria, needs to be alive to embrace Engineer Seyi Makinde becoming governor of Oyo State  who by then will make sure the issue of agriculture becomes his main focus plus, while the issue of harvest pluses and value chain from farm to stable will be placed a priority, considering preservation , which will highly be an area more education would be done , so in his policy statement it would be included in his strategic plan, for this policy on agriculture; his administration would be a robust government, where it is going to be inclusive from farmers to the small scale industries, for Oyo State to be better and more improved, for the good of the state and her citizens.
 In his own statement the Labour Party Gubernatorial Candidate Honourable Adetunji Sodiq stressed on the fact that it is very essential that much consideration is given for an adequate planning ; if agriculture will be seized upon as a way out, to revitalize the ailing economy of the country Nigeria and the Oyo State especially, here he reiterated on the fact that Labour Party as a party for the family is ready to bend over backward. in exploring all areas in agriculture, to help bring back the glory of the Oyo State and help to stabilize economic standard in the state, to the advantage and benefit of all and sundry, by and large the courteous, intelligent and cool, calm and calculative gubernatorial candidate for the Labour Party in Oyo State; Honourable Adetunji Sodiq advised the farmers to shine their eyes and vote for the right candidates with formidable political party especially that of the Labour Party this general election starting in February, 2019. 

News Track Magazine: "With Buhari and Osibajo I stand"- SouthWest Coord...

News Track Magazine: "With Buhari and Osibajo I stand"- SouthWest Coord...: NEWS:  An APC strong member in Ogbomoso Alhaji Abiodun Jimoh also the Southwest Coordinator for Buhari/Osibajo Organization BOCO has declared his intention to work for the 2nd term of the Buhari/Osibajo government come February 2019 Presidential election.
 This he stressed further by saying the government of the Buhari and Osibajo had performed well with regards to the anti-corruption policy of the President Muhammed, by which it has helped to curtail and caution many public office holders from stealing from the coffer of the nation's treasure and yet he cited the issue of security especially the fight against Boko Haram, which the government of the President Muhammed Buhari had given much priority, to guide against the terrorists' onslaught, from spreading to seizing many part of the country's territories, hence the government had done well with the commitment and allegiance the Nigerian armies had shown, towards defending their fatherland, by making sure the terrorists are often discouraged and dissuaded from causing more chaos and crisis at the war-zone area of the country.
 Therefore, Alhaji Jimoh Abiodun appealed to the Nigerians to make sure there is total peace during this coming election, in order to allow the country have a free and fair electioneering, to chose the best candidates into the rein of governance for another civilian government to come onboard, in directing the affairs of the country for another four years, but hopefully vouched to see Buhari/Osibajo government coming up in the election victoriously. 

News Track Magazine: "We should all pray to allow peace and love prevai...

News Track Magazine: "We should all pray to allow peace and love prevai...: NEWS: The leader and founder of Ijo Asiwaju In Islam Society of Nigeria; Alfa (Dr.) Sheu Lailatulkadri Olowoporoku Aladura has advised Nigerians to make sure they allow peace, love and unity prevail in their coexistence, for the nation  to reach her greatest height among the comity of nations and to help the  country regains her economic growth, progress and stability.
 The Islamic clergy man reiterated on the fact that there should be the reason for God to have brought the homogeneous tribes together, which is why it is better the leadership of the nation look into the areas of the tribes' comparative advantages to build a good future for the nation and her citizenry.
 He however, enjoined the different religious' leaders and their members to know that love as the foundational virtue by which God created everything; is still the same factor by which God would takes to decide how man has fare well here on earth, to make a prerequisite in order to adjudge every man, aside the work through faith any man can attain the level of riches, comfort and his relationship with his fellow human being.
 Nevertheless, he advised the citizens of the nation to give due support to the leadership of the nation who he also appealed to have the fear of God in their heart, to make sure they direct the nation's affair well and to make sure that the enabling environment is created for them, under which the citizenry can thrive in their various endeavors and to coexist among themselves, as true brothers and sisters who can happily and undisturbed live anywhere in the country, without the fear or intimidation of any kind, from the indigenous people of the location where they may be, and thus task them to pray towards the general election starting in February 2019, to be peaceful and successful. 

