Thursday 12 December 2019

News Track Magazine: " My major focus now is how will this present gove...

News Track Magazine: " My major focus now is how will this present gove...:    Consistence with sincerity of purpose is a prerequisite to succeed in life, in whatever sector or strata of life one may be and with this...

" My major focus now is how will this present government in Oyo State under the leadership Governor Seyi Makinde succeeds"

   Consistence with sincerity of purpose is a prerequisite to succeed in life, in whatever sector or strata of life one may be and with this many have been rewarded by man or nature , and such is the case of the newly appointed Liason Officer for Egbeda/Ona Ara in person of Honourable/Chief Adegboyega Akinlolu James (AKIN OOSA) who we cornered somewhere in the city of Ibadan, to interview him recently on what has been his opinion on his new position he's been commissioned, to serve under the administration of Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State and here underneath we unwind-ed on our report about the interview with him.

 How did you come into  politics
 I have been in politics quite sometime now, I served Senator Teslim Folarin as one of his aides , then I have served in the State capacity of the PDP party as the Vice Chairman Oyo State PDP reconciliation and transition committee, that was the first job with the committee being led Honourable Yinka Taiwo.
 What do you remember as they are no more in PDP.
 Yes, they are no  more in PDP, you know I was with Senator Teslim Folarin for fifteen years one cannot rule out leadership from politics, when Senator Teslim Folarin wanted to leave I saw his move that he was about to leave PDP  for APC in 2015 general election immediately after he lost, he is still my leader but I have my choice to make.
 Did he ever encourages you to follow him then
 No, he said it but I don't need to be told to follow him, yet I made that decision that I need to stand on my own, you know I pray a lot, and I believe in God, so everything I do in life I put God first.
 What did you see in PDP to have been there.
 I have been a member of PDP the foundation level, I'm a foundation member of PDP, like I said earlier I have served in the party structure and government establishment, I have been the Vice Chairman of the party's committee so I believe one day PDP will come back to rule this nation, after the eight years of APC even when we lost in 2015 election, you know I have an admiration for Governor Seyi Makinde even when he was not in PDP nad immediately I saw my Oga; Senator Teslim Folarin leaving PDP I quickly thought it is better I fix my tent with Engineer Seyi Makindeand I pray and was told that PDP is going to win and Engineer Seyi Makinde is going to be the  next governor of Oyo Statein 2017.
 And I put that message on facebook and that night I was told the message I called Engineer Seyi Makinde who picked my call and we discussed extensively and I said I have spoken with the next governor of Oyo State, while I put in on Facebook, some people criticized me and even Senator Folarin called me and said I learnt you wrote on who will be the next governor ; be careful of what you write and I responded that oga, that was what I was told and I have to let people know . And that was how we started then, thank God today we are in.
 You are from Ona Ara Local government, what do you know about Egbeda Local government.
 I'm from Ona Ara Local Government, Ward 11 and the present Liason Officer for Egbeda/Ona Ara, you know Ona Ara //Egbeda Constituency is my constituency, I have worked with different people there during the transition committee, Egbeda has eleven wards like Ona Ara, we have leaders like honourable Olayemi Busari, honourable Sanda and Co, so we are more or less brothers, even before my appointment as Liason Officer we move together, we do everything together, so I find it very easy to go to them for advice in order to put me through.
 Now what is your major focus as Liason Officer for Egbeda/Ona Ara
 My major focus now is how will this present government under the leadership of Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State will succeeds, we have to succeed, we have people's governor Engineer Seyi Makinde, everybody loves him, as he has been loved ever since by the people before today and my primary assignment is to make sure this government touches the grassroot, when the grassroot benefits from his government , now they will raise governor Seyi Makinde high, his profile will go up more, I have always look for his success long ago, even before today, I never knew I will be appointed Liason Officer, I have never knew I will work with him, all I wanted was that he becomes the governor of Oyo State and thank God here we are, so to have appointed me as the Liason Officer for Egbeda/OnA Ara , I know God will assist me but my primary assignment is for his name to be growing, I want success for the governor.
 So far so good, how are you prepared to  go about the task ahead of you.
 You know we just received the appointment letter last week, and before anything you have to go through the leaders, they know me, I went to them , talked with them and got some advice from them on how to go  about it, I have consulted them and still consulting them, the last week I have been consulting those at the Federal Constituency and still have some people to touch at Egbeda and they are having their general meeting soon, when I will be introduced formally to the party hierarchy after then we will know how to move and later check on the government establishment, as we have a cut out plan.
 You have been in politics for long time what gives you the faith in politics and why being consistent thus far.
 Like I said earlier I believe in God, God first in my life , I worship God a lot, I'm a politician who don't lie, I believe in whatever God gives me, I don't like jumping around, I believe in dedication, whoever I'm loyal to I give hundred percent dedication and that is the secret behind my success.
 What is your message to your people.
 Een, I want people to keep praying for me like I said God first and with prayer everything will be better.

News Track Magazine: CBN/MAAN ABP sets on the recovery of debt for the ...

News Track Magazine: CBN/MAAN ABP sets on the recovery of debt for the ...:   NEWS   The executive members of Anchor Borrower Program in conjunction with Central Bank of Nigeria have risen to the urgent need of r...

CBN/MAAN ABP sets on the recovery of debt for the inputs given to farmers.

  The executive members of Anchor Borrower Program in conjunction with Central Bank of Nigeria have risen to the urgent need of recovering the debt from some of her members, who are farmers that were given inputs, as beneficiaries scattered around the zones in Nigeria, especially Oyo State Chapter of the Program.
 As confirmed from the Oyo State Chapter of the Program; the coordinator Elder Adewumi and the secretary general Mr Wale Ajani, both reiterated that officially it is the right time for the various members of the program who are given the inputs from the Federal government through Central Bank of Nigeria and Anchor Borrower Program to pay up their debt owed from the inputs given to them, in order to show appreciation to the Federal government, for the laudable gesture and to enable them eligible and benefit more from the subsequent opportunity, that could come from the government in near future, hence a monitoring group was raised recently to go on tour of some local governments in Oyo State, where some of these farmers and beneficiaries reside, for verification and to acquaint the farmers especially the debtors of some vital information and the method of payment while they should also be warned of the grievous consequence that await the erring members, who may not want to comply in the payment of the debt, with EFCC being involved in the debt recovery, to ascertain accountability and transparency 


News Track Magazine: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NIGERIA ORGANIZES 2019 SENSITI...: NEWS     The national library of Nigeria organized 2day, 2019 sensitization workshop on Legal Deposit Compliance/ISBN & ISSN which com...

Friday 6 December 2019



    The national library of Nigeria organized 2day, 2019 sensitization workshop on Legal Deposit Compliance/ISBN & ISSN which commenced on the 5th of December and ended 6th of December 2019, inside Otunba Subomi Balogun Conference Centre University of Ibadan.
   At the occasion were Professor Lenrie Olatokunbo Aina; the National Librarian CEO, Professor//Mrs Iyabo Mabawonku; the National Library Zonal Coordinator and also the moderator at the event, Vice Chancellor University of Ibadan Professor Abel Idowu Olayinka ably represented by Dr/Mrs Komolafe Opadeji Helen of the Keneth Dike Library, State Coordinator Nigeria Copyright Commission Mrs Bisi Ogunniran, Chairman Nigeria Library Association Oyo State Mr Oshunkoja Adekola, the resource persons and members of the audience; majority of who were authors, printers and publishers to mention few.
 The occasion started with the opening remark of the National Librarian Professor Lenrie Aina who highlighted on the reason for the workshop to brainstorm on the resultant effect of the sensitization activities carried out by the National Library of Nigeria over the years on Legal Deposit collection in Nigeria, while he further stressed on the importance of the National Library ditto the challenges being faced and several enlightenment activities being carried out which had strengthened and quicken the realization of the Legal Deposit collection mandate and advocacy on publishing standard.
  On this he reiterated the objective of Legal Deposit Collection , the sensitization activities as being focused on adherence to publishing  standard through the obtaining of the International Book Number (ISBN) for books, monograph, reports etc and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for journals, newspaper, magazines , publications and that National Library is not doing without lamenting on the non-compliance by most publishers, authors, printers, academicians and government printers with International Standard for publishing.
  However, the National Library has drafted a national publishing standard for publishing of books in Nigeria, which will soon be ratified by the stakeholders soon, despite the fact that there had been a significant increase recorded on the number of materials received as legal deposit and ISBN/ISSN assigned to publication.
  Meanwhile, the workshop is to encourage all stakeholders to continue to adhere to publishing standards and compliance with legal deposit law of the National Library of Nigeria.
  The occasion was charged with an interactive session where the resource persons were on ground to enlightened the members of the audience on the subject matter being discussed and so also they answered the questions from the audience, to help clarified on some but important issues and information relating to the issues of Legal Deposit Compliance/ ISBN & ISSN.
 Moreover, the head of the branch Oyo State National Library Mr. Basiru Salawu implored Nigerians to take reading as a lifelong activity and not just for examination , in order to help them keep abreast of knowledge and information, here he defended that the National Library has given much attention and consideration to readership, by engaging the service of the media more in helping to disseminate information on the importance of readership promotion and Legal Deposit Compliance/ ISBN & ISSN  as a task that must be done by the publishers, authors etc with National Library being the only legal body to give ISBN & ISSN and collect Legal Deposit for generational upkeeps and for posterity sake.
  Nevertheless, demonstration of ISBN/ISSN Online was done after which some desk officers from some states in Nigeria gave account of their different experiences in the handling of matters regarding the issues of registration for ISBN & ISSN and the likes, before the event was brought to an end with the drafting of the communique and issuance of certificates to the participants

Friday 15 November 2019

News Track Magazine: "Nigeria should have been giant of Africa; if we h...

