Saturday 7 January 2017


SPECIAL REPORT:   On the Ibadan Joint Traders Association in respect of the imbroglio within the association membership, on the accusation and counter-accusation between Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal and Alhaji Dauda Oladepo, regarding the status of the association's executive, previous expenses of the association, some contribution by some members and the position of the expenses incurred and accrued by and to the association from her past activities respectively, yet the issue of ownership of a sixteen-seaters Hummer-bus; given them by the Oyo State Government and the usurpation of some benefits among these principal officers: Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal, Prince Waheed Apampa and Alhaji Dauda Oladepo led us into unraveling facts, mystery behind this scenario hence, we did a thorough, detailed and unbiased investigation into the accounts from both factions, for a complete report, which we are presenting to you thus, while we believe as "Wisdom is vindicated by its value" so is the "Honesty which is the part of eloquence"yet we leave the judgement to God but views and opinions to the public, with the believe that those who can read between the lines would still be able to arrive and affirm at a genuine conclusion, with corroboration from the report as we present thus:
   On the 2nd of January, 2017 I went out in pursuit of some news but stumbled on a news; from an UN-regular beat (special news) from Labaowo- market; precisely the assumed office of the Ibadan Joint Traders Association, where a press-conference was about to come-up at 3pm as slated, to shed light on the news flying in the air, about the factionalism within the association and that Alhaji Dauda Oladepo is sponsoring a paid news in the dailies and some media; that Chief/Mrs. Labake Lawal has ceased to be the Iyaloja of Ibadan-land , for the Ibadan Joint Traders Association .
  However, precisely 3pm on the 2nd of January,2017 the factional members of Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal headed by Prince Waheed Apampa, had gathered at the Labaowo office chosen, as the venue of the press-conference, with members of the press; from different media on seat. And here Alhaji Lukman Kolawole Alaka; the faction's designated President made an introduction of the traders, to the gentlemen-of the press, who were picking/ writing down one thing or the other from the subject-matter at hand.
  After this introduction; Prince Waheed Alaka, the only remaining member of the three members of the board of trustees of the Ibadan Joint Traders Association alive (the other two members:Mr Adebayo Ayilara and Mr Rasheed Adigun  had died) read his address on the saga to the members of the press around on their seats,describing Alhaji Dauda as committing an abbe-ration:
  That the news of stopping Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal as the current Iyaloja is null and void.
  That Alhaji Dauda Oladepo is a liar; planning to cause enmity between Iyalode of Ibadanland and Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal.
  That Alhaji Dauda Oladepo is an unaccepted but disguised leader of the association.
  That the allegation of fraud against Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal is not true.
  That Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal is a bona-fide member of the association and still in control of the association.\
  That Alhaji Dauda Oladepo has made a wrong move to make a cover-up through Olubadan influence, while his move is a coup to unseat Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal but not supported by the members.
  That Alhaji Dauda\ Oladepo had organized a press-conference not official at C2/85 Olupoyi's Compound, Oja'Oba, Ibadan.
  That Alhaji Dauda Oladepo was a Vice President of the association before but not allowed to do things on his own.
  That Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal does not sign any document but Prince Waheed Apampa .
  That all the heads of the market are against Alhaji Dauda Oladepo.
  That Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal has never misappropriated the association money.
  That Iyalode of Ibadan-land and Iyaloja are closely friendly .
That all information bandied around about Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal is calumnious .
  After all being said by Prince Waheed Apampa, an opportunity was given any of the journalists present to ask question and promptly a Tribune reporter (name withheld) stood up, to ask question thus that why allowing Alhaji Dauda Oladepo all much concession, if he had earlier being disowned or cut to size by the association and that for clarity and identification sake the members of the traders present at the venue should introduce themselves, and at this juncture Prince Waheed Apampa responded to the first question:
  That Alhaji Dauda Oladepo was given the much opportunity because he was once a Vice-President of the association but incapacitated to a limit, while the traders later introduced themselves unanimously.
  Later Prince Waheed Apampa made an announcement that Alhaji Dauda Oladepo is suspended from the association, with the traders present re-echoing what he said, to bring the press-conference to an end.
