Tuesday 23 April 2019


News Track Magazine: NIGERIAN PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION, ANA AND NIGERIAN ...: NEWS:   Nigerian Publishers Association and Nigerian Copyright Commission held a World Book and Copyright Day today 23rd April, 2019 i...



  Nigerian Publishers Association and Nigerian Copyright Commission held a World Book and Copyright Day today 23rd April, 2019 inside Lady Bank Anthony Hall, University of Ibadan Ibadan, with students from various schools, distinguished authors, Copyright Commission Members, Publishers and invited guests present to grace the occasion, at the event was where different authors, publishers and copyright commission members talked to inform, entertain and educate the audience on the importance of book reading.

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...: Who are we having a chat with? My name is Honourable Abimbola Omiyale . Sir , in respect of not too young to rule bill being given assent...

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...: Who are we having a chat with? My name is Honourable Abimbola Omiyale . Sir , in respect of not too young to rule bill being given assent...

" I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, so that the leaders, the masses, the people can have the confidence in youth to be leader of a particular group"-Ibadan South East Chairman Local Government, Hon. Abimbola Omiyale.

Who are we having a chat with?
My name is Honourable Abimbola Omiyale .
Sir , in respect of not too young to rule bill being given assent , what has been the impact of it in the youth participation politically?
First of all , let me say this for the record sake that in the APC government of today especially in Oyo State, majorly of the political appointees; atleast forty percent of them are youth , in which I am one, so if you go to the state secretariat, you go to to the different offices of the political functionaries, majority of them are youth , because this goovernment of APC under Governor Ajimobi believes youth are the futre of our nation, so they so much concentrate on the youth development.
Sir, how have you fare  so far, so good, how do you feel to have had the opportunity in serving your people?
Yes, I'm very grateful to God and to the leaders of our party' APC in Oyo State; Senator Abiola Ajimobi, the governor of Oyo State , that gave the youth the special platform to operate in their various capacities, in his government, if not that opportunity by him, we are no where to be found in this government and so I'm very grateful to the Almighty God and also to our leader; Senator Abiola Ajimobi and other leaders in our party; APC and local government.
What do you have to say with President Buhari giving assent to Not too young to rule and his performance thus far?
As you can see he has given assent to the Not too young to rule, which is very good and I think he also believes in youth and that is why we have a lot of programmes runs by Federal government , coming from the Presidency and we also have this E- Power programme, so it is also part of the youth development programme, from the office of Vice President, so we have so many programmes like that are embarked on by the Federal Government.
What do you expect the youth to do more since they are having this opportunity?
I think hey also need to be very careful because once they have this opportunity they should make use of this opportunity to develop their future career, anything they want to do in future , to develop themselves , so they can be on their own financially and in any other areas in their lives.
How do you see leadership with your experience?
Leadership is not easy and this leaderswhip we are talking about is inborn, and it is very challenging, there are a lot of challenges to encounter particularly to take decision you must sit down and think , because whichever decision you are taking it will have impact on the masses , the people of your local goivernment , so you should be very careful and screen your information very well, before you can take a good decision, because if you are equipped with information , it would be very difficult for you to take wrong decision, so you need to be well equipped and have good information before you can take good decision.
What is the legacy you want to leave behind or what do you want people to remember you for?
I think I have been doing it, I want to be good ambassador among the youth , so that the leaders , the masses, the people can have the confidence in youth , to be the leaders of particular groups, local governments, or associations, because if one is not performing well; one is not laying good example for other youth and it means one is destroying the platform for the youth.
What are your other aspiration?
I put that one to God , so I cannot say where I want now but to leave it into Gods hand. 

News Track Magazine: "Piracy we know is the major problem of publishing...

News Track Magazine: "Piracy we know is the major problem of publishing...: Can we meet you Sir? My name is Emmanuel Abimbola , the Executive Secretary ; Nigerian Association of Publisher. The issue of piracy on th...

"Piracy we know is the major problem of publishing in Nigeria and that is the major issue we have at hand , it is not decreasing but increasing because pirates have advanced in terms of technology"- Nigerian Publishing Association Executive Secretary; Mr Emmanuel Abimbola.