News Track Magazine: "Nigeria should have been giant of Africa; if we h...:   The Eze Ndigbo of Oyo State Chief Alex Anozie; of the Conac Fame has bared out his mind on the state state of things in the country; refle...

"Nigeria should have been giant of Africa; if we have done the needful, as people of a nation"- Chief Alex Anozie; Eze Ndigbo of Oyo State & Vice Chairman of the Ohaneze in Diaspora

  The Eze Ndigbo of Oyo State Chief Alex Anozie; of the Conac Fame has bared out his mind on the state of things in the country; reflecting to describe the state of the economy and social activities in Nigeria as discouraging, despite her 59th Anniversary celebrated not quite long ago this year; 2019.
  The soft-spoken and benign Chief/Dr. Alex Anozie described Nigeria as a blessed country, which should have truly reached the peak of her glorious height, among the comity of nations of the world, after many years of her struggles and upheavals, as a nation comprising heterogeneous tribes and diversities in cultural disposition.
 He expressed his dismay to the wobbling state of things in the country and disputed on the assumption that it needs to take the country many years, like that of some advanced countries of the world, to have been able to get it right and eventually arrived at her promised land.
 This he attributed the bane of the backwardness to the type of leadership in place from the inception of independence.
 With this he bemoaned the state of things in the country; enunciating on the poor standard of education, aside the lack of free education, for the teeming youth from the indigent families, despite the country's resourcefulness, while there had been little or no tangible development, regarding good electricity supply, good road network, but suggested there will be much improvement to the country if the country can be divided into six geopolitical zones and then the zones are tasked and encouraged to develop competitively, with the use of both human and natural resources at their disposal.
 He reiterated to condemn the level of corruption , as being general, which has had much negative impact on all citizens of the country.
 However, he vicariously blamed Nigeria for the backwardness in Africa, as a result of the Nigeria's stagnancy, being the metaphoric giant of Africa and advised the leadership to be prompt and pragmatic, with the responsibility placed in their hand, to make use of both natural and human resourcefulness of the regions in the country; in moving the country forward, to thrives in her several areas of sectors and activities and so also implored the graduates roaming about the streets to find something legitimate done, but admonished the government to provide employment for this teeming youth as graduates, passing out of the several tertiary institutions in the country, and so also help them more, to put their various skills and knowledge into good use, for the development of the country, through innovative enterprises.
 Nevertheless, he advised the citizenry to imbibe the spirit and fear of God, knowing fully well that everyone will give account to God, while he emphasized on the fact and the reason why those at the position of power and privilege should serve with the fear of God , to take the country to her promised land, for the country to be better.
 Therefore, the septuagenarian further stressed his stance that he doesn't believe Nigeria cannot get it right with a good leadership, but everyone should pray to God to intervene in the country's affairs, to assist the leadership for a divine assistance and guidance in all her exploits and endeavours.
 Meanwhile, he concluded to defend the reason why an Ibo-man should be the next president in Nigeria come 2023, to justify the essence of Nigeria being a nation with heterogeneous tribes, where equal opportunity to lead and politically participate fully should reign.

Saturday 21 September 2019


News Track Magazine: AMPAT INAUGURATES ASSOCIATION.:    NEWS:                The association of Mobile Phones and Allied Product Traders of Nigeria South West, Oyo State Chapter under the Ch...


       The association of Mobile Phones and Allied Product Traders of Nigeria South West, Oyo State Chapter under the Chairmanship of Honourable Temitope Odetayo aka Top Success and the Coordinator Mr Adeosun Ajibola Samuel; Harmony Links Telecoms, inaugurated her association yesterday 20th of September, 2019 inside the Civic Centre Functional Hall Idi Ape , Ibadan.
 At the occasion was where distinguished guests, important invitees and awardees with AMPAT National President Honourable Musa Haruna M and his team from Abuja, the members of the newly inaugurated association; AMPAT  and members of the public were present to grace the occasion.
 The AMPAT National President Hon. Musa Haruna M . emphatically affirmed the fact behind the inauguration of South West, Oyo State Chapter AMPAT as a result of making sure there is official endorsement and recognition given to all AMPAT  members in the South West, Oyo State Chapter; so as to authenticate their membership, for the association to have regular and official record at hand and enabling all her members spanning round the South West Zone be abreast of the up to date information necessary for them as recognized members, aside the issue of knowing the fake members from the genuine members, as well as having the confidence to stand for them in any matter of exigency and where there is need to defend innocence of any indictment against any one of them, in the course of their legitimate transaction.
 The National President Hon. Musa Haruna therefore implore the members of the association to justify their responsibility to the government, society and their various customers, to enable economic growth under a correct and legal transaction and enabling environment, for the development of the country, here he advised the security operatives to give their utmost support to them, where and when the need arises and urged the members of the public to also help in reducing phones' theft and various cases of crimes attached to the issue of the illegal exchange of phones from hand to hand, to promote a law abiding society.
 Nevertheless, the occasion attracted the aspect of the presentation of awards to some dignitaries among them was Yinka Ayefele (MON) who later on treated the audience to some of his lively tunes, to bring the occasion to an end   

Thursday 12 September 2019

"OYRTMA would be a service oriented, and at the same time we are going to put up human face at it, as we want to ensure that people enjoy benefit of the movement of goods, people and services, so we should expect something prompt, model and unique"-Chairman Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency; Dr./Mogaji Akin Fagbemi

