Wednesday 3 May 2017


Maturity is by experience though, God when HE is ready to acts by signs and wonders HE can surpass our understanding and reasoning through the knowledgeable experience shown by any man yet, what belongs to all is not to anybody but everybody hence, we adopt this to search further in sampling on many other people's opinions, to unravel the major lapses, problems or paralysis affecting the country; Nigeria from acting truly as the giant of Africa, provided it is not competent rival with the other developing nations of the world.
 And referencing her slumbers, lackadaisical and benumbed effort,  in solving the myriad challenges that had been impeding on her progress, which had made her as an helpless but boastful mother unable to fend for her children so, in the course of our 'search' we came across another capable, experienced and successful Engineer Idowu Olaniyan, a business man, ACCORD party stalwart and very friendly family-man who bared out his mind on what could have been our problems and what are to be done in arresting the ugly situation for the good of the country and her citizenry.
 And here we unwind-ed on our interview with him as reported below:

Sir, good morning and who are we speaking with?

Good morning, My names are Engineer Idowu Olaniyan from Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State .

We realized you're in the political terrain.....interrupted?

No doubt, Yes! I'm in the political terrain.

Sir! we like you to explain to us what politics is all about? 

Politics is about serving people.

Sir! we heard from the grapevine that you are warming up for a political position, do you have any political ambition?

Yes! I do have political ambition.

Could you please expatiate on this?

Yes! I have aspiration to become senator in Oyo Central .

How far have you gone about this?

The thing is still in the pipeline because most of the political parties are realigning and our party also maybe is forming alliance with other parties very soon, so we are doing that for now.

With the disappointment the two major parties have effected on the electorates how do you want to make sure you convince your people with regards to your platform and template, that you will represent their interest? 

You see, I believe people should have integrity, they would be able to see our own record , we have integrity, we are men of integrity and that is what ACCORD PARTY  stands for, if you know most of the ACCORD PARTY  candidates or aspirants, those are the people that have integrity so we are 'Omoluabis', in short word and we are ready to assist our people , to empower our people in order to make their lives bearable compare with what we are experiencing now.

Sir! what do you think of regarding giving consideration to 'credibility' in  the field of political play in Nigeria?

I believe people should look for people of integrity, that have antecedent, that is what I believe, look at their past, to know whether these people can do what we expected.

Look at the situation of things in Nigeria, politically what do you envisage about the country's future?

The future is bright, if only we do what is right, what is right is that let us follow due process in whatever we do in our lives, in our homes, in government or whatever we do, it is important that we follow due process, whatever we need to do to make Nigeria great, let us do it, let us give people equal opportunity, let us allow peace to reign, that's all.

Analytically, what could you say has gone amiss with regard to the electorates and their disposition to voting system?

No! the electorates had been disappointed because people put in the position of authority have disappointed the citizenry of this nation, that's why the electorates have not been happy about going to vote or getting their voting cards but we have been trying to enlighten them that things cannot continue this way and it is the enlightenment we are doing now.

What is your score of President Muhammed Buhari's government? 

You see the present government I believe underestimated Nigeria's problems yet they are putting square peg in a round hole, those who they put in position to man offices are not capable of getting the job done.

Sharing of the national cake and the political position in Nigeria by Federal quota, what is your take on this?

I don't believe in quota, it is another way of rewarding mediocrity, I don't believe in mediocrity, let us put people in position by merit, people that are capable of doing it the right way that it should be, let them put those people in position, whether they are Hausa, Ibo or Yoruba, let them put those that can manage the position well in the position.

You're so endeared to Chief Rashidi Ladoja what has been the cord attaching your string of relationship thus far to him?

You see he is our father, egbon, a man of integrity, those who are close to him know the man has brain, intelligence, future , he can project and has vision for Oyo State even Nigeria, when he was in government you see, like when he was in government you could see how he had been able to tackled the issue of salaries for staff, most of the industries he created when he was in government throughout the whole local governments in Oyo State then, though they are moribund yet he has vision about what he intends to do, he teaches by example, he is a big farmer, he has a large farm and had invested a lot in farming, to show all of us that we have to go back to farming, let us give agriculture a priority.

What do you have to say about politics and God father-ism, are they separable?

I don't think they are separable from each other, there is no way you can separate them, people still have to have their leaders they would prefer, to have as their own Godfather, respect cannot be taken from politics.

Sir! a lot of people are on the fence; not participating in politics because of thuggery, hooliganism in politics.....interrupted?

You see in politics there is no place for thuggery in politics, we have to enlighten our people , you see politics is not thuggery ; it is service to our people, mankind, in our party we don't encourage such act or activities, some people say politics is a bitter game; politics is not dirty- game. It is some miscreants that caused problems and the machinery have to cushion and must have discipline in their manifesto so that those that are not fit for some position should be expelled.

What is your assessment of the performance of the members of the 'National House of Assembly'? 

They have not performed at all, let us be sincere, they are supposed to be check and balance to the government, if they are really not stepping on the executive then that means they have not really performed their work because the executive have not been performing, this are part of the problems we are facing , the legislators are not doing their job but focusing more on how to enrich themselves.

Ladoja having relevance in Oyo State then the issue of 'Rescue Team' would it not affect his influence? 

You see the issue of 'Rescue-Team' is already gone and dead, you see even in a family we have some members of different opinions , ''Tori were ti'le ni a fi n ni were tita', so in that wise the issue of 'Rescue-Team' had been dissolved, those that had gone astray they had come back to the main fold, if there is going to be a merger; Ladoja is a force to be reckon with in the politics of Nigeria talk-less of Oyo State so, we should  know that , nobody can underrate Ladoja's influence, even the presidency recognizes that he is a national politician, a lot of people have been coming to consult with him, if there is anything to be discussed about Oyo State and Nigeria politics; Ladoja is the first man to be called upon.

What will be your priority if voted in by your people eventually to the National Assembly? 

You see food is the number one, Oyo Central Saki Cultural Zone, we need to make sure we are self independent, after food is other thing, to make sure roads are done, debt is taken care of, we must make sure foods are available, are on people's table, a lot of people are suffering now, they cannot afford one meal a day, it should never happen in Nigeria, we should not allow it to happen again.

What are your plans not to allow partisan politics where people steal other parties' votes?

The problem is this; we need to enlighten the populace that they need to guard their votes jealously, whoever you give your mandate to; they must make sure that person is declared winner, the problem with us in Oyo State is that we have a lot of cowards; they will just be talking but not come out to support what they believe , now also the party is doing enlightenment for our people that they need to police their votes so that what happened in 2015 will not repeat itself God's willing.

What is your advice to the electorates?

The electorates should guard their votes, vote for people with integrity because Nigeria does not belong to anybody but all of us and we have no where to run to, we must make sure Nigeria rise again.

The merging of political parties will soon be , what should the electorates look for?

That one is for party hierarchy to decide but the issue is that people of like-mind should be in the party that should emerge, people who have the same vision with us, who want to make sure poverty is eradicated in Nigeria, people of like-mind we want.

What is your philosophy of life ?

Life to me is just take everything easy, pray to God and assist whoever I can assist in life because life is for a time and one needs to live it to the fullest. 

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