Monday 6 February 2017


We are the problem(s) of ourselves and until black-man reasons to do his best for humanity and leave the rest for the nature to judge him; nothing of equal creativity, innovation and invention like the white can be achieved in a thousand years to this time or even infinitesimally.
 Ask me why?! because God forbids if I underestimated the value of the same natural endowment God gave blacks like the white, but envy, hatred, possessiveness,unhealthy-rivalry, show-off e.t.c. of the blacks may not let it be for good, despite the fact that there are some blacks helping the white to achieve some of their aims and objectives in innovation, invention and creativity yet, if the white had not acknowledged their worth who will know them? .
 And until everyone knows he or she is made for a purpose and search out to mine the gem of his/her uniqueness by originality, for the creativity, into the development of mankind, nothing of much significance and commendation can be done or achieved by the black.
 "In togetherness we should stand; divided we could fall", yet "what touches one should touch all" and not everybody to himself/herself; all for none".
 "Agbajowo laa fi n soya"; ajeji owo kan ko gberu do'ri" . Mo so temi na o!. Do not say I have not warned you as "a stitch in time saves more than nine", for the posterity sake and upcoming generation.

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