  It is believe that when a need arises in correcting a mistake being made in the past and put aright the lapses needing an instant rectification; then it is better to put the round peg in a round hole, for the good of posterity and this was what happened recently having the able but indefatigable personality of Chief/Dr Akin Fagbemi in place, as the new Chairman of Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency; OYRTMA, who with his wide experience in the various areas of his official engagement and activities both at the Federal and State levels; has proven the worth of being a committed, dedicated, diligent and determined type , with reputable record of credible performance both home and away, hence was picked by our News-track Online, to brief us of his take and responsibility, regarding the new position he has found himself to serve Oyo State, under the leadership of the able Governor Seyi Makinde and here underneath we unwind-ed on the report about our exclusive interview with him .
  Sir can we meet you?
  I'm Dr/Mogaji Akin Fagbemi , from Ibadan, I'm also privileged to have worked with several areas, worked with NAFDAC, was once an officer with NAFDAC for a period, I have worked with other agencies and by the grace of God I was also part of Abuja Metropolitan Agency activities and of recent I was also a member of the committee that was involved in the last election, regarding the Oyo State Gubernatorial election under Engineer Seyi Makinde, as the deputy campaign director for the Oyo South , in which Our able Governor Seyi Makinde became the Governor of Oyo State and I'm married with children.
  How do you find your new position as the OYRTMA Chairman  ?
Well, I think is more of a service where it has a direct impact on the people, OYRTMA was founded in 2009 by Governor Alao Akala and since then till now I came in as the third Chief Executive, we try to re position the agency, seeing the need as the benefit , by the grace of God we want to work in line with the mandate given to the agency ,more also with the vision of the Executive Governor of the Oyo State, Engineer Seyi Makinde, in ensuring people enjoy the benefit of the democracy and to make sure that people come in to invest and that people are safe , this will not be possible without the efficiency of this agency, for instance you look at the area of traffic management if an investor is coming to the state let assume they came in through Alakia and on getting to Iwo road they are spending over four to five hours that can really discourage them and ought not to allow economic growth , we also talk about the issue of health where lets assume somebody is sick and he is being taken to the hospital and was held up in traffic for three to four hours , you know what could happen, also when there is a high traffic point in some areas like that of Ibadan- Ogbomoso road for heavy duty trucks, the trailers , I have lost somebody due to high traffic , the vehicle was on traffic and the place was sloppy, while the truck was coming there was no break but if there was no traffic probably the truck could have gone through and there wouldn't have been any accident not to talk of anybody losing his /her life but we lost that person, so with that I know that if there is a free flow of traffic it also help to save lives, so also about the issue of the young ones in schools, the general students in the course of coming and going to their various schools and homes , you are aware that the Executive Governor Seyi Makinde has given the scholarship , declaring free education , where they do not pay any fees, and also  given free books, but beyond that when they resume if a student is going to school by 8am in the morning and due to traffic the child is being delayed by the traffic congestion on the road and got to school by 10am, the child could have been weak and tired , we have a role to play in ensuring that the educational system is at work, so that people can get to work on time, it also had impact on the teacher ; if a teacher is to start work with the students in class and cannot get to school on time that also could affect the educational system , so we are working all round the clock to ensure that the efficiency of this agency is prioritized and people benefit from the mandate that had been given to us.
  Sir, regards the reinforcement of the personnel and equipment ; what are you doing lately about this?
  Well, First and foremost I want to thank His Execellency the Executive Governor of the Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde , when we first came in he has really given us utmost and necessary support both morally and financially, when we came in there was nothing on ground , the equipment were bad, the towing trucks , walking talking were not available , but he gave us the mandate and money was released,  to put some serviceable equipment in place, which we have started , he also promised to give us the expected opportunity , to buy some equipment , one thing I am sure of is that we have the full support of His Excellency and we are ready to swing into full and proficient  action as expected of the agency and her activities.
  We have known Lagos to have same styled outfit called LASMA  like OYRTMA in Oyo State , what should we expect from OYRTMA under your ,management?
  We should expect something better than that of LASMA in Lagos, we want a friendly agency that people will be proud of, I know when people mention LASMA people often get afraid but I want people to be happy when they mention OYRTMA, because it would be service oriented , and at the same time we are going to put up human face at it, we want to ensure that people enjoy benefit of the movement of goods, people and services, so we should expect something prompt, model and unique, and as Oyo State is a pace-setting state , we want to set the pace, and let see how we can go to implement all the necessary things within our agency.
  Sometime congestion happens on the roads because of the presence of some beggars, what will you be doing to reduce or eradicate this menace?
  Well, with the new system of the free education and engagement of these youth in extra mural after school's hours, we are working together with the Ministry of Environment, to pick these youth from the streets, and interact with them and their parents, I have seen a situation where when they resume for school, most of them will be off roads and most of them that have no parents we are going to work on that to make sure they are rehabilitated and taken off road.
  On the distribution of some of your officers, what are you going to do to reach some areas that are within the inner areas of the state, for them to benefit from your service?
  For now, we are short of staff, but we are trying to manage the number of the staff we have now, and also collaborate with sister agencies , including some para-military , what we are trying to do is to be strategic in our movement, we have to put our officers where we have high traffic and low traffic, yet also where we have much focus on, His Excellency has also promised us that he is going to look into the employment of new but enough staff, and the purchase of some equipment, but one thing we want to do is to designate this few staff into some areas we know they really need their service and on short time you are going to see our officers around, We also have this club called OYRTMA Marshall, which will be coming in just to partner with the people of the Oyo State, they are people who are willing to work with us, who cannot be employed, it is going to be rendering services without payment, we are going to work with them and ensure that each of those areas people can come out as OYRTMA Marshall, to also be part of what we are doing , so that collaboration will go a long way.
  It is noted that only during the day your officers work, what plan do you have to dispatch them on the roads at night , to curb the motorists of any havoc on the roads and see to the management of traffic during the night also?
  Well, we have gone beyond planning, the moment I resumed the second day we began night patrol, with some of our officers, it is part of our mandate and this team we called Chairman's squad have the day and night , where we do keen patrol , though there is a time for that and we have started , the last time we were at Mokola around 9pm to 11pm, you know the high traffic is often between 8pm to 10pm and we also  have a number we want people to call us , so that within an area at night whenever there is any traffic congestion they can also put a call through to us , as we already have a standby bus, truck and towing vehicle, we also did that in the recent xenophobic attack , the reaction that we got at Bodija , our men were the first operatives that got there , which happened between 11pm to 12pm, so we have started and we hope to do more.
  What is your message to the members of the public especially the motorists and commuters ?
  They should expect good things, we want to plead to them, especially the motorists should cooperate with us , we are not there to make life difficult for them, but to ensure there is free flow of traffic, people have peaceful livings, stress free movement and if they have any issue with our officers they should please come to our office, our doors are open to them, they should see us as partners in progress, we will be glad to discuss with them, I have also have my phone line available for them to reach me, on any of their issues bothering them, about the traffic and the activities of our officers out there on duty.
  The Executive Governor Seyi Makinde of the Oyo State has just marked his hundred days in office, what can you say of his performance thus far?
  Well, His Excellency Seyi Makinde has impressed his people of Oyo State excellently and his performance if you could remember started from May 29, 2019 when he came up during his inauguration, to declare free education, that alone is a very big, important and critical aspect to the development of Oyo State educationally, you know in time Oyo State was rated low, so acting that there is going to be free education the first day is the great achievement, he also talked about revamping some of our moribund companies, which he has gone round and work has started in that area, another one is that of OYRTMA  which has not been active before, but now you can see OYRTMA officers everywhere doing what they are mandated to do , so also the issue of schools, we were in Oyo township and Ibadan on inspection, to see some of these schools, especially the model schools, and another thing again is his declaration of his asset, is also a great thing which happened within the hundred days, so we can mention about his concern about the hospitals, one of them is that of Adeoyo Hospital and you can see that good work is going on , that was before the hundred days, I think he has achieved more greater successes before the hundred days, hundred days is just a number and the people of Oyo State should also expect that greater things is coming , because a lot of investors are coming to Oyo State,while a lot of things would be happening within the state, lets not forget Ibadan is critical, Oyo State is important in the South West and you need a man of this intelligence and exposure , a man who can manage both materials and human resources and this character you can find in this man; Governor Seyi Makinde , so he is not a man you can doubt nor can disappoint, he is a man of his words, so when you start counting hundred days and more; a lot of good things will be coming up and I trust that people of Oyo State will be happy.
  This was how we came to the end of our exclusive interview with the Chairman Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency; Dr./Mogaji Akin Fagbemi, feeling satisfied to have garnered and gathered the necessary and relevant information valuable in enriching and keeping our readership abreast of the latest development within the Oyo State Road Traffic Management Agency.

Monday 26 August 2019

News Track Magazine: "Let's be patriotic to support Buhari as the Presi...

News Track Magazine: "Let's be patriotic to support Buhari as the Presi...: NEWS:          The gubernatorial candidate for the Accord party in Oyo State in the last national election Honourable Saheed Ajadi has advi...

"Let's be patriotic to support Buhari as the President for the development of the country and the good of her citizenry"- Accord Gubernatorial Candidate in Oyo State Honourable Saheed Ajadi

         The gubernatorial candidate for the Accord party in Oyo State in the last national election Honourable Saheed Ajadi has advised the Nigerians to live up to their civic-duty in being patriotic to support the government of President Muhammed Buhari, as the present president of the country; Nigeria, for the economic development of the country and the good of her citizenry.
 The staunched believer in love and oneness of the Nigerians honourable Saheed Ajadi enunciated the fact that the citizenry must set a good example for the coming generation and pray for the success of President Muhammed Buhari's government , he reiterated that since election is over Nigerians need to come together as one in lopve , to fathom the way to take the country Nigeria and her citizenry to the promised land.
 However he disputed that not all thew youth in Nigeria are lazy as some are very genuinely enterprising , industrious and are thriving in their different areas of fields and profession, yet declared his readiness to put in his wealth of experience and expertise into use provided he is call to serve his nation under the present government of President Buhari and not even minding to serve at home front under the administration of the Oyo State Governor Seyi Mkainde, this he described as proving being patriotic and in support of making sure Nigeria is taken to her greater height.


News Track Magazine: OYO STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY MEMBER; HON. YUSUFF OL...: NEWS:             An empowerment programme was launched by Honourable Yusuff Oladeni Adebisi on the 24th of August , 2019 to engage some be...


            An empowerment programme was launched by Honourable Yusuff Oladeni Adebisi on the 24th of August , 2019 to engage some beneficiaries from Ibadan South West State Constituency 1 in different vocational skills training.
 At the occasion was where some professionals and entrepreneurs present enlightened and educated these beneficiaries of the advantages lying in the different skills and the essence of the training as a way of enabling them stand on their own as employers of labour and being of self reliance.
 The beneficiaries who came in large numbers were also advised by the initiator of the programme; Honourable Yusuff Oladeni Adebisi to be up and doing while in the course of the training and be of good conduct to enable them prove well of being matured and of good home training, as a source of pride to their parents, while showing the expected appreciation of being part of the lucky ones chosen, for such opportunity.
 However the honourable Yusuff Oladeni Adebisi further reiterated that they should see the opportunity as one out of the thousand and one but rare advantage, that comes at random, which they should capitalize on, to better their future.
 Therefore he promised to help them in any little way he could in assisting them with some necessary equipment, to enable them start off on their own after their training.