"We are trying to increase on our production of Soya beans so as to meet market's demand"-Chief Adegoke Adedeji Joseph; Chairman Oyo Soya Bean Association

  Oyo State Soya Bean Chairman Chief Adegoke Adedeji Joseph has described the state of agricultural practice and mechanized activities in Nigeria as not too encouraging, despite some encouraging assistance from the Federal Government, but stressed that agriculture as a capital intensive occupation has not been favourable for the farmers to practise in Nigeria, as it is supposed to be, especially considering the area of collecting loans from the various banks in Nigeria, this he condemned rightly; seeing the farmers passing through some difficult moments, while trying to supply and fulfill some requirement from the banks, in respect of the collateral and whathaveyou..
 This he accounted to be the things debarring the development of agriculture , hence here the government needs to let banks know that they should ease up the requirement , for the farmers to be eligible to obtain some loan facilities, that sometime happen to be for the benefit of the farmers, from the banks and the federal government, as it is being done in some advanced countries.
 He now suggested that to improve on mechanized farming; government should import more equipment like tractors, harvesters, thresher etc, but commended that the government is helping to some degree about the acorn-grower, yet presumed that much encouragement is expected from the government as it has promised this year.
 However, the Chairman for the commodity group for Soya beans; Chief Adegoke Adedeji Joseph vouched to say that All Farmers Assocciation of Nigeria has stood up to breaking and reducing the bottleneck in the release and distribution of any facility from the government, to make sure it actually reach the real farmers at the grassroots, which he defended that AFAN is really serious about it.
 Therefore he advised the government to put up an initiatives and policies to encourage the youth to be fully involved in large scale mechanized farming, in order to help reduce the problem of unemployment in the country
 On this he believes there would be much production of food and agricultural produce, aside the fact that the prices of the foodstuffs would come down drastically and naturally, but postulated it is compulsory the government creates an enabling environment, under which the farmers will be able to carry out their various agricultural activities, for their optimum profitability and the good of the nation and her citizenry.
 Concerning the area in which he coordinates as the Soya beans Chairman; he pledged that much preparation is going on to make sure his members increase on their production of Soya beans, so as to meet the market demand and thus exemplified that Soya beans; as a durable seeds of multiple value chain is of high demand in the market, because of its richness in protein but clarified that extra importation of the seed is done to complement the home demand, but hopeful that there is auspicious future for more production of it .
 Nevertheless he ascertained the fact that there is much prioritizing being done. through the Soya bean commodity group to attract more investors and farmers of Soya beans, while his group is educating and enlightening  one another to grow more of the seeds, so as to meet both home demand and likely some exportation later in the future.
 He therefore advised everybody to go into farming in whatever little way each and everyone can do it, either at a backyard or on a small piece of land growing coco-yam, bitter leaves, pepper, tomatoes, vegetables and others to supplement whatever it is being bought from the markets, this he denoted as an encouraging way to cultivate the habit of farming

Friday 11 January 2019



  Yesterday; 10th of January, 2019 All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) held an epoch making event inside the House of Chiefs, Secretariat, Agodi Ibadan, to assemble the various Oyo State leaders, farmers of the different commodities and members, in the deliberation of the vital and important issues concerning their association; AFAN and to present resolution leading to some changes within the association and her activities.
  The occasion which was graced by many of the association's principal members like Mrs Grace Oluwatoye; Vice President (South West) Moringa Development Association, Prince Segun Dasaolu; Leader (South West) Farmers Association, Engineer John Olateru and some of the Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Officials, to mention few on the high table with the teeming members and leaders of almost thirty-two commodities' groups in attendance, was a venue where clarity was emphasized upon to authenticate the newly constituted executive members, as the current executive members in charge and leadership of the Oyo State All Farmers Association of Nigeria and this was done to ascertain the ban on any would be sub-division or group that may wants to act in the same capacity with the newly constituted executive council of the Oyo State All Farmers Association of Nigeria.
 Here it was made obvious the reason behind the formation of the newly constituted executive members as a measure to put a stop to the illegal act of some group of members who have earlier hijacked the right of the leadership of the association, for their selfish purpose and political activities.
  However, the meeting was seized to discuss some vital issues concerning the farmers and the ideas which could help them in various ways and help contribute to the development of the nation and the welfare of the citizenry.
  Meanwhile, the leader of the newly constituted executive members; Engineer John Olateru emphasized on the importance of the new development and clarified auspiciously to express the much value and benefit lying therein, with the Oyo State Farmers coming together as one, to serve their fatherland and not leaving themselves out of the advantages in the course of going about their legitimate occupational activities.
  Nevertheless, the occasion was also an avenue through which Chief Azeez Maboreje Marufu was being officially conferred with the title of the "Ambassador of Farmers" and presented to the teeming members of the association at the occasion.