Thursday 29 December 2016


There are expert; there are amateurs yet there are professionals and there are quacks. There are those that are ready seeing any project into the end(Finishing line) and wishing themselves utmost success in all ramification but in a situation where there is no good equipment, expertise, knowledge or skill then their expectation may not be and it could backfires even the holy-book affirms that "if the axe is dull and its edge not-sharpened, more strength is needed but skill will bring success". And aside all what is expected of a willing soul to achieve his objective there should be nothing to hinder the "would-be" person from achieving his aim except in a situation where he lacks confidence, courage and foresight, to forge ahead. Nevertheless, if he allows his personal-gains or selfishness to overwhelm him then there is another vice that could serves as a clog in his wheel of progress because egoism, selfishness, avariciousness, greed, dereliction of duty etc are there dissuading and deluding anybody from facts, reasoning and logical analysis, the moment he thinks of himself alone and forgetting the value you have for humanity, dictates how far one goes in any business. Meanwhile, the fear to carry out a plan is as bad as paralysis of the mind and brain. 


In Nigeria of today when it comes to the types of public-functionaries that exist; it is not a gain-say to depict them as two types: One is the type indifferent to the development of his area instead he amasses wealth while serving in government and grabs any opportunity that comes his way, to misappropriate money and enrich himself, to the detriment of his state and people, while the other is ready to do little and pocket any subsequent allocation that comes his way after the incipient effort, to convince his people that he is for their welfare and state development. Despite the fact that their degree of immorality and dereliction of duty is different and that the latter is better than the former yet, what is bad is bad, though, the total condemnation is for the former and instant incarceration of the bastard is compulsory, to serve as deterrence yet, we can exonerate the latter of his non-commitment to finish well, to prove his good disposition in complementing his good work therefore, in advising him we can admonish him that "MUCH GOOD WORK IS LOST FOR THE LACK OF A LITTLE MORE".
  And with this above-denoted title suffice I to relay with amusement and nostalgic feeling the story of an amateur farmer in a folklore story of a Yoruba progeny nicknamed "O KO'GBA; TU'GBA KA"; this naive farmer though hardworking, who for his usual but bad habit in snuffing stuff came to take a hasty and vacuous decision of dismantling the much numbered of ridges he had made through his singular and commendable effort, but realizing that a case of his medicated-snuff must have fallen into one of the ridges; he carelessly went into dismantling them, to search for his case of his powdered-substance that he had been habitually attached to, in snuffing at an interval of his desire for it. And this is what I projected on the same spectrum of connotation, to establish the title, for this piece of article and expatiate on the lack of doggedness, commitment to a purpose or sincerity with probity and ordinary but simple grit of the farmer in finishing well what he had started well on a good note.
 What do I mean?! the much good work which could be lost for the lack of a little more abuts on the negligence, dereliction of duty or even lack of determination of the farmer, to finish well hence, a man of that much commendable and significant result initially should have been conscientious, consistent and committed, to find it essential and incumbent, imperious and proper of him with sincerity of purpose to finishing well in his piece of assignment at hand; as expected of a public-functionary to whom a project is being apportioned to actualized for good. So, this he should have given an utmost priority to finish well, considering what his antagonists could have said and seized to castigate his effort and good intention, but instead giving them a loophole to criticize him and subject his initial achievement to ridicule  cum nothingness as "ones enemy is not wishfully expected to kill a big fat rabbit" says an adage in Yoruba language.
 So, to come back to the basics and deduce lesson from my piece, my adoption of the title was to portray the coin in both sides by representing factually the much good intention of the hardworking farmer who had proven the worth of his expertise and experience, but his much crave for the desire of the flesh could be termed as a destructive-habit (sniffing-snuff) and this is the sordid-habit that he had been clung to helplessly for long, that led to his hasty, vacuous, amateurish disposition through the effort; not to achieve well and masterfully and therefore, becoming a disappointment to himself and his people.
  However, the lesson from it is for our public-functionaries and leaders in the corridor of power, to always be committed to giving priority to finishing well, in their call to serve  or service to their people and responsibilities to their fatherland since, "We cannot escape history, we all will be remembered in-spite of ourselves" courtesy of Abraham Lincoln valuable provision.      