Friday 26 July 2019

" I felt happy that the collective effort came to reality, because it was not a one man's show, but a collective effort"- D.G 2019 Campaign Organization for Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde; Chief Bayo Lawal

It is an adage that says "what worth doing worth doing well" and that "experience is the best teacher" yet "the taste of pudding is in eating".
 All these above mention maxims was what dictated the choice of our guest for this week considering the victory of the People Democratic Party in Oyo State, ushering in a new dawn and administration of Governor Seyi Makinde, with his Director of Campaign 2019; in person of Honourable Bayo Lawal, who bared out his mind on the much appreciation and gratitude to God and the members of his party, from the topmost echelon of ladder to the lower rung of ladder, who contributed immensely to see to the victory of the party overwhelmingly, which enable People's Democratic Party to seized the control of the governance in Oyo State from APC; which had been in control of the state earlier for good eight years before PDP came into control.
 And regarding the victory PDP we deem it fit to have an exclusive interview with the Director of Campaign 2019; Honourable Bayo Lawal, who talked to show appreciation to God and briefed us on their incipient steps taken to start the ball rolling in the governance of the Oyo State, as unwind-ed below in our report.

Sir, we like you to introduce yourself?

Well, my name is Chief Bayo Lawal DG Seyi Makinde 2019 Campaign Organization.

The effort your team-mates pulled in the last campaign before the election now to the present victory, what do you see to it now, and how do you feel about the victory?

I feel elated, very happy, I thank God for the success, it was only God that had made it happened , my big thanks goes to the Almighty God first, I feel happy that the collective effort came to reality, because it was not a one man's show, it was a collective effort, it was collectively achieved so once again and every time as I always sa I give thanks to the Almighty God.

With the steps the administration of Governor Seyi Makinde has taken so far what do you have to say about it?

So far so good, we have started delivering our campaign promises; we told everybody that on resumption we are abolishing school fees we have done that, we told the people of Oyo State that once we are inaugurated we are opening the agelong closed bridge, and once the empror has gone and we felt that it will be a madness to keep on locking the bridge now we have opened the bridge , the same day we made the announcement same day we opened the bridge, the day we were sworn in and we name the bridge "Freedom - Bridge", we also promised that immediately we resume we will run an open government and you could see that what has happened so far nothing is hidden, as the few appointment that government has made it was open, openly discussed with stakeholders and we have achieved it, we have started , we have appointed so many people and I couls see from people's now and we promised that the salary will be paid as at when due and to people's surprise we have paid the salary for May 2019, they were actually shocked because nobody believes we can actually make that but we kept to our promise , we have paid May 2019 salary even before the end of the month and that will be our policy for the rest of our four years , so we believe in action  and we have started taking it, we promise and we still taking to it that dividend of democracy will reach everybody , I can assure you that, so we have started Insha Allah.

The reverse of the Permanent Secretaries that our Governor Seyi Makinde has done what do you see to it?

There is nothing spectacular about it, it is a normal thing , as every governor or government does that, it is not only this present government in Oyo State even infact most of the governors did it in the past  like APC'S Governors, it is unreasonable for any governor after losing election to start appointing people into various offices, to start promoting people into various offices, what has he been doing for the past eight years , why is that after losing election he started doing that activity , that means he is doing that with bad fate.

On the issue of NURYTW what can you say about that ?

The issue of NURTW is being proscribed and we now have time to sit down after meeting upon meeting and come up with better policy , that will make everybody happy, ensuring that the outcome is peaceful.
Sir, what do you expect from Governor Seyi Makinde?

What we expect is the fulfillment of our campaign promises, which I told you earlier on that it has started and we told you agriculture is going to be in the forefront of activity and we still stick to that, and we told you health issue will be , we will deal with it, we promised education, which will be in the forefront, we promised peace and tranquility and I can assure you the way we started people thought there will be crisis within the last few days coming up because from our policy statement on the NURTW issue but you could see there wasnt any of such, everywhere is peaceful , because they know what we are doing , we have good intention so nobody is raising eyebrow and nobody is fighting.
What is your message to the populace outside to give the cooperation to this present government ?
Of course I will appeal to the citizens of the Oyo State to give us maximum cooperation , we meant well, we are going to run an open government , well, we are human being just like any other person , if there should be any mistake the people should feel free to contact us, to advise us, feel free to counsel us, but we are going to be a listening government , we are not going to be an empror , nor a dictator, so we are democratic government , we are not going to enslave them, in fact we are there to serve them, we are their messenger , so we look forward to maximum cooperation from them .

And this was how we came to the conclusion of our interview with Director of Campaign 2019 for Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State in person of Chief/Honourable Bayo Lawal, with us being satisfied to have been educated, updated and enlightened better about the situation of things with the present but fresh administration of Governor Seyi Makinde of the People's Democratic Party.

News Track Magazine: " Oyo State Government is set to encourage the inv...

News Track Magazine: " Oyo State Government is set to encourage the inv...: NEWS:-   The Oyo State House of Assembly Member Honourable Adebayo Babajide Gabriel opined that the Oyo State government is more concerned...

News Track Magazine: " Oyo State Government is set to encourage the inv...

News Track Magazine: " Oyo State Government is set to encourage the inv...: NEWS:-   The Oyo State House of Assembly Member Honourable Adebayo Babajide Gabriel opined that the Oyo State government is more concerned...

" Oyo State Government is set to encourage the investors in the use of her natural resources, to generate more Internal Generated Revenue" Oyo State House of Assembly Member Honourable Adebayo Gabriel Babajide Representing IbNorth2


  The Oyo State House of Assembly Member Honourable Adebayo Babajide Gabriel opined that the Oyo State government is more concerned about the ways to make sure the natural resources in Oyo State are used to the economic buoyancy of the Oyo State and the development of the state in general, hence the Oyo State House of Assembly is looking into the steps; in the actualization of the plan, with the Oyo Government under the able leadership of the Governor Seyi Makinde assuring the prospective investors of an adequate security and favourable environment.
  Honourable Adebayo G. Babajide adduced; reflecting on the motion attended to by the Oyo State Honourable House regarding the proposal to the adjustment of the Mokola Overhead-Bridge length of the divider, as necessitated due to the fact that the pattern of the bridge's construction, from the inception caused the abnormality but that there should be a more careful plan when adjusting the divider, yet he implored the Oyo State Government to do the needful in seeing to the total evacuation of the beggars under the bridge and make sure they do not return with time, by making sure the necessary governmental task force are delegated the power to be keep watch of the area under the bridge, to help maintain order, law and sanity.
  He therefore appealed to the people of the citizenry in the state to be patient with the present government in Oyo State, assuring that the present government in Oyo State is ready to make sure things are done accordingly to bring development to the state and better the lot of her citizenry. 

News Track Magazine: "With the technical education for the teeming yout...

News Track Magazine: "With the technical education for the teeming yout...:  NEWS:             On the 25th of July, 2019 inside Mapo Hall, Ibadan was an event organized by the Innovation Enterprise Institutions (IE...

"With the technical education for the teeming youth in the country; Nigeria can achieve best in industrial development"-National President Innovation Enterprise Institutions (IEIs); Dr. A.O Jegede

  On the 25th of July, 2019 inside Mapo Hall, Ibadan was an event organized by the Innovation Enterprise Institutions (IEIs) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Education and Oyo State Ministry of Education, here the stakeholders in educational sector like the principal officials and the representatives of some educational institutions gathered, to discuss the importance of technical education to the development of both the economy of any nation and her citizenry; especially the youth, taking Nigeria as a case study.
  The various principal officials at the event spoke extensively to highlight on the much impact of the technical education, as the only means to facilitate growth of the youth to be self reliant and thus become the employers of labour.
 However, with the recognition and approval given to technical education by the Federal Government and good disposition of the states in Nigeria to support the enhancement and inclusion of technical education in their various ministries of education curriculum, with Joint Admission Matriculation Board officially making technical education part of the courses included for the admission into the various tertiary institutions; the organizers of the event stressed the fact to creating more awareness nationwide into both the urban and rural areas, making the parents and guardians know the enormous benefits lying in allowing their children and wards take up courses in technical education for their future prospect, with the overall advantage spreading far and wide for the benefit of the country economically and the citizenry in general.
 With this they enunciated that it would reduce the problem of unemployment in the country and save the teeming youth from solely depending on white collar jobs, which could keep them on the roads roaming about for employment and yet ease up their parents of the burden and unnecessary responsibilities in which they have found themselves, with taking care of the employable but jobless graduates; who are their children that must have passed out of the various institutions in the country yet have not secured any job.

