Monday 17 February 2020

"NIGERIA SHOULD COME FIRST BEFORE ANY OTHER THING, THERE'S A LOT OF MISTAKE MADE IN THE PAST, IT MUST BE CORRECTED NOW.....we suppose to use our brain, God given brain for the masses, atleast they are people recorded of the most poverty stricken in the world, it is a shame"- Chief Abimbola Aboderin


 To stand up for what one believes even if the whole world is on the other side denotes integrity, with steadiness, as "pessimist only sees the difficulty in every opportunity but the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty, hence it is the wish and expectation of every patriot and person of true nationalistic spirit "to bend over backward" in contributing his much quota , to the good of any nation he belongs, since he knows it is only by so doing he can better his lot and that of his people and this is the right posture of Chief Abimbola Aboderin in his response , to our various questions posed to him, to justify the reason why he and his team of Late MKO Abiola, Late Lamidi Adedibu, Chief Abimbola Ajibola; Mko'S lawyer and himself thought it right, to put their lives at stake, in their struggle for democracy, to be entrenched in Nigeria, with their positive activities, through June 12, which eventually brought in place; democracy. for the country and her citizenry, as a political system by which Nigeria is being ruled, to id the development of the country and that of the standard of living of her citizenry, through this encounter we had the opportunity to interview Chief Abimbola Aboderin as reported below;

 Can we know you sir?
 I'm Chief Abimbola Moyosore Aboderin.
 Can we know you better than this?
 Well, I'm the first son of Late Chief Moyosore Aboderin, the pioneer industrialist; i.e Tower Aluminium Company in Lagos (owned by the Indians now) and still a founder. He was the elder brother to Chief Olu Aboderin and financier of Punch, he was also pioneer politician having founded and funded Ibadan People's Party constituted by Late A.M.A Akinloye, Late Adegoke Adelabu, the first election Moyosore Aboderin came first and was first elected Ibadan man to be State/Federal Parliament in Lagos, also one of the three people officially chosen by the Parliament to represent Nigeria at the queen's Coronationin 1953, others with him then were Sir Adesoji Aderemi who later became the First Premier of the Western Nigeria and Sir Kasham Ibrahim who later became the first Premier of Northern Nigeria
 Sir, you are a born into a political family , are you a politicain?
 Yes, I'm . I worked with my good friend Late MKO Abiola, we were the one that did June 12 together, his lawyer; Chief Abimbola Ajibola, Late Adedibu, Abiola and Myself.
 Sir, in nostalgia, what can you remember about June 12?
 Wow, a lot of things, first of all I'm now finishing with the book I wrote called "The True Story of June 12", I've been in the Media with This Day, Guardian, Nation on this same issue, as I said I was part and parcel of it, only four of us made this issue; Late Abiola himself, Adedibu, Myself and Abimbola Ajibola as the Abiola lawyer, there is a lot of story about this event, a lot of people don't know the issue about this, how we fought for the issue of democracy, now we won election, my book is coming out on it, why General Babangida himself, what happened, why the election was annulled, Babangida who is one I know too, very well when I was in defense very well he didn't really know I was with MKO but we are friends, my book will come out and explain everything there,
 Sir, democracy is seen as the best in the whole world, what is your take on this ?
 Of course, democracy is people's choice, through it people choose who to lead them, in any struggle you fight there is always a prize, there is no ideology better than democracy, that is what we fought for,
 What has been the impact of your June 12 fought that people are enjoying now?
 Well, the one I now is that a lot of people in governance now are enjoying the struggle we fought for, everybody is enjoying it, what we struggle for, it almost caused our lives, a lot of money was involved, we even raised money for him; Three hundred and fifty million naira, it was kept in my custody twenty four hours.
 Was Late Chief MKO the with the spirit of democracy, as initiator of June 12?
 Of course, the idea of June 12 was that of the team, though he was the presidential candidate, but it didnt work, it was not just him alone, it was definitely a team work, atleast many people initiated it, four of us; Late Abiola, Late Adedibu, Myself and a lawyer,
 Sir, with your struggle for democracy, what can you say about the state of democracy as of now in Nigeria, have we developed a bit?
Yes, it is better than before, I remember vividly I ran for election also 2003 under ANPP, it was a strong party apart from AD in the State and election wasnt good then. peole were just rigging and doing all kind of wrong stuff, INEC was even begging for money, but now they have started on the improvement.
 What is your advice to the government and the citizenry particularly this time around, considering what is happening lately in the country?
 Well, security is very important, because Iknow how much I have done a lot of working, ten years also in my life, after my Mass Communication in America, in the defense industry, so I believe that a lot of job needs to be done in security, you see Nigeria should come first, there is a lot of mistakes made in the past, it must be corrected now, we have to correct these mistakes, when we were in defense industry I tried my best because I read in the paper that Nigerian forces were totthless, when I got back to Nigeria, with my correction I brought directly, I did a lot of stuff and got approval for, so many things we have ; defense system, mobile system , some marine navy, non of them were bought, we put them in archive, to many testing in abroad, with so many people, one of them is my good friend Chief of Defense Staff Gen Martin Luther Agwayi, together he was my good friend, we did a lot of stuff, but Nigeria Forcve people were not that ready , in respect of our national security, if you dont have equipment you can be talking big; we have a big size, we have a big economy and then you dont have a security, that is our problem, we dont even have a single submarine in Navy, how can we monitor people taking our oil, if you people have a good defense system, which we tried to introduce in our time, it would made everywhere in Nigeria well secured, radars put in right places, guns everywhere in good places, coastal defense system, it could have been mounted at Nigeria high coast, that is what Nigeria could have done, that is why they they have problem with Boko Haram, and they cannot stop it, and you can see this people every other day bombing everywhere, I'm glad they are doing Amotekun here, they must do it fast, other people should do their own, we cant allow foreign people dominating us here, we are very proud people, very strong people, and another thing is the area of corruption, absolutely nothing, Nigeria should come first, the way people take money I dont know what they want to do with that money they are taking, billions upon billions, what are they going to do with it, even if you are not person to be born by the rich , it doesnt mean you have to take all the money, some will say let me quickly take mine as possible, and people also get it wrong saying it is a stunt; it is not stunt, he is there to serve, like National House of Assembly; the money they are paying them is too much, they must be on a part time, if American see you in politics, as most of them are successful in their various businesses and they must also know where you make your money from, the kind of money they are stealing here are really staggering and absolutely sad, see our people being refused visa, Nigeria; a big country, African giant, people who dont know history tht the first people are the black people, the people then' the Pharaohs in those days were black people, a lot of this stuff they dont know, so they must stop this stealing and put this money into good use, and try to manufacture, education, health and same other things that had gone wrong, people think it is life, life is not just anyhow, they are human beings, they are not life bound, we are not just here to take money and enjoy ourselves, we are suppose to use our brain, Go given brain, for the masses, atleast they are people recorded of the most poverty stricken in the world, it a shame,
 So about your book on June 12, what is your plan?
 Yeah, of course, that's why I'm writing a book for them to see and read, what really happened, I'm
not blaming anyone, but why we must not let it happen again, you know, I must confess, most of it when it eventually comes out I must give it to some Universities to use it, so that people can learn more through history, they can learn a lot of stuffs that happened, a lot of stuffs about June 12 , democracy of Nigeria, they dont know how it came about, it is what is in my book to come out, we hope by God's grace it would be launched this June 2020. 