Can we meet you Sir?
My name is Emmanuel Abimbola , the Executive Secretary ; Nigerian Association of Publisher.
The issue of piracy on the part of publishing will you say piracy is increasing?
Thank you very much, piracy we know is the major problem of publishing in Nigeria, that is the major issue we have at hand, it is not decreasing but increasing because pirates have advanced in terms of technology, their output, print abroad, import into the country, the quality of their books sometime is alarming compared with the original produced by the publishers, so piracy is on the increasing trend and we as an association are working assiduously with the Nigeria Copyright to make sure that we reduce their activities, if we cannot eliminate them we reduce them to the barest minimum.
 On the issue of publishers engaging in pira rs engaging in piracy what do you have as penalty for these publishers engaging in piracy?
Well, I would say members of NPA are not engaging in piracy, so if there are people engaging in piracy they are not members of NPA , maybe they are other people out there , some other publishers who are not our members and other individuals who are into shady business.
How do you want to save your members from the problems of the piracy?
What we do is that we carry anti piracy campaign , advocacy to schools, ministry of education, to book sellers even among ourselves and at the same time we work very well with Nigerian Ciopyright Commission to make sure that if we hear any information we give to them, sometime they give us information, ,we work together, to make sure that we reduce the activities of these people , clamped them down as much as possible.
Sir , what is the role of your organisation regarding guidance and counselling in our schools and do you have special books on Guidance and Counselling?
There are a lot books on Counselling, I may not be able to tell you the specific books but I know there are lot of books out there on Guidance and Counselling.
The importance of Guidance and Counselling what do you see to it, your view on this?
It is very important , you see if there is nop counselling then people will make mistakes , wrong choices in life, so there is a need for functional guidance and counselling department in schools, right from the primary even to the tertiary institution, functional I say though I know in some schools nwe have guidance counsellors but they are not functionasl, so there is a need for proper functional guidance and counselling department in schools, so students will not make wrong choices in terms of subjects, careers and other decision of their lives.
Sir , what are you doing lately to increase your membership strength?
Of course, we are working to increasing the membership of NPA , you know we dont take in every Dick, Tom and Harry, we want people that are reputable, and that are doing genuine publishing business, this are the people we want, and keep on registering people every year, everyday we register new members.
What standard will you place NPA now?
Well, with our members and the activitiesw ; we are doing now and then couple with the fact that we are so much with technology NPA is improving and our members are doing very well.
What are you doing with the prices of books and the cost of production of books .
Well, the prices of books....., you know the state of the economy , you know that virtually we import everything in Nigeria, we dont have a functional paper mills, we dont have the consumable produce here, the machine are imported, so what do you expect  and as much as possible publishers try to keep their prices at a very bearable minimum.
What method do you think can be introduced to enhance reading culture among people especially students and youth in Nigeria?
Well, there are so many things we can talk about reading , infact I'm even very happy this question is coming up , as you know that this month April 23rd, 2019 is a World Book and Copyright Day, we are celebrating it and the theme of our World Book and Copyright Day for 2019 is Discover the World through Reading", so we are emphasizing on reading because we want to encourage students to read more and that is one of the essence of that day, we are bringing in authors because we are working together with the association of authors, to bring people , lirerary authors, to come and speak with children , do books reading and encourage them to imbibe reading culture, the act of writing and so on and so forth, this are parts of what we have for that day.

Tuesday 16 April 2019


Our Newstrack Online recently came across the President of West African Input Dealers Association; Chief Olayinka Amoo Akinmade who bared to us the important reason why WAIDA as a formidable association is essential in the agricultural activities anywhere in the world especially in Nigeria where WAIDA is majorly contributing the much impact in the agricultural activities and the production of the adequate and surplus food and other crops in abundance, for the benefit of the nation economically and the citizenry as well as in animal husbandry, and here underneath we unwind-ed our interview with him .

 Sir can we meet you?
My names are Olayinka Amoo Akinmade; the President West Africa Inputs Dealers Association.
What is the present state of WAIDA?
West Africa Input Dealers Association is all well and good, it is in right position and we are moving from one level to the next level.
What about the staff strength, the WAIDA's membership strength, is it increasing in number?
WAIDA membership is expanding by now we should number in the South West over 3000 members.
What has been the benefit of being a member in WAIDA?
Of course, you know agriculture is supposed to be mainstay of our economy and WAIDA is such in a position that would render service to farmers in term of providing quality inputs, talk about seeds , chemical to protect the crops in the farms, fertilizers to boost the growth and productivity, storage pest chemicals to store these crops in the storage, therefore WAIDA is in such a vantage position that as a stakeholder in the value chain of crop production practices you cannot wish it away, as a matter of fact it was the failure of the previous governments that did not recognized the inputs dealers or group in Nigeria that led to the failure of for example Green Revolution, Operation Feed the Nation, Mamser, DFFRI, these all slogans failed because the government in thosae days failed to recognize that the starting for any farmer to do a good thing is to find quality seeds and all the other input before you can have good productivity and assure food productivity.
What is your relationship with the government especially Federal Government , how cordial is it?
Well, thank God with Federal Government, we have been very close especially during the last administration of Akinwumi Adesina the then honourable Minister of Agriculture, he recognized the input dealers and gave us a lot of support in terms of handling off aids, distribution and locations in selling the marketing of inputs to us and that was actually what helped good enhancement at that time and we did quite well, as people who were there then can compare what food supply and food security worth at that time and to what it is today