Monday 15 July 2019


News Track Magazine: OYHA BACKS UP OSIEC DISSOLUTION": NEWS-FLASHBACK:  On Tuesday 9th of July, 2019 the Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Members had a sitting to declare OSIEC being dissolved , in...



 On Tuesday 9th of July, 2019 the Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Members had a sitting to declare OSIEC being dissolved , in which the honourable members spoke on the decision to justify their position regarding the dissolution of OSIEC, the majority leaders Sanjo Adedoyin representing Ogbomoso South Constituency and Honourable Adeola Bamidele representing Iseyin /Itesiwaju State Constituency with some of the honourable members rose in defense of their argument to the dissolution except the minority leader Asimiyu Alarape representing Atiba State Constituency who drew the attention of the rest honourable members to an instance of the law creating LCDA but was latEr on convinced of the stand of the rest honourable members regarding the law of making LCDA a recognized local governemnt under the constitution of the Fderal Republic of Nigeria  hence it was made cleared that not the creation itself but the conduct of election was illegal since the due process had not been followed, hence there was an unanimous agreement to the dissolution of the OSIEC

News Track Magazine: "My appeal against the dissolution of OSIEC was no...

News Track Magazine: "My appeal against the dissolution of OSIEC was no...: NEWS:  Oyo State House of Assembly Member Honourable Asimiyu Alarape and also the minority leader representing Atiba State Constituency ha...

"My appeal against the dissolution of OSIEC was no politically motivated"- OYHA Honorable Asimiyu Alarape representing Atiba State Constituency


 Oyo State House of Assembly Member Honourable Asimiyu Alarape and also the minority leader representing Atiba State Constituency has made his intention known with his appeal against the dissolution of OSIEC as in the spirit of a true indigene of the Oyo State and also as an honourable that had served earlier in the Oyo State Honourable House of Assembly before, who saw to the creation of the LCDA and by the virtue of this he believes in the continuation of any good idea  set by any government since governance is continuum.
 He emphatically argued that since law is super-most in all ramification , the legality of the creation of the additional developmental areas called LCDA through the Oyo State House of Assembly was justifiably done , despite the fact that there was a court case on how to spell out the actual redefinition of the power to the creation of local government, which is still at the ambit of the State Assembly to do, before the notification of the National Assembly, citing a court case of 2002 comprising three adhoc committees from the Oyo State House of Assembly and that of the Federal House of Representative and Senate, but was abandoned because of the inconsistency of the government in power then.
 However, he justified his position on the motion as being good and correct , serving his role as a minority leader in the house , who is a representative and indigene of the Oyo State that has had the privilege to be in the Oyo State House of Assembly before, seeing the creation of LCDA hence would not pray to see what was built to his witness lawfully be destroyed, while he commended the fact that the area of the election for the LCDA could be controversially challenging,
yet appreciated the fact that the deliberation in the honourable house among the honourable members to the dissolution of the OSIEC in conducting election for the LCDA as being democratic, where the majority have had their way and the minority have had their say.

News Track Magazine: " Not too young to run will enable more youth like...

News Track Magazine: " Not too young to run will enable more youth like...: NEWS:  The Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Member representing Egbeda State Constituency Honourable Olasunkanmi Babalola who in his...

" Not too young to run will enable more youth like me to participate in politics and good governance- OYHA Honourable Olasunkanmi Babalola representing Egbeda State Constituency


 The Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Member representing Egbeda State Constituency Honourable Olasunkanmi Babalola who in his opinion described politics as a way of life ;wants more youth to participate in politics to take the nation; Nigeria to an enviable level of development and attainment, this he justified as the reason why the Federal Government with the acknowledgement of the National Assembly had given approval and assent respectively to the bill on Not too young to run.
 He reiterated on his point that if the necessary change should be made, to move the country forward the youth in the country need to come on board politically to make use of their fresh ideas and the technical know how for the good of the nation and betterment of her of her people.
 He therefore denoted the opportunity he has to serve his people as one of the honourable members in the Oyo State House of Assembly, as a result of the opportunity being given to the youth through the newly passed bill on Not too young to run.`

News Track Magazine: " We cannot build legality on illegality"- OYHA Ho...

News Track Magazine: " We cannot build legality on illegality"- OYHA Ho...: NEWS:-  Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Member Adeola Bamidele representing Iseyin/ Itesiwaju described the act of conducting elec...

" We cannot build legality on illegality"- OYHA Honourable Member Adeola Bamidele Iseyin/ Itesiwaju.


 Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Member Adeola Bamidele representing Iseyin/ Itesiwaju described the act of conducting election for the LCDAs in May 2018 by OSIEC as illegal, since the Local Council Development Area is not recognized officially by the constitution of Nigeria but only for developmental purposes in the State, aside the fact that the Federal Government has not made any provision of financial allocation for it, as the originally official and recognized thirty-three local government in Oyo State.
 He clarified on his statement that though the Honourable House of Assembly is not against the creation of the LCDA which could be done on developmental purpose, but to create an enabling environment that will be sustainable for long the Oyo State government must be cautious to know that only the thirty-three local governments are the recognized ones by the Federal Government and also backed by the constitution of Nigeria, so in order not to create confusion or disparage the stand of stipulation of the law on the status-quo ; it is better OSIEC should have respect the dictate of the constitution, rather than conducting the illegal election for the LCDAs.
 However, the honourable member further stressed that only a change could happened with any state under the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by having the due process being followed, with official letter being filed by the state government, backed by the honourable members of the State of Assembly to the National Assembly for approval , with the President giving assent to it, which without this due process the creation of the LCDA does not make it a legal entity.
 Meanwhile, he reiterated that despite the creation of the LCDAs; a special arrangement will be made between the thirty-three local governments and the LCDAs in the sharing of the allocation that come to the recognized local governments, while emphasis would be laid on the generation of more fund through IGR, with the introduction of laudable projects and programmes that could bring more development to their localities.
 Nevertheless, he vouched on behalf of the Honourable House of Assembly to have advised the Executive for the dissolution of OSIEC and thus nominate people of integrity and objectivity in conducting election for the existing thirty-three local governments in Oyo State, so as to have chairmen being voted in for the management of the thirty three local governments, with administrators being put in the LCDAs along side for the smooth running of the system for the Oyo State Government

Friday 5 July 2019

News Track Magazine: "Politics in never a dirty game, it is the people ...

News Track Magazine: "Politics in never a dirty game, it is the people ...: NEWS:   The Honourable Member Oyo State House of Assembly Olajide Akintunde Emmanuel has clarified on his understanding of politics as an...

"Politics in never a dirty game, it is the people that make it dirty, as politics is about influencing and impacting the lives of the people, for the good of their welfare and the development of the society-OYHA Honourable Member Olajide Akintunde Emmanuel representing Lagelu State Constituency.


  The Honourable Member Oyo State House of Assembly Olajide Akintunde Emmanuel has clarified on his understanding of politics as an academy where people can be trained and tutored to know the nitty gritty of the service to the people and a call to serve, he further cleared his stand on the agelong insinuation that politics is a dirty game as being erroneous, but agreed that some people in the society could make it dirty, yet it is only democratic way for the credible and purposeful candidates to contribute to the development of the society, hence he came on board to serve his people, being pragmatic to actualize his plan and purpose to serve his good people of his constituency, in contributing his good quota to the improvement of their welfare and development of his society, in order to make a positive change.
  On this he commended the Executive Governor of the Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde for the steps he has taken on education especially the increase of the allocation to the educational sector from five percent to the ten percent, while he vouched on behalf of his honourable members in the Oyo State House of Assembly to be working assiduously with the Oyo State Government to make necessary improvement to the educational sector, believing they are moving ahead with every step taken and would soon get there in terms of action and not much words, which at the end of the day the Oyo State would get to the peak of her aspiration.
 Meanwhile he enunciated that with enough time given to the Oyo State Government under the able leadership of Governor Seyi Makinde; some motions being attended to at the plenary since the outset of the activities at the plenary would soon be sorted out, as the government is looking into it carefully, to come out with good decision.
 He also promised to prioritize pushing some motions on health, security, environment and management to help influence and improve the lives of his people, from the little that could come from his personal purse for his people of his constituency.  

