Tuesday 23 May 2017


" Do two walk together without having agreed" says a rhetoric question from holy-book( Amos 3:3 ) .
 And this is my subject matter and the premise by which I'm developing my points, facts, data, information, instances and suggestions on this above-mentioned self- coined topic- sentence.
 It is prevalent nowadays seeing fun fare,glamour,pageantry,ostentatious-array of affluence,drinks,foods and whatever accompanying the event or occasion of nuptial knot tying of couples, spouses and lovers at churches,mosques and registry, while parents ,friends and relations of both lovers feeling happy to see the beautiful day of the marr-i-age or wed-ing as marr-i-age could be said to be susceptible of damage so it is put in a state of holy solemnization believing  God put hand in the relationship, to see it cemented yet wed-ing is somehow something that is connotatively wedded (wedged) or put together by artificial attachment that could break away, from each other if care is not taken by the handlers of the wedded object because the joint where the attachment was made could be said to be delicate, no matter how one could believe it had been solidified therefore,care and love for the object and prayer to God constantly to see it together attached is the only sin-qua-non to make it last.
 And to buttress up point on this don't forget the couple,spouses or lovers came from different families and checking on their backgrounds both have different upbringing of what life is all about and educational background.
 So, taking this incipient premise into consideration marriage is sacrosanct which should be handled with utmost probity, propriety  and lovers ought to allow true-love and not pretext, as it is expected and believe to be the 'license'; starting the courtship before the real marr-i-age yet, should be circumspectly handled and sanguinely managed.
 But, what are we seeing nowadays? It is the opposite of what it is expected, while one or the witnesses to the beautiful occasion believing and expecting to be hearing good news of happy-life what one hears is quarrel , instances of unhealthy rivalry between those expected  to be lovers and these could lead to separation or divorce.
 Hence, I kept on wondering what could have been the cause and by my deep thought and insight from God I arrived at getting to see the causes as majorly lack of prayer constantly together, as a holy-book has enjoined us to "be watchful of the Satan,Lucifer, devil that is restlessly prowling to see whom he will devour", secondly, lack of true-love to endure and be tolerant provided both could flash back to the fact that they came from different families, ditto the denotation of the word- analyzed earlier about; the tag of the kind of life they are living (marr-i-age) or married life, as the game is said to be " for better; for worse" and the holy-book even described them"  'shameless lovers'; who were naked before each-other and were still proud of it"; ( Gen 2: 25) and thus, it was divinely arranged and call God's institution.
Then, to say the fact the rivalry that often started between both lovers often come from their parents and this I stand to be corrected by any impudent parent; that is not ready to admit the fact because each parent is surreptitiously star-gazing on whose hands is upper between the lovers and if care is not taken the mother or father of either spouse could go extra mile to be spiritual and don't forget, the reason why Eve and Adam had survived  is because they have no parent and this is a caution and advice to the parents, to be very loving for both and know they have their lives to live together, without time for retirement so, it is only prayer they can have to give to support them with and lastly the issue of 'colonial mentality';how the white do their own is another crazy idea, that could be imbibed by wife ( women-liberation) or hubby ( male- chauvinism).
On this note advise both parents and the couple to lets there be mutual respect because respect is reciprocal regardless, of what our culture says.    

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