Tuesday 18 April 2017


 Many are on the 'fence' because of what Nigerian type of politics entails: lies, propaganda , hooliganism, thuggery, back-biting and evil-machination yet if correction, clarity and sincerity of purpose must be brought to the field of play in politics all hands must be on deck, that is, all and sundry eligible must come on board, to be involved in changing the welfare of the citizenry, position of things in all ramification, and the future of the country to a betterment, regardless of what you are doing for living as long as you are eligible, good and not of criminal record or what have you. And looking into the present state of things in Nigeria regarding the recessional and the economic hardship through it many right-thinking people and true Nigerians have realized leaving the destiny of the nation; Nigeria and their people's welfare in the hands of the selfish and inconsiderate politicians seeking for political posts and public offices is like taking their people to the slaughter-house to be killed innocently and unnecessarily for the crime they had not committed, through the lackadaisical attitude of the majority politicians who have gained access to the corridor of power arrogating and appropriating the goodness, values and wealth of our great nation into their sides and pockets only, hence majority of these good intention and right thinking people are already coming out, signifying their intention to sacrifice  their  precious time, energy, money and wherewithal to correct the lapses in the nation's politicking, so as to make sure things are brought back to normalcy and that the economy of the nation be brought back to balance, with the act of making sure the welfare and the destiny of the great nation;Nigeria is restore back to a glorious status and comfort-ability. And thus sampling opinions round to know who and who these type of the patriotic and committed Nigerians ready to serve we stumbled on the ever amiable, frank and selfless Honourable/ Engineer Temitayo Sunday Ayeni, an aspirant for the Federal House of Representatives under Accord presently for Ibadan North Local Government Constituency II who bared out his mind, on the state of things in Nigeria and chip in his own piece of advice, on what and how to handle things, in order to find the succour expected, to alleviate the suffering Nigerians are passing through presently as a result of the recessional intricacies, and here we un-winded on our interview with him as reported below

Can we meet you sir! 

My names are Honourable Ayeni Temitayo Sunday

Sir, can you define politics, what is politics all about?

Politics is about people , people in Nigeria vote for people and people decide who will lead them, that is politics.

Sir, last time you were given consideration to participate, what relevance do you think 'credibility' has in choosing representatives for people through parties?

Een, 'credibility' is the most important thing in Politics because if you are not credible enough people would not vote for you, antecedent of what you have been doing will speak for you, no matter what level you may be in politics.

Why did you come into politics or what motivated you into politics?

Well, I always say it everywhere, I don't know I can become a politician because I believe politicians do tell lies and people too will say politicians lie but I don't want to tell lies but when it is time God say it is time for me to carry my people to a certain destination then I realized I have to come on board.

Looking at Nigeria geographically, what do you think is our problem with regard to nationalistic spirit that had eluded us? 

People in the country Nigeria, will say the country is hard, though it is hard but there is no way you want to reach a good destination without coming through hardship, corruption has taken a lot of our wealth in this country and you see someone wants to get the prestige of the nation back; it would not be easy yet very soon things would be easy.

What is your assessment about President Muhammed Buhari? 

President Buhari is trying, may God spare his life, let his condition of health improved, you know that corruption has eaten deep into the fabric of our system, now there is fear in the country, if you stole money now there is certainty you are called to answer for it and pay for it, now Buhari is trying all his best possible but we need to pray for him, to come successfully in putting the country right.

What will be your priority?

My priority belongs as God says, if God says we are still going to work together let it be but if God says otherwise let it be also.

Are you still in Accord as a party?

I'm, still in Accord Party.

With Rescue issue where many have fallen out of the party, clarify on your stand?

Nobody can say I have left Accord Party, I'm part and parcel of Accord Party, people say some people are in Rescue Team, I don't know them and I don't want to know them.

With what people are saying in opposite about Ladoja what is your take on that? 

Everything is politics, Ladoja is Ladoja, people love him because of his way, at first I didn't like him but when I got close to him I had to love him, there is no way I wouldn't like Ladoja, Ladoja has a large heart for common people , in order make sure they become something good in future, I respect him.

The issue of parties merging together , do you think that can save the problem of the electorates or where do you think the electorates have gone amiss with this present hardship?

When there is pain a lot of things would come out of it but when there is no pain ; no success, so as time goes on God is going to send a messiah and who knows the messiah, nobody! but we have to start from somewhere, by so doing everybody is curbing himself, comporting himself, the self-centered people, the greedy people will realized what they are doing is bad and they have to change heart and everything would come back to normalcy.

The crusade about anti-corruption what do you have to say?

Yeah, good, perfect!

What can you say to buttress that !

Let me tell you something concerning corruption even, Buhari is not dealing with it completely but little, corruption has eaten deep into people's heart but, I know very soon by the time he comes back second term; I know things would be revisited, that crusade is very important, when he was in government in 1984 supposed he wasn't disturbed it could have become better by now, anything that will be good you have to pass through the pain so, those people that did not want to endure it there is no way they can take as alternative, who is God; God is God and God cannot change, it is government that can change but during your time do what you wanted to do well and leave the rest to God.

What is your words of advice to the citizenry?

I can only tell them that God will bring peace to Nigeria because when there is no peace a lot of things will be eluding us, two; people endurance is limited to the kind of life we are living so at the stage of endurance people should be able to endure till the time when God will say he is happy with us for restoration, you cannot endure when there is pain but very soon things would change for better.

 You are in Accord Party do you want Buhari for second term,if God spare his life?

We are praying to God to spare his life because nobody wants to loose his brother, if Buhari is still coming I would like him to be back.

What is your view about restructuring, is it our problem?

It is our problem, let say the truth, we have to restructure Nigeria, they want to restructure Nigeria; are they not those people that had embezzled our money? until when we deal with a lot of things and with them in government restructuring cannot be possible.

What is your score of the National Assembly members?

They are not trying at all, you see when there's corruption people don't like truth, but it is good someone says it , see the EFCC'S Chairman Magu, see the other one, you see everybody is leveling one thing or the other against one another, it is because they have known one another very well , a lot of corrupt Senators, house of Representatives memberswhich EFCC know them very well, they know when they get to Magu, Magu will query them. And they know they will be held to somewhere and Buhari cannot impose anything because we are in democratic government, so they just have to mend the judiciary, executive and legislative.

Issue of Godfather-ism does it has any negative implication in our political arena? 

Aah! don't let us deceive ourselves, if you are in politics you need to have God father, Godfather-ism has both negative and positive reaction, it depends on the kind of person you are making your God father.

What do you have to say in respect of allowing the new breeds into politics? 

Yes! Let the young people come there, during the time of Awolowo, Azikiwe, they were thirty-two, thirty-three, it was Azikiwe that was forty-two. All those Governors at that time were twenties so youth can do better , so let them inject the youth and give advice to them on what to do.

With several agitation from South South's groups like MASOP, BIAFRA and others do you still believe in Nigeria?

We are one, Nigeria should be one, the agitators are trying their best to break away or separate but it cannot be possible, Ojuckwu had already said it.

Some different parties are warming up to merge and as you are preparing politically what do you have to say to that? 

By God's grace and God's willing I'm aspiring but God would lead us before we get to 2019.

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