"Nigeria is still a growing and learning nation, we have a lot of young people that are involved in government with fresh ideas, and things will continue to get better, as we all get involve and participate"-OYHA Honourable Member Ayotunde Fatokun, Chairman Parliamentary Council representing Akinyele State Constituency1

 The Honourable Member Oyo State House of Assembly Ayotunde Fatokun; Chairman Parliamentary Council representing Akinyele Constituency 1 has described the democracy in the country as growing at its normal momentum , but the problem with the people of the country is comparing Nigeria with other countries of the world, that are years older than Nigeria in democratic rule, here he stressed that Nigeria as a developing country by every standard have to continue and correct herself where it is needed, while those in power should keep learning and focused, with the believe of getting it better gradually, yet he disputed on the wrong impression about blaming the central leadership, but explained better that leadership is of different categories as that of the homes, communities and areas, where people reside, hence advised that if all get involved , by doing the right things at the little levels each and every category of leadership belongs; then it is certain things get better and continue to improve.
 However, he reiterated to say that despite whatever could be the assumption and expectation of people about the steps taken by the present government in Oyo State under Governor Seyi Makinde especially about the NURTW it was the right step towards fostering peace , in order not to allow the nervous breakdown of the Oyo State body system, therefore the Oyo State government needs to start taking steps that will help improve the governance and to help stabilize the smooth running of the Oyo State.
 He then defended that since the government under Governor Seyi Makinde and his team are just coming in and with the support of his people of the state, the citizenry should give the new government sometime to stabilize and work through time, before people will start to measure based on what has happened in the past and what would be coming in now, from the present government.
 Nevertheless, he appealed to the people of the Oyo State especially and Nigeria in general to pray for the new government both at the centre and the states, together for those at the helms of affairs, to steer the ship of the country successfully, to where they promised to working towards, for the upliftment of the country in general.

Saturday 29 June 2019


News Track Magazine: OYHA ENJOINS OYO STATE GOVERNMENT AND HER COUNTERP...: NEWS:    Premise the fact that the issue of  Fulani's incursion that has been causing kidnapping, killing, and robbing of the innocen...



   Premise the fact that the issue of  Fulani's incursion that has been causing kidnapping, killing, and robbing of the innocent people mostly at the rural areas and borders of the country; the Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable members have arrived at a decision, in advising the Oyo State Government under Governor Seyi Makinde and his other fellow governors in the SouthWest to intensify security within the region, in order to curtail and bring to an end the nefarious activities of some of  these herdsmen.
  However, on this the Online Editorial thought it wise to have a chat with some honourable members in the house of assembly of the Oyo State where the decision was deliberated upon and arrived with taking some steps to present to the Oyo State Government, hence we talked to Honourable Adeola Bamidele representing Iseyin/Itesiwaju State Constituency, who admitted to the citizenship right of the Fulanis but bemoaned that some criminally minded ones among them are privy to the heinous activities of some of these herdsmen; hiding within the Forest Reserves close to the country's borders of some areas of the ten local governments at the Oyo North region like Iseyin, Itesiwaju, Kajola, Iwajowa, Saki, Sepeteri, Ago Are, Oje Owode, Kissi, Igbeti and Igboho under the guise of cattle grazing while when the roads which the travellers and commercials vehicle drivers ply are less busy; these indictable herdsmen would come onto the roads, causing obstruction with the herds of their cattle, with the intention of attacking whosoever naive driver that stops, to allow their cattle pass or wade them off and thereby robbing the innocent people, off their valuables, kidnapp some for ransome, kill anybody that challenge their effrontery or encroach on the farms of some farmers.
 Meanwhile, this is why he and his other honourable members of the Oyo State House of Assembly came together on the 27th of June , 2019 to deliberate and arrived at a conclusion, with some steps and decision being taken, for the government to take, in order to find a lasting solution to this major challenge on the insecurity affecting the people of Oyo State and her environs, with this the honourable members implored the Oyo State Government to act fast and take quick decision , in order to curb the menace, since a country devoid of adequate security is in great danger, no matter how rich her people could be.
 Therefore they arrived at some steps ; first the government should call meetings with all the kings of the several communities in the state and their chiefs with other local leaders to discuss the way out, secondly government should call on the security operatives to act fast to type so that the menace would be brought to an end, thirdly government should give a directive on the reinforcement of security at the borders, and the other steps is to give support to the mobilization of the local vigilantees, who have the wherewithal and the native intelligence to explore further and better into these thick forests of some of the rural areas, where these criminals could be hidding, to capture and arrest them, hence the government should do it as a way of employing these local vigilantees, equipping them with the necessary incentives, while they too could serve as local security operatives, within their areas, with giving information when the need arises to the police.
 By and large there should be the registration of all the settlement of these Fulani herdsmen, to ascertain their population and the coming in and going out of them, it is on this the honourable members in Oyo State call for a joint meeting among all the Houses of Assembly honourable memmbers in the South West Region to sensitize one another of the issue, in order to exchange valuable ideas, among themselves for the betterment and the development of the region.
  Another Honourable in the Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Fola Oyekunle representing Ibadan North State Constituency 1 also enunciated that the issue of insecurity is of very urgent attention , so with this in the minds of all honourable members in the Oyo State House of Assembly, they are ready to work assiduously to make sure both the Oyo House of Assembly Honourable Members and the Executive arm of the state government do the needful regarding legislation and prompt action to make sure the protection of lives and the properties of the citizenry in Oyo State is given priority.

Thursday 27 June 2019

News Track Magazine: "Alhaji/Dr. Nureni A.Aderemi is a proficient techn...

News Track Magazine: "Alhaji/Dr. Nureni A.Aderemi is a proficient techn...: NEWS:   The Chairman National Parent Teacher Association of Nigeria Oyo State Chapter; Comrade Moshood Abayomi Toki has affirmed on the ...

News Track Magazine: "Alhaji/Dr. Nureni A.Aderemi is a proficient techn...

News Track Magazine: "Alhaji/Dr. Nureni A.Aderemi is a proficient techn...: NEWS:   The Chairman National Parent Teacher Association of Nigeria Oyo State Chapter; Comrade Moshood Abayomi Toki has affirmed on the ...

"Alhaji/Dr. Nureni A.Aderemi is a proficient technocrat and administrator, we are to give him our full support, for a successful tenure, as the new Chairman of SUBEB"-Chairman NPTAN Oyo Chapter; Comrade Moshood Abayomi Toki


  The Chairman National Parent Teacher Association of Nigeria Oyo State Chapter; Comrade Moshood Abayomi Toki has affirmed on the eligibility and capability of the new Chairman of SUBEB Oyo State Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran, as a proficient technocrat and administrator, who is up to the task of turning things round for good in the educational sector of the Oyo State especially Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board.
 He cited his reference of the SUBEB new Chairman to his excellent but past record when he was a Commissioner under the administration of former Governor of Oyo State Senator Rashidi Ladoja and earlier to that of when he served as a Chairman of the Ibadan South West Local Government.
 However, he enjoined the staff of the SUBEB, Oyo State Teachers and other educational bodies in Oyo State to accord the new Chairman Dr.Nureni Adeniran Aderemi the utmost cooperation, for a successful tenure,
but warned to advise the general teachers and members of the staff of the educational bodies in Oyo State to distant themselves from any act of violence or dereliction of duty, to help achieve the best in Oyo State educational sector

News Track Magazine: " Your cooperation is paramount, for us to achieve...

News Track Magazine: " Your cooperation is paramount, for us to achieve...: NEWS:  On the 26th of May, 2019 the new Chairman for the Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board: Alhaji/Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran h...

" Your cooperation is paramount, for us to achieve the best, with your welfare guaranteed, under this listening government of Governor Seyi Makinde"-Alhaji /Dr. Nureni A. Adeniran; Oyo State new Chairman for SUBEB


 On the 26th of May, 2019 the new Chairman for the Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board: Alhaji/Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran had a maiden interactive session with the general staff of the board, to address them of the ways to work with him, by rendering their full cooperation, here he assured them of the posture of the new administration in Oyo State under the able leadership of Governor Seyi Makinde, as a listening government, in which their welfare is guaranteed.
 However, he made them realized that under the present administration in Oyo State and his leadership, as the Chairman of the board; he would not condone any act of laziness, stealing, cheating and illegal attitude towards duty and responsibility of any member of the staff, department or any group of the staff.
 Meanwhile, on this he promised to make sure his office takes up the due responsibility to work with the members of the staff of the board as expected, by giving consideration to the dutiful, mutual and respectable disposition, to make sure things go well between him and the general staff of the board, to effect the cordial and objective relationship, for utmost success on the long run, as a team.
 Nevertheless, he stressed to frown at some abnormalities; like untidy environment, congested car park, which he begged for their cooperation, to make sure some adjustment are done , to correct the anomalies, hence he emphasized to implore them in giving him absolute support, in working against nepotism, tribalism and religiosity, for the betterment of the board, members of the staff and the present government in Oyo State under Governor Seyi Makinde

Wednesday 26 June 2019


News Track Magazine: OYHA BEGINS SITTINGS:  NEWS:  Promptly on Tuesday 25th of May, 2019, the newly elected honourable members of the Oyo State House of Assembly commenced with thei...