Tuesday 27 December 2016


Com-Dee is an aluminium construction company located closely to Iyana Ogbere Ti O ya junction beside a petrol station, along Aperin/Olorunsogo/Akanran Road.
  The Director of the company; Dele Adewale; a trained teacher had been in this kind of bussiness for some years ago and with the experience through this job, he has been blessed with the right expertise, knowledge and adequate skill, at making creatively some special but new innovation in window forms, doors designs, collapsible architectural designs of various kinds, that complement the beauty of monumental edifices, mobile stationary and non stationary stands etc.
  However, his age-long commitment to the job with adequate result to prove him right, hardworking and successfully established, with personal house, cars and grounded property had endeared the minds of some purposeful parents and guardians in releasing their children and wards to him respectively as apprentices under his tutelage. And through this, he has graduated more than hundred sets/batches of fully fledged trained and totally capable professional, in using alluminium for various creativity and construction, standing on their own, as completely self-employed entrepreneurs, successfully flourishing and thriving in their businesses, also as employers of lab-our, which is evidently corroborating the fact that vocational-skills is imperatively supportive, to make life bearable, objectively productive and profitable, to the youth trained in other areas of professional fields  


Otunba Kunle Kareem at a Chieftaincy titles conferment event inside Olubadan of Ibadan Oba Saliu Adetunji 'Ogunguniso 1 palace on the 19th of December, 2016 advised the youth to be purposeful in life by finding something legitimate to do, since time waits for no man, while they allow patience to be their watchword, which after much effort with purposefulness and patience; it is certain they achieve some of their aims and objectives in life, in becoming relevant and responsible in life.
 The youthful, amiable and frank- minded young Chief advocated that since life is generational; one needs to know that life is in phases; problems are in sizes. And that turn by turn is what nature accommodates in promotional development hence, nobody should be in a hurry to accede to any position or believing the old people who are in important positions in life now should vacate their positions for the youth to occupy. Here he justified that the experience, exposure and intelligence of the elders that serves as the sin-qua-non to handling matters well and directing affairs effectively is rare to come by and that; it is the only worthwhile ingredient to managing any position proficiently well, for the good of all and sundry. He therefore, emphasized that with time, all expectation of the people of Ibadan-land to have Ibadan state like that of the people of other states to have some newly created states within their states in Nigeria would be actualized, while he admonished the newly conferred chiefs to make sure they use their position for the good, development of the people and land.

CIVIL-EYE: Celebrating Christmas; Contemplating Compatibility

"For God so loved the world that HE gaveth HIS only begotten son that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have eternal (everlasting) life".
 Now to get down to the analysis of this above stated quotation from the bible while I should be careful not to be criticized nor crucified; for being one-sided but to infer the fact and gospel truth from this quotation. Here I started thus that God in HIS infinite mercy had shown that "HE" so loved the world.............," , 'So' here, serves as a modifier of 'loved' which is the verb hence 'So' is a modifier of the verb; which is the 'loved', meaning God 'very' loved the world.... therefore, 'so' or 'very' is to heighten, strengthen or deepen the love God has for mankind, before releasing or giving out HIS 'only' son .......". And here also showed that God intentionally 'deprived' HIMSELF to improve mankind, hmm what a great loss and love from God!. And 'whosoever' (regardless of anybody's status: poor, rich,wicked, good,dirty, clean etc) "believeth" (unflinching conviction that he came and died for us; as a covenant son of God, to redeem mankind from sin) "in HIM will not perish but have eternal life(will have blissful, everlasting, ad-infinitude, non stop-joy, happiness from life to death) then that means there will be no difference between life and death but "trance-like-joy", happiness of good in all ramification. And thus this is to explain better then that "Life is pleasant, death is peaceful (but with God's love it would be peace-plus) but only transition that could be troublesome (since death comes with an excuse) yet with God's love; there's no pain.
 By and Large, Love shown by God by giving out HIS only begotten son.....(this promising us eternal life by believing in HIM is unquantifiable,not-comprehensible and inexhaustible hence HE admonished that "be you whatever without love; you are nothing"!.
  However, this love is what is missing within family-members, group of people, comity of nations that has led to chaos, callousness, rivalry, war, corruption, crime, and other vices of the type. But by bringing Love back to our fold, midst and society, surely I know we shall make the world a better place to living. And this is only message (topic-sentence) the quotation is emphasizing upon that Love plus Living is equal to Eternal Life, so believing in Jesus Christ; the only God's begotten son changes man better for good; to "Love is neighbour as himself". I'm talking of Agape-Love but not Lewd-Love so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017 in advance.          

