Thursday 30 August 2018

"C/O before was what people see as a difficult thing but it is your right, is shows you are the owner of a property and you can use the C/O to get loan from any right quarter"- Oyo State Commissioner for Land, Housing and Survey, Hon. Issac Ajiboye Omodewu.

Part two of our interview with the Oyo State Commissioner for Land, Housing and Survey, Honourable Isaac Ajiboye Omodewu:-

Sir, on the issue of C/O what have you to say about it?
The issue of C/O should not be a problem, before people believe that you cannot get your C/O within couple of years but now in Oyo State you can get your C/O within sixty days, with a new programme everything is now computerized, the reason why it is sixty days is that we have to make a publication for thirty days and the remaining three or four weeks is for processing, so C/O before was what people see as a difficult thing but it is your right , it shows you are the owner of a property and you can use the C/O to get loan from any right quarter, so that it is and to key the people into the programme we try to make sure we help them and appeal to them that it s a thing they can get within the shortest time, again we discovered that many people have houses in which they live but with no right document to back their ownership up so how are we going to help them because mostly people believe you can only get C/O on land but now if you have a property and living in that property you can get your C/O, so what we tried to do was that we introduced a programme we called HOME-OWNER-CHARTER at-least somebody who has already got his property and lives inside, so just with small amount of money; One hundred and twenty-five thousand {125.000}from which five thousand is for the form and one hundred and twenty thousand is for the processing , this money includes the survey, as we do the survey for the person and the plan according to what you have on ground, the only clause that is there is this; if you built the property on an illegal area or under the tension-wire or very close to the new road we are not going to give you the C/O for that, but if it is properly build where it is supposed to be built, within sixty days you are going to get your C/O, so HOME-OWNER-CHARTER and C/O ARE in the same group, we just name that programme HOME-OWNER-CHARTER  for those people who are already living in their property being built, so this is a way to encourage our people and this will help us a lot, for instance again we are doing the enumeration of properties in Oyo State, what do we men by that; we want to know how many properties we have in Oyo State, which ones are commercial, which ones are private, what is the purpose of this; it is to be used for MDA'S, Security etc, to determine which areas needed police-station, for ministry of health, where do we need health centres, hospitals, and it is good for town planning section , all this is for the planning purpose and this we have given the contract out to the Nigerian Institute of Estate Surveyors, they are the ones doing the enumeration for us, recently we flew an aircraft as low as possible , as as to determine the size of the land we have in Oyo State.
 So, we take note of all the major cities; Ibadan, Oyo township, Ogbomoso, Iseyin, Saki and Ibarapa area, why because we are doing what we call master-plan, the master-plan is now for Ibadan, it is one after the other, so all these aircrafts we flown is to let us see what is the size of the land in Ibadan, Oyo, Ogbomoso, Saki, Iseyin, Ibarapa, this is the foundation of development, take Lagos for example, as one of the best state it has passed through this stage before, this was not in place when we came in so that is the reason why we needed somebody who knows where they started, where they are and where they are going, to be the next governor, it is not easy for somebody from outside to say he can do this well, as private sector is different from governance, for somebody like me I have been in the government for the past seven good years continuously , couple with my years of both local and international experience, with the level of my education, I believe I can take over from Governorb Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi because those are the requirement to move Oyo State forward and if you want to move Oyo State forward you must be bold, determined and courageous hence Governor Ajimobi with these qualities had been able to achieve much more than all the previous governors, because without these qualities people wouldn't have allowed him to achieve thus far and this is why I'm appealing to my people in Oyo State to allow what is called continuity through me come 2019 election as Governor of Oyo State.

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