Thursday 12 January 2017


"In the beginning there was word and the word was with God and the word was God" hence the word through God is creative. And when one expresses it; it leaves either negative or positive effect yet eloquence encompasses etiquette and packaging therefore, there is a specialization in Public-Speaking and eloquence is about the power of influencing the action of your listener even your enemy.
  To a professional speaker there are some words he should abhors as plague and such words are vulgar-able and derogatory, denoting acerbity and acrimony.
 In the culture spanning through the three tribes: Ibo, Hausa and Yoruba; we all know and uphold the fact that respect begets respect (reciprocity) regardless of the age, so with good words and respect send a child where he may be skeptical or reluctant to go yet he will still carry out the errand as "every action attract a reaction", a school of thought even advocates.
 Nevertheless, the words of God also affirm that "by their fruits you shall know them" hence acts and expression are the fruits of thought  and they establishes the stand or status of one relationship with others.
  In every sincere conversation; it is very essential to be frank yet one should be prudent, circumspect, decent, selective and eloquent in the choice of words, to achieve the objective regardless of type of temperament, state of feelings, level of relationship, mood and disposition and this is Public- Relation expertise, through this some great men have been able to get to their summit of glory (Gandhi, Martin Luther, Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikwe, Ladoke Akintola, Sardauna of Sokoto to mention few) yet some elders and youth have not realize that the lack of it has been the bane  of their misunderstanding with others, while some youth have been unemployable for the lack of it, provided he wants to engage in Public and not Private enterprise and ditto private business "customer is always right"; I hear a sharp, good and creative entrepreneur says, as he will not want anybody not even a member of his staff spoil his relationship with his customers for him not even force his business into collapse and closure, for the lack of courtesy and good words; "as one cannot have a good day with bad attitude and cannot have a good attitude with bad day" even "It is better to be beautiful than to be good but it is better to be good than to be ugly" says Oscar Wilde. And to a speaker or writer one need to know "talent alone cannot make a writer; there must be a man behind the speech and book (idea).
  Even an adage in Yoruba corroborates thus that there are speakers and there are discern-able hearers so " a would be good speaker should be careful of what he says because of those good but discern-able hearers that know what value words carry and also are proficiently endowed at arriving unbiased; on what meaning the thought of the speaker denotes, through his words and expression.
  So when next time you want to speak with or talk to someone; mind your words and expression as an adage in Yoruba even says "Benighted words soothes one to offer hands of friendship while blatant words incur the wrath of the listener meanwhile, words and thought are as fragile as poultry-eggs and if care is not taken it breaks as instantly as one utters it.
  "Act is the blossom of thought; joy and suffering are its fruits, yet to every action there is a reaction. As echo is inextricable to sound;  the quality of every expression through words leaves behind either painful and sour or soothing and pleasurable effect.
  Mind what you say and how you say it; "as honesty is one part of eloquence......"     

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