Saturday 24 December 2016


Legislators' duties and roles are very tasking and it is no less than herculean task hence, the status in which they find themselves is very demanding; considering daily brain storming, deliberation, meeting upon meeting, thinking upon thinking, with the anxiety not to fail oneself, members, the nation and her people from each honourable's constituency. And with all these and many more responsibilities placed upon these members of both House of Senate and House of Representatives (Bicameral), I think they need to be commended on this phase of their exitence representing their major and different constituencies and citizenry of the nation.
  But man as being unpredictable and susceptible to abnormality and unusual acts led to the constitutional creation of Chief-Whip's office, Minority Leader's office, Majority Leader's office, Speaker's office and Chairmen of different committees to delineate roles, responsibilities, reservation and respect. Hence, Speaker is accorded his respect whenever a motion or bill is about to be presented to the whole house, with the Speaker on seat, or even in the absentia or where the Deputy Speaker is not around, their seats are respected as the respect they are supposed to be accorded. And this is how the variance in respect is shown regarding all the offices earlier mentioned above.
  However, if a speaker is around then there is no reason why other members representing their constituencies should not  and in a situation where they are absent (Since body no be wood and that it is compulsory to go on respite, for them to recover from the lost energy, to keep their body cool, calm and collective, for the blood-pressure to come back to normalcy)it should be made officially known to the relevant office to be noted.
  Meanwhile, if a student should be indictable for truancy from his class( hence the higher institutions, religious bodies, companies believe in availability and attendance) then there is no reason why an erring member of the "House" should not be questioned at least, the reason why he is a member is to represent adequately the interest of his people and if a man's hair cannot be barbered or shaved behind him then; their presence matter a lot in the "House" always.
 And don't forget if a scholar is accounted to be the contract, the teacher is the contractor and that the parent is the client then the Speaker is assumed to be the contractor representing the nation through the government, the members are the contracts representing their people while the people of each constituency are said to be clients.
  Therefore,in order not to make the mess of the whole contract then the tripartite people concerned need to be up and doing, to see our national affairs taken seriously, for adequate success and progress through adequate representation, contribution and deliberation, for a good course to conclusion.
   This I presumed I should call our honourable attention to, in the justification of their sacred duty to the whole people of the nation yet, I hereby humbly express my appreciation in the acknowledgement of their roles and responsibilities, to make things work for better since, the "HOUSE" is the engine of any nation.    And if "Charity should begin at home"; here I bid them a word of thank you, well done and God bless, while we are all watching your performance and believing you end well.  