  Meanwhile, Journalism as a noble art abhors nepotism, favouritism, unnecessary interference, influence and bias but to uphold truth, accuracy, objectivity, coherence and balancing of every story a reporter holds at hand, for development while giving equal attention , commitment, sincerity of purposefulness to both sides of any story. 
  And that anything short of this is tantamount to unprofessional-ism hence, we set out to play our own part objectively and went to C2/85 Olupoyi Compound Oja-Oba, Ibadan the nerve-cent re of Oja 'Oba's trading hive and a place where the indigenous and headquarter office of the Ibadan Joint Traders Association is located, on the 5th of January, 2017, where we had the special opportunity of meeting Alhaji Dauda Oladepo and his factional members.
  Nevertheless, here we were more educated to see deeply into the matter on ground about the association, that led to the imbroglio, with some documents, to back up the claim and side-account of Alhaji Dauda Oladepo, who with the association's secretary, public-relation officer of the association, Otun Iyalaje Gbagi Ogunpa; Chief /Mrs Kuburat Aloba, Ashipa Iyaloja of Ibadan-land; Alhaja Falilat Oladepo,Ibadan Joint Traders Association Iyalaje; Alhaja Opeyemi Adediran, some other members and Babaloja of Ibadanland; Bale Raufu Salami nicknamed Olowo Adekile, who we interviewed later to round-up our assignment with Alhaji Dauda Oladepo; who unwinded that Ibadan Joint Traders Association was one of the six recognized associations by the Oyo State Government, which is originally having her office at C2/85 Olupoyi Compound Oja'Oba Ibadan; the only recognized head office of the association that has been in existence, since the inception of the association; Ibadan Joint Traders Association.
  And that any meeting /press-conference done outside the head-office;C2/85 Olupoyi Compound Oja'Oba is illegal hence, he held the press-conference there, as officially acceptable to the members.
  That as an association, the Ibadan Joint Traders Association has an officially endorsed constitution; co-signed by Prince Waheed Apampa, Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal, he; Alhaji Dauda Oladepo  and some other executive members.
  That all what the association does is binding by the constitution.
  That the allegation of fraud against Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal is factually substantial, with facts, figures and evidence (showing us some document to back his claim up)
  That with the expectation for Oyo State Government Loan of Fifty thousand naira (50,000.00) each on interest free loan; Chief/Mrs Labake Labake Lawal ordered every member to pay two thousand naira each (2,000), as eligibility fee, which they did but instead of paying the collected amount of the money into Ibadan Joint Traders Association Account at Skye Bank Dugbe with Number 4790603955; Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal connived with the financial secretary of the association ; Mr Oluranti Oyedele, to pay the collected amount of money into Iyaloja Chief Mrs Labake Lawal  personal account No: 0029219262 with the name: Labake Lawal Patience at Guarantee Trust Bank (G TB) which Alhaji Dauda Oladepo disputed not to know, but the former Secretary(?) to the Ibadan Joint Traders Association ; Prince Waheed Apampa, was the person that informed him and some members of the executive.
  That the allegation of fraud against Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal was the issue that initially raised dust among the members, who were disappointed , for not receiving any loan of fifty thousand naira each, from any quarter whatsoever. While the two thousand naira paid by each member as the eligibility fee had not been refunded.
  Therefore, it led to the query and quarrel from the large members of the association, to know of the authenticity of the loan , hence agitated for their two thousand eligibility each, to be refunded (showing us some letters written on some letter-headed of some affiliated associations (among which Itesiwaju Fadama Association, New Gbagi Market Association e.t.c.) determinedly with strong words requesting for their eligibility fees paid by them to the association through Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal.
  The aftermath of  which Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal admitted to have collected the money but pledged to return all the money collected in January.
  Constitutionally Alhaji Dauda Oladepo defended that an executive of the association is periodically for five years term .
 And that since Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal and her members as executive was sworn in 2012 which to last through till 2016, that means the expiration of their tenure which came to be in June 2016 officially indicated that Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal's term with her members, of the executive has ended, as at when due(showing us a letter on a letter-headed of the association, to back it up) with Prince Waheed Apampa's signature on it; acknowledging the effectiveness of the dissolution from October 20,2016.
