Thursday 6 February 2020

"Tourism is the best area of economic sector government can generates revenue optimumly"- Oyo State Chairman Culture and Tourism; Surveyor Debo Adejumobi

 Man sees means of livelihood as a compulsory assignment, through which he can fends for his daily needs and cater for wants of life, hence the daily hustle going to-fro from home to look for what to do, to be able to make ends meet often tells on him, both psychologically and emotionally, and in the course of that, it is expected of him to have rest at intervals, but not many know the importance of recreation and with this a school of thought sees the necessity why tourist centers should be available, for many of tight schedule, being workaholic, to take a rest, through visiting places of tourism, like checking in to hotels to  have some days for relaxation and taking leave from home, while those services of other tourist centers are still numerous like recreation centers, for sight seeing, games, viewing centers, swimming pool, gyms/spa, libraries and other of the likes, these are the areas of hospitality services, where both youngs and olds can visit at intervals or even regularly, to ease off any emotional, psychological or physical stress, and this is the genesis of creating tourist centers here and there, all corners and crannies in the different countries of the world, therefore tourism is seen as an essential area of service, where a lot of revenue can be generated, while with the thought of this our editorial for News track-Online find it necessary, that it behooves will get more educated on this, to enrich the understanding of the readership, about the issue of tourism, especially considering that of the Oyo State, hence we
went further to visit Oyo State Culture and Tourism Board, where we had the opportunity to have an interview with the Chairman Oyo State Culture and Tourism; Surveyor Debo Adejumobi, as reported below.
 Sir, can we meet you?
 I'm Surveyor Debo Adejumobi, Chairman Culture and Tourism Oyo State.
 In Oyo State where are we in Tourism?
 Actually, we are moving forward, the reason is that you know the commitment of government are many, you know we have four cardinal programs, which our Governor His Excellency Seyi Makinde is embarking on and to meet all those demands, we need to look forward to see the way and manner we can manage all the tourist sites that we have, so in the light of that the Governor deems it fit that it is better he partners with the interested investors, that he believes can transform most of our tourist sites and since inception when he came on board we have seen many investors showed interest, to partner with us and by the time Governor came on board he has appointed somebody in charge of investment, who is Honourable Ogunwuyi, and by the special grace of God meeting is already going on with these investors, and that of Eleyele we had meeting with investors, while also survey plan being on ground, we have gone there to inspect the area, being an inter-ministerial assignment, because it cut across environmental area, survey section, information, water, just to mention few, we went there together on inspection, even the first time ever that I will enter in a boat, it took us round, because the government want to develop that area to the world standard.
 Another area is Bower Tower, you know those people that have performed one way or the other in the past we need to appreciate them, because in recognition of what they did, like that of Captain Bower Tower, he was one of those who put an end to the practice of ritualism; the act of using mundane for rituals, even settlement of quarrel, unrest among some people of the different backgrounds then, he was lucky because God used him to stop most of these problems.
 Even, there is another Tourist Site at Ado Awaye, the investors are there with us, as suspend- link, the investors were with us a week ago and have made submission, in respect of that area, that is to let you know that government is more committed and concerned about the investment, while a priority is being given , hence he appointed a Director General for a special office, to search for investors, and because we  want to boost what we have and when we talk of revenue generation tourism is one of the thriving, fertile and lucrative area to generate very huge revenue.
 What is your message to the members of the public?
 My message is that when you labor you need rest and this is what many have not got right, they will work for the whole of their lives , without rest, but the European we copy they have it in a year, maybe a month or two for relaxation, after they have worked here and there, they will use that time to relax, we are talking of tourist attraction, those things we have not seen , we can go out to watch, for sight seeing, relaxation, go for hospitality visit at hotels, for enjoyment at recreation, and at any location these are sited it boost the economic development, provides employment opportunity, so I want to tell people that whenever they work they should set aside certain numbers of days, that they could relax and enjoy themselves, because when one labor one needs to enjoy oneself, through visiting any of these tourist sites.
 What have you been doing lately to sensitize the members of the public about this?
 We have started something tangible on this, because when you are doing something like this and you don't give it publicity people will not know and publicity is one of the thing you have to put into consideration, as you are doing it in the church, mosque then you will also do it on air through radio and television, from where people can see and hear what is happening.   

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