Friday 18 January 2019

News Track Magazine: "With Buhari and Osibajo I stand"- SouthWest Coord...

News Track Magazine: "With Buhari and Osibajo I stand"- SouthWest Coord...: NEWS:  An APC strong member in Ogbomoso Alhaji Abiodun Jimoh also the Southwest Coordinator for Buhari/Osibajo Organization BOCO has declared his intention to work for the 2nd term of the Buhari/Osibajo government come February 2019 Presidential election.
 This he stressed further by saying the government of the Buhari and Osibajo had performed well with regards to the anti-corruption policy of the President Muhammed, by which it has helped to curtail and caution many public office holders from stealing from the coffer of the nation's treasure and yet he cited the issue of security especially the fight against Boko Haram, which the government of the President Muhammed Buhari had given much priority, to guide against the terrorists' onslaught, from spreading to seizing many part of the country's territories, hence the government had done well with the commitment and allegiance the Nigerian armies had shown, towards defending their fatherland, by making sure the terrorists are often discouraged and dissuaded from causing more chaos and crisis at the war-zone area of the country.
 Therefore, Alhaji Jimoh Abiodun appealed to the Nigerians to make sure there is total peace during this coming election, in order to allow the country have a free and fair electioneering, to chose the best candidates into the rein of governance for another civilian government to come onboard, in directing the affairs of the country for another four years, but hopefully vouched to see Buhari/Osibajo government coming up in the election victoriously. 

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