What can you say of Buhari's acknowledgement of June 12 with a posthumous award and the backdated recognition of Abiola’s mandate?

I think it is a job well done, I think Buhari has proven it is high time Abiola is recognized, it is not about Abiola, it is all about democracy, it is a job well done  and I commend Buhari for that.
In this nascent democracy since inception from Shagari to Obasanjo to Yaradua to Jonathan and Buhari presently, having Obasanjo achievement as of the GSM, what can you say has been the achievement of Buhari so far?
Well, for me I think Buhari is trying his best to fight corruption, corruption is not that easy to fight in Nigeria, something that has been embedded in the system, I think Buhari is trying his best, one thing is that all of us have to cooperate with him in that aspect, corruption is killing security in this country, and one thing paramount is that we all also must work together , to put an end to this corruption, it is killing a lot of things and including security, I think he is trying his best but he could do more.
With the situation of things in the country that the country is scrambling for unity and stability, what does the future holds for democracy?
Well, democracy is the only what could bring all the people together, nothing else, just let us put Nigeria first, it is our only country and that is where we are all living presently and it is beautiful, I lived in California , San Francisco the most beautiful country in the world so says the CNN, and I have travelled wide in America, I have seen beautiful countries over there and there is beautiful country here too, all we have to do is to forget about selfishness, wickedness and work as a team, because the world is looking at us, as the most powerful black nation but we are not taking it seriously, they have to take it seriously, they have to stop corruption, they have to live together, democracy is very important, let the people choose who they want to rule them and also rulership is service, people should come to government to serve the nation, not to come and take money but rule, they are suppose to come there and serve, so as simple as that.
You mean that MKO with some personalities make way for this democracy we are enjoying?
Of course, yes we worked very hard for it, MKO was chiosen as candidate, himself, myself, his lawyer, Late Lamidi Adedibu  we worked very hard, we almost lost our lives several time, for this democracy fighting seriously. I was also a good friend of Fela Anikulapo Kuti and King Sunny Ade and I promoted both of them , I took them round African countries, you know I shared same birthday with Fela Anikulapo Kuti but not of the same day, as there is a sort of activism in me
You said you want to lauch a book on Abiola, what year and what day?
Well, about the book, it is not so much about Abiola but most about democracy, June 12 is what it is because it was the best election in the history of the nation, it is unfortunate that it didn’t work out very well, I believe that it was not intentional for Babangida to have annulled the election, it was not done because of bad reason there are so many issues including many people, who are political huslers who were jumping from one place to other, trying to create problems between two good friends.
 What lesson do you want to pass to the people on your book about June 12?
Well, first of all, a lot of people don’t know how Abiola got there, it was not easy , we thank God for the success, we have raised so many things, the book will reveal them, on getting there how we managed to survive it, we raised money for every other stuff and then the issue of INEC I have nothing against them, I think they have really tried their best , I cannot really blame them, the idea of Abiola to have declared abroad  could have been better but in Nigeria  it really backfired.
The day is very short on the introduction of that book June 12, what day have you chosen for the launching of the book ?
Well, I have just written the book as far as 1994, but I kept it in my house , I have just been moving on it, it became important when Buhari declared it is democracy day and I said now it is better I come out with the book, the book is not out to be against anyone, it is just the truth about what happened that the lesson we should learn is that we must take democracy seriously , people should stop jogging  from here to there  to create problems.

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