The Oyo State House of Assembly Chapter of Christian Legislators' Fellowship Int'l held her end of the year Christian Carol Service at her Chapel under completion inside Oyo State Secretariat Agodi, Ibadan on the 21st of December, 2016.
  The service which was graced by the Honourable Speaker of the Oyo State House of Assembly; Right Honourable Micheal Adesina Adeyemo, Chief Bode Amoo,Prophet Timothy Funso Akande, Honourable S.O Ajanaku, Honourable/Mrs P.A Agbaje,Honourable G.J Oyekola, Honourable Joshua Oyebamiji, Honourable/Mrs Oladeji, Permanent Secretary Bankole, Pastor/Mrs Okoye representing Senator Barnabas Gimade, Dr./Mrs Awopegba, some other distinguished guests from far and near within the coast of Nigeria and members of both internal and external public of the House of Assembly.
  At the commencement of the service the auditorioum of the Chapel under completion was fully occupied by the members of the dignitaries, invitees who were already engrossed in praise-worship, before the Master of the Ceremony; Feranmi Babalola  aided by the Chairman of the Planning Committee; Honourable G.J Oyekola took charge of the stage, to introduce those necessary, to the audience and after the accolade and acknowledgement the invited Pastor Funso Akande took the microphone to deliver his sermon, on the essence of the birth of Jesus Christ and the lesson, with the objectivity behind his being denoted as Wonderful, Counsellor and Mighty Son of God, on whose shoulder the authority of the whole earth has been placed. And thus, with relevant prayer to usher in the festival and expectation of those present for the new year-2017.
  Honourable Joshua Oyebamiji who was called upon to read Isaiah 9verses 1-7 described the event as being unique, first of its kind and that it indicated an advancement on the spiritual terrain while it is confirmatory of the hope for the Christ second coming. Honourable/Mrs Agbaje who was also called upon to read some verses from the book of Matthew (Matt 1 verses 18-25) in her own evaluation emphasized Christmas to be of the usual but exemplary gaiety, joy, ebullience and sheer contemplation on the importance of the birth Jesus Christ, which greatly gives assurance that the hope of the Christians and believers globally is not lost, considering the day of rapture for the beloved, saints and those who have their faith and hope on Jesus Christ, here she reiterated that she believes things will change for better in Nigeria under the present political dispensation

Wednesday 14 December 2016


Nigerian Union Of Pensioners; Oyo State Chapter inaugurated new executive members.
 The event which was held today; 14th of December, 2016 inside their new but permanent secretariat (yet to be completed) located at Agbarigo Area of Onireke Road.Ibadan was attended by some distinguished guests, to acknowledged the importance of those that have served selflessly, to contribute justly to the development of their fatherland, in their various level of capacities.
  At the occasion which was attended by some large members of the pensioners including that of the Oyo State Primary School Teachers Pensioners (Members) was an epoch meeting, where after the election and swearing of the new-executive members; the new Chairman for the Union; Comrade Gbadegesin Akande thanked God and pledged to continue on the good stride of his predecessors, whose past and cumulative effort with the good stewardship and accountability of the secretary; Comrade Segun Abatan made possible the actualization of their dream into a gigantic and monumental edifice being their new secretariat.
 In the words of Chief Lateef Adegbite; the National President of Nigerian Union of Pensioners South West Zone thanked God for the peaceful election, which had been free and fair; indicating the cooperation of the whole members, while he vouched for the new chairman elected; Comrade Gbadegesin Akande being capable to perform as expected, to lift the glory of the union up for better.
   He therefore advised the union members to be united and cooperate with the new executive members especially the secretary; Comrade Segun Abatan, to make the tenure of the new executive members better and successful, for the benefit of all members

