Wednesday 22 February 2017


Have you ever passed through  Labiran area in Ibadan coming from Bere locality of Ibadan and while getting to the four divergent road-junction precisely where it is called Labiran; taking your left diversion up-sloppy feature of the down-below at the left diversion is a popular Artist Shop called RUFFY ARTIST .
  This aged but Late artist was so dexterous and ingenious that he can draw out a semblance of anybody's physical look or bring any image or object into its actual resemblance with almost nothing to differentiate the object in comparison to his own drawing of it. And this is what we can call masterpiece!
  He was a natural artist during his time because he was consistent in practice and it was his habit of drawing on any available wall, especially his mark of creativity was expressed at the wall of the up-relieved road coming from Agbadagbudu through Kanike to upper road of Labiran directly to Bere .
  And this man was greatly blessed artistically but now he is dead but in Yorubaland as it is expected ; a dead person is not said to be dead as long as he left children behind because it would be said with children left behind that person had not died completely, so in the case of Late Raufu Agbolagade Adigun a.k.a. Ruffy; he is not dead yet to avoid understatement(Litotes) Ruffy is more than to say not dead but has rejuvenated his existence now into new, classic, better , improved, excellent of his type of which I can described as "a bunch of newly palm-kernel fruit which when fell down spread around its fruits , What do I mean?! Well! simply I should say that after the demise of the said ingenious Late artist; Raufu Adigun Agbolagade, the deceased's son Abayomi Adigun Agbolagade ; a true resemblance, youthful and creative son of Late Raufu has come back strongly to fill the vacuum of the creativity left behind by his father.And when you see this young chap, you will never doubt he is the true son of his father with sheer semblance of his father glaringly and boldly expressive on him, hmm n! what a great God; the best artist!.
  Lately now this young man has promised to bring a good touch to his father business. He started with his father from young age learning art-work hence sees it as an additional asset he inherited from his father(Ajemogun), He is thirty years-plus of age . And believes vocational skill should be made mandatory for the young ones with whatever educational certificate any youth may obtained.
   Here he enunciated that with secondary certificate a would be apprentice at his shop will spend two-three years but unlettered apprentice will spend four years yet, presently he is having eleven apprentices under him, who are progressively catching up with their chosen departments of their field under him.
  Abayomi Adigun vouched to say prospect lies in Art, and by and large a beginner starts from Artwork through to Master guidance and directive stage while lastly will be learning on his own eventually.
  At Ruffy Renaissance there are various department in Art as a profession which ranges from sign-board customization, art drawing, banner, Motor branding, Billboard, and Digital billboard.

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