 Promptly on Tuesday 25th of May, 2019, the newly elected honourable members of the Oyo State House of Assembly commenced with their first official sitting at the plenary of the house , Secretariat, Agodi Ibadan , to discuss some major and pressing issues confronting the Oyo State regarding violence in some hot spots in Ibadan , and environs, the completion of some roads under construction in Oyo State and lapses in the education sector of the Oyo State.
 The members who justified their readiness and alertness to their legislative roles presented , discussed and deliberated well on the various issues and arrived at setting up an ad hoc committee in looking into the abnormalities , to find a lasting solution to them, with proffering for the reinforcement of security operatives and siting of police posts at the various hot spots in the state to curb the nefarious activities of the hoodlums, in giving the state a peaceful atmosphere.
 However, on the completion of the roads construction in Oyo State was deliberated to a conclusion of calling and inviting those concerned on the area of the project to brief the house and act to the result of quickening the pace of the completion.
 Nevertheless, on the area of lapses in educational sector , the Honorable members of the house unanimously also stated it as a better approach to invite and advise by giving the responsibility of maintaining orderliness, punctuality, discipline in the schools into the hands of the various local government educational bodies, who should see to the moral uprightness and activities of both the teachers and the students generally, the house therefore commended the government of the Oyo State under Governor Seyi Makinde for the choice of his steadfastness and selection of his Special Advisers.  

News Track Magazine: " We implore the Oyo State Executive to empower th...

News Track Magazine: " We implore the Oyo State Executive to empower th...:  NEWS:  The Oyo State House Assembly Majority Leader; Honourable Sanjo Adedoyin representing Ogbomoso South State Constituency has descr...

News Track Magazine: "Education should be the main priority of the gove...

News Track Magazine: "Education should be the main priority of the gove...:  NEWS:  The honourable member Oyo State House of Assembly; Hon. Akeem Olawale Mustapha representing Kajola State Constituency has emphas...

"Education should be the main priority of the government , to help eradicate ignorance and act of violence"-Honourable Akeem Olawale Mustapha -Kajola State Constituency


 The honourable member Oyo State House of Assembly; Hon. Akeem Olawale Mustapha representing Kajola State Constituency has emphasized the importance of education in the physical, mental, moral and emotional development of the citizenry.
 On this he denoted education as the all round factor, to developing and helping to unfold the best traits in each individual , which will now lead to the citizens' enlightenment , in knowing better about how, what and why they should rather contribute to the development, stability and progress of their community, for this he commended the good steps being taken by the Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde in starting on a good note, by giving a direct concern to the improvement of the educational sector in Oyo State,
considering some steps he has taken at the incipient stage of his commencement of office, with the scrapping of illegal levies by the past government and his willingness to put part of his remuneration to the coffer of the Oyo State Association of Pensioners under Nigerian Union of Teachers    

News Track Magazine: " We implore the Oyo State Executive to empower th...

News Track Magazine: " We implore the Oyo State Executive to empower th...:  NEWS:  The Oyo State House Assembly Majority Leader; Honourable Sanjo Adedoyin representing Ogbomoso South State Constituency has descr...

News Track Magazine: " We implore the Oyo State Executive to empower th...

News Track Magazine: " We implore the Oyo State Executive to empower th...:  NEWS:  The Oyo State House Assembly Majority Leader; Honourable Sanjo Adedoyin representing Ogbomoso South State Constituency has descr...

" We implore the Oyo State Executive to empower those saddle with the responsibility of maintaining discipline and moral justification in the various schools in Oyo State".- OYHA Honourable Sanjo Adedoyin; Majority Leader Representing Ogbomoso South State Constituency.


 The Oyo State House Assembly Majority Leader; Honourable Sanjo Adedoyin representing Ogbomoso South State Constituency has described the decision taken by the Oyo State House of Assembly Honourable Members as the best , in empowering the various departments and bodies of the educational sector in the state to take up the action of maintaining discipline , orderliness and moral justification in the various schools in Oyo State.

 This he reiterated to be the right decision , reminisced to the olden days when the role played by the Local Inspectorate Officers of Education was that of "authority in action " who both the teachers and students dreaded , not to incur their wrath .
 And here he appealed (as implored by his other members in the house) to the Oyo State Executive arm of the government  in the state to empower the different bodies in the Oyo State educational sector to take up their incumbent responsibilities on that, by making sure good standard in all areas of activities in the schools is restored and achieved in Oyo State  

Monday 24 June 2019

News Track Magazine: "Democratic Rule is the only Alternative Governmen...

News Track Magazine: "Democratic Rule is the only Alternative Governmen...: NEWS   Honourable Ojedokun Peter Gbadegesin a mamber of the Oyo State House of Assembly representing Ibarapa Central /North State Constit...

"Democratic Rule is the only Alternative Government to better the lot of the people"- OYHA Member; Hon Ojedokun Peter Gbadegesin representing Ibarapa Central/North State Constituency.


  Honourable Ojedokun Peter Gbadegesin a member of the Oyo State House of Assembly representing Ibarapa Central /North State Constituency has described the present democratic rule in the country as the better option and only alternative government through which the citizenry of the country can have a say in the running of the government and the decision making concerning their welfare, the development of the country and improvement expected to be for all and sundry's standard of living.
  He emphasized that under democratic rule those at the helm of affairs of the nation can be made to realized the importance in the collective running of the government , with having full consideration for the betterment of all.
 However, he reiterated to say the present democratic rule had made much impact on the populace, in respect of the provision of dividend of democracy, while there are still rooms for improvement ,
to do more , in order to deliver adequate benefit democratic rule has in stock for the generality of the citizenry of the nation, here he thanked his people for the opportunity and support given to him to  be chosen to represent them in the Oyo State House Assembly, stressing that the present  democratic rule in the Oyo State under Governor Seyi Mkainde will do her best to serve them well

Tuesday 23 April 2019


News Track Magazine: NIGERIAN PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION, ANA AND NIGERIAN ...: NEWS:   Nigerian Publishers Association and Nigerian Copyright Commission held a World Book and Copyright Day today 23rd April, 2019 i...



  Nigerian Publishers Association and Nigerian Copyright Commission held a World Book and Copyright Day today 23rd April, 2019 inside Lady Bank Anthony Hall, University of Ibadan Ibadan, with students from various schools, distinguished authors, Copyright Commission Members, Publishers and invited guests present to grace the occasion, at the event was where different authors, publishers and copyright commission members talked to inform, entertain and educate the audience on the importance of book reading.

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...: Who are we having a chat with? My name is Honourable Abimbola Omiyale . Sir , in respect of not too young to rule bill being given assent...

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...

News Track Magazine: " I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, ...: Who are we having a chat with? My name is Honourable Abimbola Omiyale . Sir , in respect of not too young to rule bill being given assent...

" I want to be a good ambassador among the youth, so that the leaders, the masses, the people can have the confidence in youth to be leader of a particular group"-Ibadan South East Chairman Local Government, Hon. Abimbola Omiyale.

Who are we having a chat with?
My name is Honourable Abimbola Omiyale .
Sir , in respect of not too young to rule bill being given assent , what has been the impact of it in the youth participation politically?
First of all , let me say this for the record sake that in the APC government of today especially in Oyo State, majorly of the political appointees; atleast forty percent of them are youth , in which I am one, so if you go to the state secretariat, you go to to the different offices of the political functionaries, majority of them are youth , because this goovernment of APC under Governor Ajimobi believes youth are the futre of our nation, so they so much concentrate on the youth development.
Sir, how have you fare  so far, so good, how do you feel to have had the opportunity in serving your people?
Yes, I'm very grateful to God and to the leaders of our party' APC in Oyo State; Senator Abiola Ajimobi, the governor of Oyo State , that gave the youth the special platform to operate in their various capacities, in his government, if not that opportunity by him, we are no where to be found in this government and so I'm very grateful to the Almighty God and also to our leader; Senator Abiola Ajimobi and other leaders in our party; APC and local government.
What do you have to say with President Buhari giving assent to Not too young to rule and his performance thus far?
As you can see he has given assent to the Not too young to rule, which is very good and I think he also believes in youth and that is why we have a lot of programmes runs by Federal government , coming from the Presidency and we also have this E- Power programme, so it is also part of the youth development programme, from the office of Vice President, so we have so many programmes like that are embarked on by the Federal Government.
What do you expect the youth to do more since they are having this opportunity?
I think hey also need to be very careful because once they have this opportunity they should make use of this opportunity to develop their future career, anything they want to do in future , to develop themselves , so they can be on their own financially and in any other areas in their lives.
How do you see leadership with your experience?
Leadership is not easy and this leaderswhip we are talking about is inborn, and it is very challenging, there are a lot of challenges to encounter particularly to take decision you must sit down and think , because whichever decision you are taking it will have impact on the masses , the people of your local goivernment , so you should be very careful and screen your information very well, before you can take a good decision, because if you are equipped with information , it would be very difficult for you to take wrong decision, so you need to be well equipped and have good information before you can take good decision.
What is the legacy you want to leave behind or what do you want people to remember you for?
I think I have been doing it, I want to be good ambassador among the youth , so that the leaders , the masses, the people can have the confidence in youth , to be the leaders of particular groups, local governments, or associations, because if one is not performing well; one is not laying good example for other youth and it means one is destroying the platform for the youth.
What are your other aspiration?
I put that one to God , so I cannot say where I want now but to leave it into Gods hand. 