Tuesday 13 December 2016


Not quite few years ago National Association of Proprietor Medicine Dealers(NAP-MED) had a supremacy imbroglio with Pharmaceutical Council of Nigeria; a fur-ore on who does much; or bear much responsibility in bringing sanity to the distribution, display, sales and selection of some drugs, for representational promotion, to the citizenry, populace or rather patients (users) though, if care had not been taken by the government it could have led to an unending and unhealthy rivalry but since the government is between two beautiful brides;those at the helm of affairs handled the delicate matter well , to have arrived at a good conclusion and mutual but beneficial delegation of roles and responsibilities, to both warring sides then, since they know when two elephants fight it is the grass that suffers; as we all need to know that the citizens who need always some of these health-products would suffer most. And thank God, this had become a thing of the past.
   However, to be candid, without taking sides Pharmaceutical Council of Nigeria  (PCN) represent the government truly but the buck of some roles and parts play by National Association of Proprietor Medicine Dealers (NAP-MED) is not quantifiable yet one can say "no victor; no vanquished" in the supremacy-fight.
  Meanwhile, Pharmaceutical Council of Nigeria is an umbrella Association or body for all Pharmaceutical companies in Nigeria, which regulates the production and promotion of any type of drugs in our various markets, but the game between PCN and Fake Manufacturers is like that of cat and mouse, which is the same in all countries of the world  and sometime goes dicey, drawl y, destructively, derogatorily and defenselessly if NAP-MED; the entreport to the market for the populace is not co-opted by PCN, to arrest the ugly influence and infiltration of these Fake Drugs Manufacturers into our market, because if all the device able net of the government to catch these "saboteurs" should be stretched on both side by PCN and NAP-MED then it would be a water-tight and fortified defense , for the citizenry against any fake drugs manufacturer, to have influence on them, in buying non-standard drugs, which could terminate lives suddenly and unnecessarily. And lest I forget here I unwind on some roles being played by NAP-MED to the commoners or public which they need to be commended for;
 (1) Proximity (The importance of their nearness to the public is unwearable and immeasurable.
(2) Variety: Dont forget they keep the varieties of different drugs from different pharmaceuticals in their shops, which in the importance of distribution through marketing-mix; no pharmaceutical will like to promote the drugs belonging to other pharmaceutical.
(3) Availability; NAP-MED members keeping shops are right there for the members of the public come sun, rain during daylight or even midnight. And  where preferential treatment is allowed, customers could be given privilege in cost reduction, credit facility or dead-midnight call, to save a patient at the point of emergence or survival.
(4) Reorientation or Interpretation of Instruction: In some cases some members of NAP-MED at their shops interpret the meaning of instruction written in English-language or Foreign Language to the ignorant or illiterate buyers or users.
(5)NAP-MED; the last resort of where the users get their drugs could be creatively tapped, to arrest the fake drugs manufacturers.
(6) Nonetheless, since NAFDAC and ND LEA; the agents of the Federal Government on regulating the distribution, sales and production of drugs are as active; as the sun that gives light, vitality and helping to dry and ripen some of our fruits and crops for consumption; it is better to commend these two agents as helping a lot in removing the chaffs from the grains, in respect of fake drugs and manufacturers, for a healthier nation that we all want Nigeria and her people to be.
 Nevertheless, with PCN, PSN, DPS and NAP-MED toeing the legal course, and abiding by the rules and regulation of the Federal Government and leaving up to expectation by allegiance to the government and citizenry of this nation; Nigeria, there is no reason why our health sector regarding the sales and distribution of drugs nationwide will not be sanitize and safe , for the good of all and sundry. Only the Federal Government should find something done to make the cost of License obtain by the members of NAP-MED considerable, while the embargo laid on the non-inclusive of the essential drugs on their shelves, of the NAP-MED members should be lifted, for those who need them; among those in the public who would be able to have them as at when due; during emergence or excruciating pain through .
   And some regulation affecting adversely the NAP-MED members like "two-hundred meters between shops of the members of NAP-MED, and some NAP-MED members leaving their age-long location for a new pharmaceutical company erection or establishment should be revoked.
  By and Large, NAP-MED members are serving already to complement Primary Health Care or call it Society Family Health though in this time of recession; they are complaining of great reduction in market-sales, profit and products while Duty regarding cost of dollars is too exorbitant and the aftermath effect is high cost of drugs, still they are not relenting on playing their roles too in respect of active task force; detecting fake-drugs through packaging, bad consequence for erring members, while now they have even improved by  Malaria Test or Diagnosis. Yet here they want the Federal Government to help them with grants and loans to help improve on their means of livelihood.
All in all if i should conclude on this piece; it is better to say we should all give kudos to PCN who without them there can be no drug available talk-less of anybody being in a position to be dealer or seller, on behalf of the larger society I'm giving thanks to all concerned, in the good gesture to improve our health through correct drugs manufacturing and distribution!    

