Friday 26 July 2019

" I felt happy that the collective effort came to reality, because it was not a one man's show, but a collective effort"- D.G 2019 Campaign Organization for Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde; Chief Bayo Lawal

It is an adage that says "what worth doing worth doing well" and that "experience is the best teacher" yet "the taste of pudding is in eating".
 All these above mention maxims was what dictated the choice of our guest for this week considering the victory of the People Democratic Party in Oyo State, ushering in a new dawn and administration of Governor Seyi Makinde, with his Director of Campaign 2019; in person of Honourable Bayo Lawal, who bared out his mind on the much appreciation and gratitude to God and the members of his party, from the topmost echelon of ladder to the lower rung of ladder, who contributed immensely to see to the victory of the party overwhelmingly, which enable People's Democratic Party to seized the control of the governance in Oyo State from APC; which had been in control of the state earlier for good eight years before PDP came into control.
 And regarding the victory PDP we deem it fit to have an exclusive interview with the Director of Campaign 2019; Honourable Bayo Lawal, who talked to show appreciation to God and briefed us on their incipient steps taken to start the ball rolling in the governance of the Oyo State, as unwind-ed below in our report.

Sir, we like you to introduce yourself?

Well, my name is Chief Bayo Lawal DG Seyi Makinde 2019 Campaign Organization.

The effort your team-mates pulled in the last campaign before the election now to the present victory, what do you see to it now, and how do you feel about the victory?

I feel elated, very happy, I thank God for the success, it was only God that had made it happened , my big thanks goes to the Almighty God first, I feel happy that the collective effort came to reality, because it was not a one man's show, it was a collective effort, it was collectively achieved so once again and every time as I always sa I give thanks to the Almighty God.

With the steps the administration of Governor Seyi Makinde has taken so far what do you have to say about it?

So far so good, we have started delivering our campaign promises; we told everybody that on resumption we are abolishing school fees we have done that, we told the people of Oyo State that once we are inaugurated we are opening the agelong closed bridge, and once the empror has gone and we felt that it will be a madness to keep on locking the bridge now we have opened the bridge , the same day we made the announcement same day we opened the bridge, the day we were sworn in and we name the bridge "Freedom - Bridge", we also promised that immediately we resume we will run an open government and you could see that what has happened so far nothing is hidden, as the few appointment that government has made it was open, openly discussed with stakeholders and we have achieved it, we have started , we have appointed so many people and I couls see from people's now and we promised that the salary will be paid as at when due and to people's surprise we have paid the salary for May 2019, they were actually shocked because nobody believes we can actually make that but we kept to our promise , we have paid May 2019 salary even before the end of the month and that will be our policy for the rest of our four years , so we believe in action  and we have started taking it, we promise and we still taking to it that dividend of democracy will reach everybody , I can assure you that, so we have started Insha Allah.

The reverse of the Permanent Secretaries that our Governor Seyi Makinde has done what do you see to it?

There is nothing spectacular about it, it is a normal thing , as every governor or government does that, it is not only this present government in Oyo State even infact most of the governors did it in the past  like APC'S Governors, it is unreasonable for any governor after losing election to start appointing people into various offices, to start promoting people into various offices, what has he been doing for the past eight years , why is that after losing election he started doing that activity , that means he is doing that with bad fate.

On the issue of NURYTW what can you say about that ?

The issue of NURTW is being proscribed and we now have time to sit down after meeting upon meeting and come up with better policy , that will make everybody happy, ensuring that the outcome is peaceful.
Sir, what do you expect from Governor Seyi Makinde?

What we expect is the fulfillment of our campaign promises, which I told you earlier on that it has started and we told you agriculture is going to be in the forefront of activity and we still stick to that, and we told you health issue will be , we will deal with it, we promised education, which will be in the forefront, we promised peace and tranquility and I can assure you the way we started people thought there will be crisis within the last few days coming up because from our policy statement on the NURTW issue but you could see there wasnt any of such, everywhere is peaceful , because they know what we are doing , we have good intention so nobody is raising eyebrow and nobody is fighting.
What is your message to the populace outside to give the cooperation to this present government ?
Of course I will appeal to the citizens of the Oyo State to give us maximum cooperation , we meant well, we are going to run an open government , well, we are human being just like any other person , if there should be any mistake the people should feel free to contact us, to advise us, feel free to counsel us, but we are going to be a listening government , we are not going to be an empror , nor a dictator, so we are democratic government , we are not going to enslave them, in fact we are there to serve them, we are their messenger , so we look forward to maximum cooperation from them .

And this was how we came to the conclusion of our interview with Director of Campaign 2019 for Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State in person of Chief/Honourable Bayo Lawal, with us being satisfied to have been educated, updated and enlightened better about the situation of things with the present but fresh administration of Governor Seyi Makinde of the People's Democratic Party.

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