News Track Magazine: "Piracy we know is the major problem of publishing...

News Track Magazine: "Piracy we know is the major problem of publishing...: Can we meet you Sir? My name is Emmanuel Abimbola , the Executive Secretary ; Nigerian Association of Publisher. The issue of piracy on th...

"Piracy we know is the major problem of publishing in Nigeria and that is the major issue we have at hand , it is not decreasing but increasing because pirates have advanced in terms of technology"- Nigerian Publishing Association Executive Secretary; Mr Emmanuel Abimbola.

Can we meet you Sir?
My name is Emmanuel Abimbola , the Executive Secretary ; Nigerian Association of Publisher.
The issue of piracy on the part of publishing will you say piracy is increasing?
Thank you very much, piracy we know is the major problem of publishing in Nigeria, that is the major issue we have at hand, it is not decreasing but increasing because pirates have advanced in terms of technology, their output, print abroad, import into the country, the quality of their books sometime is alarming compared with the original produced by the publishers, so piracy is on the increasing trend and we as an association are working assiduously with the Nigeria Copyright to make sure that we reduce their activities, if we cannot eliminate them we reduce them to the barest minimum.
 On the issue of publishers engaging in pira rs engaging in piracy what do you have as penalty for these publishers engaging in piracy?
Well, I would say members of NPA are not engaging in piracy, so if there are people engaging in piracy they are not members of NPA , maybe they are other people out there , some other publishers who are not our members and other individuals who are into shady business.
How do you want to save your members from the problems of the piracy?
What we do is that we carry anti piracy campaign , advocacy to schools, ministry of education, to book sellers even among ourselves and at the same time we work very well with Nigerian Ciopyright Commission to make sure that if we hear any information we give to them, sometime they give us information, ,we work together, to make sure that we reduce the activities of these people , clamped them down as much as possible.
Sir , what is the role of your organisation regarding guidance and counselling in our schools and do you have special books on Guidance and Counselling?
There are a lot books on Counselling, I may not be able to tell you the specific books but I know there are lot of books out there on Guidance and Counselling.
The importance of Guidance and Counselling what do you see to it, your view on this?
It is very important , you see if there is nop counselling then people will make mistakes , wrong choices in life, so there is a need for functional guidance and counselling department in schools, right from the primary even to the tertiary institution, functional I say though I know in some schools nwe have guidance counsellors but they are not functionasl, so there is a need for proper functional guidance and counselling department in schools, so students will not make wrong choices in terms of subjects, careers and other decision of their lives.
Sir , what are you doing lately to increase your membership strength?
Of course, we are working to increasing the membership of NPA , you know we dont take in every Dick, Tom and Harry, we want people that are reputable, and that are doing genuine publishing business, this are the people we want, and keep on registering people every year, everyday we register new members.
What standard will you place NPA now?
Well, with our members and the activitiesw ; we are doing now and then couple with the fact that we are so much with technology NPA is improving and our members are doing very well.
What are you doing with the prices of books and the cost of production of books .
Well, the prices of books....., you know the state of the economy , you know that virtually we import everything in Nigeria, we dont have a functional paper mills, we dont have the consumable produce here, the machine are imported, so what do you expect  and as much as possible publishers try to keep their prices at a very bearable minimum.
What method do you think can be introduced to enhance reading culture among people especially students and youth in Nigeria?
Well, there are so many things we can talk about reading , infact I'm even very happy this question is coming up , as you know that this month April 23rd, 2019 is a World Book and Copyright Day, we are celebrating it and the theme of our World Book and Copyright Day for 2019 is Discover the World through Reading", so we are emphasizing on reading because we want to encourage students to read more and that is one of the essence of that day, we are bringing in authors because we are working together with the association of authors, to bring people , lirerary authors, to come and speak with children , do books reading and encourage them to imbibe reading culture, the act of writing and so on and so forth, this are parts of what we have for that day.

Tuesday 16 April 2019


Our Newstrack Online recently came across the President of West African Input Dealers Association; Chief Olayinka Amoo Akinmade who bared to us the important reason why WAIDA as a formidable association is essential in the agricultural activities anywhere in the world especially in Nigeria where WAIDA is majorly contributing the much impact in the agricultural activities and the production of the adequate and surplus food and other crops in abundance, for the benefit of the nation economically and the citizenry as well as in animal husbandry, and here underneath we unwind-ed our interview with him .

 Sir can we meet you?
My names are Olayinka Amoo Akinmade; the President West Africa Inputs Dealers Association.
What is the present state of WAIDA?
West Africa Input Dealers Association is all well and good, it is in right position and we are moving from one level to the next level.
What about the staff strength, the WAIDA's membership strength, is it increasing in number?
WAIDA membership is expanding by now we should number in the South West over 3000 members.
What has been the benefit of being a member in WAIDA?
Of course, you know agriculture is supposed to be mainstay of our economy and WAIDA is such in a position that would render service to farmers in term of providing quality inputs, talk about seeds , chemical to protect the crops in the farms, fertilizers to boost the growth and productivity, storage pest chemicals to store these crops in the storage, therefore WAIDA is in such a vantage position that as a stakeholder in the value chain of crop production practices you cannot wish it away, as a matter of fact it was the failure of the previous governments that did not recognized the inputs dealers or group in Nigeria that led to the failure of for example Green Revolution, Operation Feed the Nation, Mamser, DFFRI, these all slogans failed because the government in thosae days failed to recognize that the starting for any farmer to do a good thing is to find quality seeds and all the other input before you can have good productivity and assure food productivity.
What is your relationship with the government especially Federal Government , how cordial is it?
Well, thank God with Federal Government, we have been very close especially during the last administration of Akinwumi Adesina the then honourable Minister of Agriculture, he recognized the input dealers and gave us a lot of support in terms of handling off aids, distribution and locations in selling the marketing of inputs to us and that was actually what helped good enhancement at that time and we did quite well, as people who were there then can compare what food supply and food security worth at that time and to what it is today

Monday 25 March 2019

News Track Magazine: "We appeal to the Oyo State government for adequat...

News Track Magazine: "We appeal to the Oyo State government for adequat...: NEWS:   The deputy director Oyo State Fire Service Mr Adewumi Moshood has appealed to the Oyo State Government especially incoming governme...

"We appeal to the Oyo State government for adequate assistance on the provision of standard fuctional equipment and vehicle"- Oyo State Fire Service DeputyDirector; Mr. Adewumi Moshood.

  The deputy director Oyo State Fire Service Mr Adewumi Moshood has appealed to the Oyo State Government especially incoming government to give adequate assistance to the Oyo State Fire Service Commission with the provision of the standard but functional equipment and vehicle, for the fire fighting officers in Oyo State to be able to perform well and efficiently, for the good of the citizenry of the state.
  He clarified on the state of things as having some vehicles at hand that are not in good condition to work whenever they are on outside operation, here he appealed to the government in Oyo State to stand up to the challenges being faced by the Oyo State Fire Service by giving the commission an adequate functional equipment and vehicle.
  However, he refuted the erroneous assumption by some members of the public that Oyo State Fire Service has being of water shortage whenever there is a distress call from the members of the public, on any fire incidence.
  Meanwhile, he suggested that to make the Oyo State Fire Service Officers be able to do their work efficiently whenever they are on operation they have to be well equipped and thus reiterated that he wants the government to help increase on the outlets of the fire service within and around the areas in Oyo State, for easy and prompt handling of cases like that of fire incidence, the collapse of building among many incidence of emergency,
  Therefore, he commended the officers of Oyo State Fire Service for putting up their best and responding promptly to any distress call, from the members of the public, but advised the members of the public to take interest in being abreast with any information given by the fire service, to make their relationship with them cordial and fruitful for effective but mutual benefit and effective communication
And by and large stressed that government should consider the fire service officers for good welfare package, to motivate them more, for an outstanding and encouraging performance, at their various posts and areas of assignment.