Tuesday 23 April 2019

" I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, so that the leaders, the masses, the people can have the confidence in youth to be leader of a particular group"-Ibadan South East Chairman Local Government, Hon. Abimbola Omiyale.

Who are we having a chat with?
My name is Honourable Abimbola Omiyale .
Sir , in respect of not too young to rule bill being given assent , what has been the impact of it in the youth participation politically?
First of all , let me say this for the record sake that in the APC government of today especially in Oyo State, majorly of the political appointees; atleast forty percent of them are youth , in which I am one, so if you go to the state secretariat, you go to to the different offices of the political functionaries, majority of them are youth , because this goovernment of APC under Governor Ajimobi believes youth are the futre of our nation, so they so much concentrate on the youth development.
Sir, how have you fare  so far, so good, how do you feel to have had the opportunity in serving your people?
Yes, I'm very grateful to God and to the leaders of our party' APC in Oyo State; Senator Abiola Ajimobi, the governor of Oyo State , that gave the youth the special platform to operate in their various capacities, in his government, if not that opportunity by him, we are no where to be found in this government and so I'm very grateful to the Almighty God and also to our leader; Senator Abiola Ajimobi and other leaders in our party; APC and local government.
What do you have to say with President Buhari giving assent to Not too young to rule and his performance thus far?
As you can see he has given assent to the Not too young to rule, which is very good and I think he also believes in youth and that is why we have a lot of programmes runs by Federal government , coming from the Presidency and we also have this E- Power programme, so it is also part of the youth development programme, from the office of Vice President, so we have so many programmes like that are embarked on by the Federal Government.
What do you expect the youth to do more since they are having this opportunity?
I think hey also need to be very careful because once they have this opportunity they should make use of this opportunity to develop their future career, anything they want to do in future , to develop themselves , so they can be on their own financially and in any other areas in their lives.
How do you see leadership with your experience?
Leadership is not easy and this leaderswhip we are talking about is inborn, and it is very challenging, there are a lot of challenges to encounter particularly to take decision you must sit down and think , because whichever decision you are taking it will have impact on the masses , the people of your local goivernment , so you should be very careful and screen your information very well, before you can take a good decision, because if you are equipped with information , it would be very difficult for you to take wrong decision, so you need to be well equipped and have good information before you can take good decision.
What is the legacy you want to leave behind or what do you want people to remember you for?
I think I have been doing it, I want to be good ambassador among the youth , so that the leaders , the masses, the people can have the confidence in youth , to be the leaders of particular groups, local governments, or associations, because if one is not performing well; one is not laying good example for other youth and it means one is destroying the platform for the youth.
What are your other aspiration?
I put that one to God , so I cannot say where I want now but to leave it into Gods hand. 

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