Friday 9 December 2016


"When God make everything HE sees all he has made being good" "all what God made are good". Taking this aforementioned gospel-truth into account, one would realize that 'perfection' is what creation is all about, while by "growth and use" God timed them all for an existence, so whatever a man does with the aim of contributing to it; is just artificially secondary. What do I mean?! If an inventor could be said to be creative and a vision-er is assumed to be good then how much more God from whom all gifts come; the provider of all things. Yet regarding God and creation; we are all "pencils in HIS HANDS" and we are limited in reasoning, intelligence and wisdom, either to comprehend w holistically HIS mystery about life, earth, heaven and the biosphere beyond or manage whatever GIFT HE has deposited in us individually or harness the good HE has endowed us, within our environment collectively, but GIFT through potential, attribute, trait or quality is what HE endows every individual but "It is by the wisdom of God to hide a value and to HIS glory a man discovers it. And this where all of us especially in the dark-continent (black-race); AFRICA have problems; inhibiting or diffident to take adventure into the discovery of the values hidden by GOD yet God gloats and appreciates when man; we search for his values meant for mankind, because God cannot provides the foodstuffs and we still expect HIM to cook it for us, hence a Yoruba adage corroborates thus that "It is only a child that aspires for encouragement through meaningful effort that assistance would certainly be given; meaning "Omo to ba sipa niya e maa gbe"
 Meanwhile, the gut, grit, gumption and grace to explore into adventure, for the hidden-value kept by God is as free as air we breath in. And this is what the white people have seized or tapped to have had edge over us, in the discovery and thus becoming extraordinary through research into innovation and invention, which by way of looking for the gift in a man or resources within their environment induced them to have fathomed where they belong and encouraging them in carrying out research by unfolding the mystery behind any item for a case-study.
  GIFT is an abstract thought of as a quality rather than a fact or object because it is yet hidden and needs unfoldment, so it is just like muscle which without constant practice can reduce into extinction.
 However, it is better for one to discover his GIFT, take the pain to develop it, polish it and package your product (value/gem) from the GIFT to greatness. Therefore, one must know " nothing good comes easy" though the blackest moment we lived through can only last but little time and there comes the brighter future".
 What a food for thought, but only those who are meant for greatness and breakthrough can read between the lines and infer some facts from this information as divinely exposed so, while the prophet is delivering heavenly prophesy let the members of the congregation be orderly to hearken to the revelation from the father of all GIFTS, who had just chosen the 'vessel" to draw for the benefit of humanity therefore, let those who have ears listen and take into use the wisdom from the prophecy as referred in Amos3:7

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