Friday 9 December 2016


"When God make everything HE sees all he has made being good" "all what God made are good". Taking this aforementioned gospel-truth into account, one would realize that 'perfection' is what creation is all about, while by "growth and use" God timed them all for an existence, so whatever a man does with the aim of contributing to it; is just artificially secondary. What do I mean?! If an inventor could be said to be creative and a vision-er is assumed to be good then how much more God from whom all gifts come; the provider of all things. Yet regarding God and creation; we are all "pencils in HIS HANDS" and we are limited in reasoning, intelligence and wisdom, either to comprehend w holistically HIS mystery about life, earth, heaven and the biosphere beyond or manage whatever GIFT HE has deposited in us individually or harness the good HE has endowed us, within our environment collectively, but GIFT through potential, attribute, trait or quality is what HE endows every individual but "It is by the wisdom of God to hide a value and to HIS glory a man discovers it. And this where all of us especially in the dark-continent (black-race); AFRICA have problems; inhibiting or diffident to take adventure into the discovery of the values hidden by GOD yet God gloats and appreciates when man; we search for his values meant for mankind, because God cannot provides the foodstuffs and we still expect HIM to cook it for us, hence a Yoruba adage corroborates thus that "It is only a child that aspires for encouragement through meaningful effort that assistance would certainly be given; meaning "Omo to ba sipa niya e maa gbe"
 Meanwhile, the gut, grit, gumption and grace to explore into adventure, for the hidden-value kept by God is as free as air we breath in. And this is what the white people have seized or tapped to have had edge over us, in the discovery and thus becoming extraordinary through research into innovation and invention, which by way of looking for the gift in a man or resources within their environment induced them to have fathomed where they belong and encouraging them in carrying out research by unfolding the mystery behind any item for a case-study.
  GIFT is an abstract thought of as a quality rather than a fact or object because it is yet hidden and needs unfoldment, so it is just like muscle which without constant practice can reduce into extinction.
 However, it is better for one to discover his GIFT, take the pain to develop it, polish it and package your product (value/gem) from the GIFT to greatness. Therefore, one must know " nothing good comes easy" though the blackest moment we lived through can only last but little time and there comes the brighter future".
 What a food for thought, but only those who are meant for greatness and breakthrough can read between the lines and infer some facts from this information as divinely exposed so, while the prophet is delivering heavenly prophesy let the members of the congregation be orderly to hearken to the revelation from the father of all GIFTS, who had just chosen the 'vessel" to draw for the benefit of humanity therefore, let those who have ears listen and take into use the wisdom from the prophecy as referred in Amos3:7


NZE CHRIS aka Oga-Nla Communication whose office and Record, CDs Shop is located at Bere; Oke- Aremo Ibadan is a true Nigerian by nature, being an Ibo-man yet, when it come into what he knows to do best which is the promotion of musical artistes for commercial upliftment he loathes being parochial and sentimental about ethnicity hence he is a large-hear ted person finding musical path and discovery of the artistes paramount for their upliftment, development and profitable breakthrough.
   NZE CHRIS has promoted a lot of Nigerian artistes cutting across the tribes in Nigeria among who ALABI MUFUTAU; PERFECT GOLDEN SON ON "FIRST BORN" was, yet you would not see NZE CHRIS  flaunting his achievement in the musical line or being arrogant , so he is a gentle, industrious and hardworking type . And being a self-employed person he is one of the hardworking Nigerians bending-over-backward to be on their own. And thus he appealed to the government on the 3tiers to help all willing Nigerians that believe in legitimate activitiesd so that those roaming the streets would be reduced, as many are self-employed but have folded up their businesses because of the lack of capital.
  NZE CHRIS is a society-developer, who is diligent and dedicated to hid piece of work that he does with passion.
  He advised the Nigerians to be calm, patient and endure with the present Federal Government as "the blackest moment we live through can last but little time and there comes the brighter future"