  Accordingly, Alhaji Dauda Oladepo argued that the dissolution of the executive of which Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal who was an arc-member; is in accordance to section seventeen (17) of the association to conduct election to various offices, at the expiration of each executive members term, except the office of the President, which is of Life term(existence) so, any representation done by Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal henceforth with her members of the executive that came on board in 2012 is impersonation, null and void.
  Last but not the least;
    That another issue that prompted the imbroglio, accusation and counter-accusation between him; Alhaji Dauda Oladepo and Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal is the issue of the Ibadan Joint Traders Association Twentieth Anniversary(20th) done in October 28, 2014, here sixty-one (61) affiliated association each contributed from each market under Ibadan Joint Traders Association five thousand naira each(5,000) another five thousand naira each for advertorial.
  That no report came whatsoever from Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal since June 2016.
  That it was three months ago she made herself known to the members.
  That the three committee (3) for the Twentieth Anniversary of the association were delineated as:
  (1)Chieftain Committee with 140 titles given to dignitaries at the event .
  (2) The Venue Organizing Committee.
  (3) A so-Egbejoda Committee, where three thousand naira worth of yards of cloth for any buyer then was sold for four thousand naira.
   That the some of money realized from the event which the total was four million, three hundred and fifty thousand  was the total sum of money realized from Chieftain Committee which was One million, five hundred and twenty-one thousand naira in addition with two million, seven hundred and seventy one thousand, five hundred naira.
  While regret-ably; as corroborated by Alhaji Dauda Oladepo, Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal gave an account and break-down of the amount of money realized; relating it to the cost of the expenses she spent on another thing whileshe inflated as reported below
 N200,000.00 payment to the police.
 N200,000.00 payment to Olubadan then.
 N191,900.00 payment for drinks/Bottle water.
 N190, 500.00 payment for the purchase of two cows.
 N152,500.00 payment for one hundred snails.
 N152, 500.00 payment for caterers.
 N120,000.00 payment for bags of rice and palm-oil.
 N120,000.00 payment for ingredient.
 N109,000.00Miscellaneous expenses.
 N105,000 payment for Coolers
 N57,000.00 honorarium to Bale Ekotedo.
 That with these various costs and payment believed and affirmed to be inflated, no positive effect showed, to prove the worth and truth of any grand entertainment of the dignitaries and chieftain-titles' awardees, who entertained themselves, with what they brought from their different homes.
 That on this; "the whole house" rejected Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal submission of the expenses, so the allegation he; Alhaji Dauda Oladepo made against her was not to tarnish her image and not wrong.
 And that the money Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal pledged to return in January was not fulfilled but instead brought an expenses to say she has spent the money.
 That on Poverty alleviation, Alhaji Dauda Oladepo made mentioned of the slot given to six-recognized associations, of which the slots belonging to Ibadan Joint Traders Association was short-changed by Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal, to her own advantage.
 That the sixteen seaters hummer-bus given to the association by Oyo State Government; she has turned into personal use and property and when asked she refused to hand-over it to the association, while she instructed her lawyer to reply the association that the bus was her personal belonging yet the executive of the Market Advisory Council constituted by Oyo State Government had been dissolved since April, 2015.
 That Ibadan Joint Traders Association was an indigenous association therefore, Iyalode of Ibadan is the controller-general of the association but Chief/ Mrs Labake Lawal; a member of the association disputed not to be under Iyalode, this the association cannot condone because the association cannot do anything without the consent of Iyalode of Ibadan.
 And since Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal has disagreed not to be under Iyalode then this has created stalemate because her decision not to be under Iyalode had strained the relationship the association members in general have with Iyalode of Ibadan-land.
 That the move made by the association to save the faces of the Onireke Kudeti Traders Association; drawing them away from street trading , which fetched them the allotment of ten-shops from Ibadan North West Local Government was mismanaged by Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal, who took three shops from the ten-shops allotted to the traders, for her personal interest.
 That the meeting held at C2/85 Olupoyi Compound, Oja'Oba Ibadan Office on the 5th of January, 2017 with Alhaji Dauda Oladepo, Babaloja of Ibadanland; Alhaji /Chief Raufu Salami, Secretary, Public-relation Officer of the Association, Otun Iyalaje Gbagi;  Mrs Kuburat Aloba, Ashipa Iyaloja of Ibadanland; Alhaja Falilat Oladepo, Ibadan Joint Traders Association Iyalaje; Alhaja Opeyemi Adediran and some other members and Bale Raufu Salami, who we interviewed later, to round up our assignment with Alhaji Dauda Oladepo, was the completion of the removal process of the executive members which Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal belongs and to nominate the new Iyaloja.
