Saturday 24 December 2016


Legislators' duties and roles are very tasking and it is no less than herculean task hence, the status in which they find themselves is very demanding; considering daily brain storming, deliberation, meeting upon meeting, thinking upon thinking, with the anxiety not to fail oneself, members, the nation and her people from each honourable's constituency. And with all these and many more responsibilities placed upon these members of both House of Senate and House of Representatives (Bicameral), I think they need to be commended on this phase of their exitence representing their major and different constituencies and citizenry of the nation.
  But man as being unpredictable and susceptible to abnormality and unusual acts led to the constitutional creation of Chief-Whip's office, Minority Leader's office, Majority Leader's office, Speaker's office and Chairmen of different committees to delineate roles, responsibilities, reservation and respect. Hence, Speaker is accorded his respect whenever a motion or bill is about to be presented to the whole house, with the Speaker on seat, or even in the absentia or where the Deputy Speaker is not around, their seats are respected as the respect they are supposed to be accorded. And this is how the variance in respect is shown regarding all the offices earlier mentioned above.
  However, if a speaker is around then there is no reason why other members representing their constituencies should not  and in a situation where they are absent (Since body no be wood and that it is compulsory to go on respite, for them to recover from the lost energy, to keep their body cool, calm and collective, for the blood-pressure to come back to normalcy)it should be made officially known to the relevant office to be noted.
  Meanwhile, if a student should be indictable for truancy from his class( hence the higher institutions, religious bodies, companies believe in availability and attendance) then there is no reason why an erring member of the "House" should not be questioned at least, the reason why he is a member is to represent adequately the interest of his people and if a man's hair cannot be barbered or shaved behind him then; their presence matter a lot in the "House" always.
 And don't forget if a scholar is accounted to be the contract, the teacher is the contractor and that the parent is the client then the Speaker is assumed to be the contractor representing the nation through the government, the members are the contracts representing their people while the people of each constituency are said to be clients.
  Therefore,in order not to make the mess of the whole contract then the tripartite people concerned need to be up and doing, to see our national affairs taken seriously, for adequate success and progress through adequate representation, contribution and deliberation, for a good course to conclusion.
   This I presumed I should call our honourable attention to, in the justification of their sacred duty to the whole people of the nation yet, I hereby humbly express my appreciation in the acknowledgement of their roles and responsibilities, to make things work for better since, the "HOUSE" is the engine of any nation.    And if "Charity should begin at home"; here I bid them a word of thank you, well done and God bless, while we are all watching your performance and believing you end well.  

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