Wednesday 4 January 2017


Put the right guiding-principle in place; it would be easy for any unlettered leader to direct the country well, as purposefully as one could expect. And the absence of the correct "principle" is the bane of Nigerian's; woe, which has been debarring it from the expected progress it could have attained long time ago.
  Nigeria needs systematic structure that should be well planned and arranged, to suit the environmental requirement of the complexity of the country, taking into consideration the largeness the topographical size, geographical status, linguistic divergence, natural and human endowment, where adequate provision of food, clothing and shelter would be given priority and become the least in and as the needs of the citizenry, while true federalism must be well spelled, to surpass all influence either individually or collectively, to enhance egalitarianism, in the context of the society we all belong.
 And that the idea of Nigerian-ism would have no bound within or without the expanse of the country, whenever the call to serve or the service to our fatherland comes to be the issue at stake.
 Nevertheless, common level should be created to originalize WA-ZO-BIA into a creative and collective medium of communication "lingua-franca"; this we can do, so far we converge the collection of language specialists, to coin simply parts of speech by forming them out of the combination of the three major languages- Ibo, Hausa and Yoruba, for us to learn to speak among ourselves.
  With these above mentioned tips on ways to truly and really Nigerianize every citizen to become patriotic and having sense of belonging anywhere, within the parts of the country, then it means states; cater for every citizen equally and that individual belongs to state, while there is no discrimination of any type in gender-form,physical stand, biological importance and ethnicity then the new Nigeria we all envisage would be for both present, incoming generation and posterity.
  Ideas are like gems which nothing works which had not been used and nothing shines which had not been shines (heated) .
  Let's all think and work for the good of Nigeria and that those who looks for her greatness would also thrive in goodness and greatness.
  Good morning New Nigeria, God help us all, when we ourselves work to take Nigeria to her greater height. It is a thing we can do; it is a thing we must do, to leave good legacy behind for the upcoming youth and the posterity.
  Up Nigeria! Great Nation! Good People!  

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