Tuesday 27 December 2016

CIVIL-EYE: Celebrating Christmas; Contemplating Compatibility

"For God so loved the world that HE gaveth HIS only begotten son that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have eternal (everlasting) life".
 Now to get down to the analysis of this above stated quotation from the bible while I should be careful not to be criticized nor crucified; for being one-sided but to infer the fact and gospel truth from this quotation. Here I started thus that God in HIS infinite mercy had shown that "HE" so loved the world.............," , 'So' here, serves as a modifier of 'loved' which is the verb hence 'So' is a modifier of the verb; which is the 'loved', meaning God 'very' loved the world.... therefore, 'so' or 'very' is to heighten, strengthen or deepen the love God has for mankind, before releasing or giving out HIS 'only' son .......". And here also showed that God intentionally 'deprived' HIMSELF to improve mankind, hmm what a great loss and love from God!. And 'whosoever' (regardless of anybody's status: poor, rich,wicked, good,dirty, clean etc) "believeth" (unflinching conviction that he came and died for us; as a covenant son of God, to redeem mankind from sin) "in HIM will not perish but have eternal life(will have blissful, everlasting, ad-infinitude, non stop-joy, happiness from life to death) then that means there will be no difference between life and death but "trance-like-joy", happiness of good in all ramification. And thus this is to explain better then that "Life is pleasant, death is peaceful (but with God's love it would be peace-plus) but only transition that could be troublesome (since death comes with an excuse) yet with God's love; there's no pain.
 By and Large, Love shown by God by giving out HIS only begotten son.....(this promising us eternal life by believing in HIM is unquantifiable,not-comprehensible and inexhaustible hence HE admonished that "be you whatever without love; you are nothing"!.
  However, this love is what is missing within family-members, group of people, comity of nations that has led to chaos, callousness, rivalry, war, corruption, crime, and other vices of the type. But by bringing Love back to our fold, midst and society, surely I know we shall make the world a better place to living. And this is only message (topic-sentence) the quotation is emphasizing upon that Love plus Living is equal to Eternal Life, so believing in Jesus Christ; the only God's begotten son changes man better for good; to "Love is neighbour as himself". I'm talking of Agape-Love but not Lewd-Love so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017 in advance.          

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