Thursday 13 February 2020

"Our focus is on the youth that we believe are the bedrock of this nation and the ones that can give us what we want, by catching them young"-Dr. Adewale Adesina , Proprietor and Rector of ADECOM College of Business and Management, Ibadan.


   Education is the bedrock of any nation and through the education of the youth and the activities in adult literacy class;
it is believe a way of building the nation and setting the populace from ignorance, to be enlightened, educated, informed and be well equipped , in contributing their much quota to the development of their society, hence a maxim postulated to admonish that "If education is expensive try ignorance"yet no nation or group of people would want to be kept in the dark
   Therefore, we found it essential to go out , taking a step further to source for the tips regarding this subject matter on education and here we found it needful, to seek for the indulgence of the Proprietor and Rector of ADECOM College of Business and Management in Ibadan, in person of Dr. Adewale Adesina, who bared out his mind, to respond well, answering our various questions, posed to him in the course of our interview, with him , as reported below.
 Could you please introduce yourself?
 I'm Dr. Adewale Adesina; Proprietor anb Founder of ADECOM College of Business and Management in Ibadan.
 Education as the bedrock of any society, in Oyo State and elsewhere parents and guardians want to know better of what quality their children and wards are given in education, then what does ADECOM Institute of Business and Management provides as educational service, to the society?
Okay, when you say parents, well, our focus is not much on the parents but our focus is on the youth, that we believe are the bedrock of this country, and that they are the one that can give us what we want, by catching them young... but regards your earlier remark at the introductory stage , that whether the standard of education is falling, you know, the truth should be told, I don't believe the educational standard has fallen in Nigeria, it is only we left what should be done undone, number one, the foundation , like you came to us from the ground floor, to where we are at the top of the building; this is higher-institution, so if governments are so more interested in education they should put more effort, in what sense; look at the teachers, how many of the teachers can boost of what they are doing, where is the passion, the passion has lost, I remember those days when we were in secondary schools, compared to what we are having now, many people have withdrawn their students from government schools, how many people can afford that, so the government have a lot to do, when it comes to the foundation of the education, which is the bedrock of this higher institution, so if they are complaining that students are not performing well as expected, then let us go back to the foundation, of the teachers, are they really doing what they should do, and if they are not doing what they should do then what is the problem, many of them have something else they are doing apart from the teaching job, which what they are earning cannot sustain them, so how many teachers can boast that he is having a good car, house and can feed three meals a day and their children are going to the best schools and would want to train another people's children well, this they may not, so what you don't have you can give it, and that is on a part, but we at ADECOM; our school is a specialized school, we are monotechnic,  though there is no difference between monotechnic and polytechnic, the only difference is that we cant do multiple courses, we specialized on what is called Management,.
 Why ADECOM is different from others is that, our goal is so much on entrepreneurship, we believe children nowadays have to have one handwork, together with the courses they are doing, for example most of the students we say I want to become a business-administrator, a public administrator, an accountant,  etc, ask them do they really know the meaning of that course,ask them what is the future of that course, ask them where are they going to work, what is the product of that course at the of the day, now if you want to go and learn a carpentry work; the parents will take you there and say you are spending three years, they start buying you equipment, when you finish you will do graduation, definitely, you will start working, but school nowadays, at the end of the course how many students know where they are going to work except the lawyer, pharmacist, doctor, even the accountant does not know that he can stand on his own, so our own is a program to train them independently, entrepreneurship, we dont want a student that will finish and just start be looking for job, we will expose them, we got our approval last year April, and before next year we will produce our first crop of graduates and you can come back, we will show you our products, because at the end of year of their courses, we will introduce them to the Secretariat, where they belong, public administrator student must know about government, must know Secretariat, where they want to work, we will take them there, the idea of Industrial Attachment is not to take money, but to expose them, and during that we will also expose them to handwork, our Friday is meant for handwork, school is from Monday to Thursday, Friday is handwork, you have to go and learn something, within that years you are going to spend with us, you must be able to come out with Accountant with Fashion Design, Business Admin with whether Block Making or whatever, so that is our focus as an ADECOM, we believe much in handwork and compared with academics.
 What is your advice to the Oyo State Government regards the seven thousand teachers the State government is about employing?
 Well, it is a good thing that the government is coming by employing seven thousand teachers, at-least it is giving them employment and when employment is given, first thing the government should do is to consider where the seven thousand teachers will work, where is the environment, where are the classrooms, what even is the statistics of the number of students, that they have taken, are you saying seven thousand you are going to employ and you are taking two or three thousand students, the first thing is let us do something about the facilities, the welfare of this so called teachers to be employed, even the teachers on ground you have to do that one first, show example of what those coming in should take, okay, a glass of cup that is dirty; you are now pouring a new water into a dirty glass of cup, first thing is that you have to wash that cup, let it be clean, when it is clean, if you are putting any clean water inside it will show, so that is my own advice, though I know there is unemployment in the country, but we cant continue to allow things be degenerating, no, no, the people there first, what have you done, to make things right, let us go back to those days, the first time I went to radio, I congratulated the governor, it falls to his birthday time, which I pray for him, that God will help him to make Oyo State what it should be and this is part of it too, I'm not saying it is not good he is employing but what about those on ground, what is the motivation, what is their fate, what are you trying to put down, are they still coming to join those ones crying, no, in our days, go to our library, you will see books, even then they will give them meals, you will want to go to school, but nowadays, it is not like that, what about the buildings, class, environment, so this are the first thing I will expect the government to put in place, while employing the teachers.
 What are the courses ADECOM is offering to the students, as of now?
 As at now, we are offering Business Admin, Public Admin, Computer Science and Accountancy , by next year we will have our first batch of graduates for ND this year, next year we will proceed to have HND by the approval, from the National Board for Technical Education.
 It is prevalent to see private schools engage in malpractices during examination, what is your take on this?
 You know I have been busy when you came but I know that there are rules and regulations guiding our students' movement and you can see that they abide by that, we have to let them know some routine, when you talk of private schools engaging in malpractices I will disagree with that, because I run a private school and I believe we are doing it better than the government schools, I have been on radio programmes many times, and I would say the parents are the problems, they are crazy about the names of the school and I have several times told them , when my students sit with any students from anywhere, they will get to see the positive difference, in the quality of my students, so what will one be doing than to help the government and the economy and how to do that is not by encouraging  examination malpractices, I cannot do that, I don't do that, and I will never encourage any student when it comes to examination malpractice , no, let us know who you are, so I will never encourage  any student  to involve in any exam malpractice, no, because it is what you know that you will be able to to give others.
 Now, I have my children too, schooling, maybe the students will be the ones to teach my children, so what will be my fate, if I do that, so if we have any one doing that I will advice them that they are not doing well, they are just destroying the future of these students

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