 That Babaloja of Ibadanland Alhaji Raufu Salami who is the current overall Babaloja of Ibadanland had given Alhaji Dauda Oladepo a certificate of Life-President signed both by Iyalabake Lawal and Prince Waheed Apampa.
 That all what may be done and acted out from C2/85 Olupoyi Compound Oja'Oba Ibadan office being where the predecessors to Alhaji Raufu Salami, Alhaji Amubikanun since 19th of November, 2007 and successors started from the office; the nerve-cent re of trading in Ibadan, is constitutionally binding.
 That Babaloja of Ibadanland; Chief/Alhaji Raufu Salami agreed that the issue of the mismanagement of money approximately five million naira by Chief/ Mrs Labake Lawal and her non commitment to accountability   was the basis for the controversy and imbroglio.
  That with the decision taken on the 5th of January, 2017 at C2/85 at Olupoyi Compound a new Iyaloja is about to be picked, assessed and installed.
 That all present had endorsed that Alhaji Dauda Oladepo is the authentic and widely accepted Life President of Ibadan Joint Traders Association.
 Conclusively, here we thought it imperative as the editorial team of News-track Online that believes in "reporting news with the right sense of purposefulness" hereby knew we have done justice to our piece of assignment, duty and responsibility to the society.
  And since press is the "Watchdog" of the society and that a "watchdog" doesn't bark and act unnecessarily or by impulse but, to call for the wisdom above (God's) and apply her expertise and experience in carrying out her part of the role to humanity, while we dress; God heals (as doctors do) yet what is hidden to man is premeditated by God and it is obvious and unbiased-ly clear and open to HIM.
  Then here we are leaving the food for your thought with these posers as enumerated below:
 (a) Despite all the documents presented by Alhaji Dauda Oladepo to corroborate his side of argument;we are still skeptical,except both parties are brought together to defend their courses and claims. But some relevant questions could be asked, to shed more light on this thus that:
 That how did the facts, figures and files got to the custody of Alhaji Dauda Oladepo; if he is not a genuine arch-member of the association ?
 That why was he able to organize the said press-conference at C2/85 Olupoyi Compound, Oja'Oba Ibadan's indigenous office?
 That why was there the shift of venue of Prince Waheed Apampa's own organized press-conference that took place at Labaowo?
 That the claim that Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal has not appended her signature on any document of the Ibadan Joint Traders Association was faulted by Alhaji Dauda Oladepo,who produced some documents on which Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal's signature was seen?
 That is it true that the association has a binding constitution, on which some members of the association's executive appended their signature?
  That does the document produced by Alhaji Dauda Oladepo to back up the allegation of fraud against Chief/Mrs Labake Lawal has some element of facts and evidently tender-able?
  That what can the Vice-President of an association do to warrant the ineffectiveness of his portfolio of office ?
 That it is true that all heads of the markets are against Alhaji Dauda Oladepo and if it so where did he get some notable members of the association that attended his own organized press-conference?
 That is there any rancour between Iyalode of Ibadanland and Iyaloja Labake Lawal recently and what caused the rift?
 That all information from Alhaji Dauda Oladepo are they calumnious or creditable?
 That with Bale Raufu Salami nicknamed Olowo- Adekile;Bale Onisowo of Ibadan-land stand and decision throwing his weight behind Alhaji Dauda Oladepo as Life President of the association; has it any genuine significance and general acceptance?
  Here I rest my pen from further stress and straining of fingers from writer's cramp and fingers tip shock,from continuous typing, believing we have done well and good,while I concluded to say "A house divided against itself can never stand" and that there should be a way of convening special meeting to settle things amicably and allow the matter to rest; for good yet, all what should be done must be done,to start a new beginning; this new year 2017.
 Meanwhile, as no association exists without constitution,let both sides follow the dictates of the constitution, if there is any or review the constitution.
 This piece of advice I hereby dropped, but out of the ethics of my profession; journalism which abhors interference in any matter .Egbe ko ni baje; Ibadan ko ni daruu oh!          


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