Dr. Adelani Traditional Health Care  is located around Labiran/Bere Road Ibadan where major concern of the Traditional Doctor is focus at curing any health matters regarding Stroke of any kind and with prompt attention within hygienic environment one will see the traditional doctor doing what he knows to do best by caring for his numerous patients, awaiting his attention and specialized disposition, to helping them cure their ailment within the range of stroke and any other similar ailment paralyzing one from moving naturally, as God has made the body to be.
  Dr. Adelani; an Islamic scholar that believes in God, a meek, gentle, and naturally endowed traditionally believes in punctuality; which is the soul of business and anytime one gets to his office at the said location, you will see the amiable but proficient traditional doctor attending to one thing or the other to enhance his course of creativity in traditional therapy and orthopedic yet, he is a reticent type that doesn't believe in boasting though, a trial will usually convince you.  


Odua Investment Company Limited at her forty Anniversary (October 1, 1976- October 1, 2016) held inside Premier Hotel Banquet Hall on the December8, 2016 arrived at a decision; to start off on formidable structure, in order to enhance the managerial structure and entrench efficient mechanism, to make things work well ,for considerable profitability and proficient existence of the company, for the good of the people of the states, the company internal and external public s cum posterity.
 The event attracting the attention and presence of the captains in business industries and the company's past and present chairmen, group managers, the executive personnel like Chief Chris Kolade, Chief Francis Mogaji, Chief Akintade, Professor Wale Omole, Odua General Managing Director Adewale Raji,, Chief Lekan Are of Kakanfo Hotel and Hall,Governor Abiola Ajimobi, the States's Representatives, Retired but not tired High Ranking Military Officers like David Ikpeme, David Jemibewon to mention few of the distinguished guests and members of the timbers and calibers present and including invited guests, members of the staff of the company, were treated to a well prepared, arranged and presentable context of a viable and valuable structural expertise and experiences, from the technocrats and participants who contribute immensely on how and what to do , to redirect and re position Odua Investment, for an optimum productivity, through proficient accommodation of the right hands capable enough to safeguard the company from unnecessary interference and loss, as a result of lackadaisical involvement of those not fitting ; to be in the helms of affair at least; "To whom much is given; much is expected.
  The event went well with the distribution of the company's souvenir to keep the memory of the fortieth Anniversary lasting in the minds of those present to grace the occasion.   

Wednesday 7 December 2016


Yesterday; December 6, 2016 was a historical day for Evans Brothers ( Nigeria Publishers) Limited (1966-2016) when it organized a get-to-gather party inside Premier Hotel Banquet Hall Ibadan, to mark her fifty-year anniversary and thus entertain her numerous customers, staff and associates in the world of publishing.
 The occasion which saw the likes of Otunba (Dr.) Adekunle Ojora; Chairman Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited, Chief Lekan Are; Chief Executive Officer Kakanfo Hall Ibadan, Mr. Lukman Dauda; Managing Director Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited, Mr. Gboyega Adewole; General Manager Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited, Dame/Chief/Mrs. Erelu Ojora, Dr.(Mrs) Iyabo Fagbulu to mention few of the distinguished guests that graced the occasion, was detailed to unwind briefly on the historical background and the developmental phases through which Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited went through before attaining the peak of her prominence, proficiency and profitable status among her equals.
 However, the occasion as one of its kind went well with souvenirs of the company given out, to immortalize the memory of the occasion(Fifty-Anniversary) in the hearts of those present to bear witness to the company's occasion, organized to mark her fifty anniversary, where the entertainment of the guests was prioritized, to feed their eyes, hearts and stomachs in grand style.