Wednesday 8 February 2017


People are complaining that things are hard, commodities in the market are costly, traders are regretting had it been they ought not to have come into trading, children are not satisfied with the amount given them to manage in schools, infants are not satisfied with the UN-nourished mothers breast-milk again at-least, mother are not eating well to derive nourished breast-milk.
 Hmm! what an experience of unusual hardship yet promptly we all pray and think to see an end to it while everybody is expected to contribute his or her quota of what to do to induce or effect the change to betterment; to ease us all up from this abnormality and sordid phenomenal, but it is certain God who knows why all these are happening and HE  knows when to bring an end to it because HE is the only Alpha and Omega and HE does what HE wishes without anybody being able to stop HIM. Therefore, we should never say again that 'SOMEBODY' can do it better than GOD, who gets the whole world in HIS hand. And since HE knows we have regretted and remorseful; HE is now ready to change it for better.
 Despite the fact that we are considered as a great but prayerful nation yet without faith in HIM; we are praying amiss, believing SOMEBODY can do it better, not only in this case but we should never have such erroneous impression again. And to complement our effectual sense of prayerfulness; we should see HIM as HE that is immortal but we are mortal so, why give all HIS  glory to a mortal person?!, never let us do that again, than to rely on HIM solely that HE is the "I am that is I am", the only able GOD that can do everything, anywhere, any-day regardless of time, tide and temperature but, with faith in HIM while we should be ready to give HIM all HIS glory, all HIS glory I believe and emphasized here thus;
 And this is the lesson HE wants us to learn at this time around, regarding recession, regret and rein of governance at this time, with the unusual intricacies, experiences and experiments done through follower-ship and the leadership.
 "A foolish man in his heart says there is no God yet God is real, reigning, ruling and reservedly ruminating on what to do in patience to curb our excesses and lack of the believe in HIM, that HE becomes from nothing and lasting alone, without  us all. And if this sounds unbelievable then find time to brood, ponder, think about HIS mysteries of HIS creation, magnitude and phenomenal.
  Hitherto, we went to some markets to watch the hustling and bustling of the traders and the usual activities expected in the market, here we thought it wise to relate with Chief Dauda Adisa Oladapo; the Babaloja of Oyo State, in getting facts on the state of things in the market and responsively cum responsibly he unwind-ed thus that even they the traders in the markets are at the mercy of the manufacturers of some groceries and tin-foods packs and cartons being supplied them in bulks, on which commission are paid to them, after sales yet, complained bitterly that the situation of things regarding the economic hardship or recessional-effect in Nigeria has brought a not commendable state of vicious-circle, where no one is ready to help one another hence, he advised Nigerians to be kind at heart and not aggravate the effect of economic-hardship, to rip-off  people their rights, nor cause a situation where more hardship or pang of pain would be inflicted on the less-privileged unnecessarily.
  Alhaji Dauda Adisa Oladapo implored the government at the three tiers of Federal, State and Local government to find a lasting solution to the present hardship but should know that traders are helping a lot to improve on the economic- buoyancy of the country, through commercial activities, while they too need financial assistance from the government and thus,must know that the issue of giving out fifty-thousand loan to individual is nothing to write home about, than to help increase on the amount if they expected the traders to maximize the value of the loan, for the good of themselves and to the pride of the government, who will assume that they must have helped the traders, to improve on their businesses and standard of commercial activities, that could eventually have a positive effect on their standard of living and boost economic activities generally, since through the traders the velocity of money is being utilized and ascertained to know whether there is money in town
  He even advised the government to pay workers' salaries as at when due, with consideration to upgrade the level of their salaries' scales , while without them and other customers they can do nothing, nor thrive in their businesses, Hence he described their customers as the reason and the reality of why they are still existing and making ends meet through their businesses . Aside the fact that many are running away from farms, and thus he advised the government to assist immensely the farmers, who are the major suppliers of the local-foods and other aggro-allied produce  like cocoa, cashew, maize e.t.c., to corroborate his point.
 He further stressed the goodness of commercial activities in the market through traders and their various customers at large, who he sees as the reason for their existence and then emphasized that many are their customers from within the nooks and crannies of the country; Nigeria and environs, citing Ado-Ekiti, Iwo, Osogbo, Ijebu-Ode, Ikirun, Ondo and Ilesa to mention as few of some of the major towns from which majority of their customers come from.
 Meanwhile, he reiterated the goodness of commodities-market as the place for good opportunities to forge ahead in life, but advised whoever aspired to be trader to undergo some years of training, rather than rely on any lump-some money he or she might have realized from God knows avenue, to be invested in commodities- market business, without having being trained, to know the pros and cons of the business; which he himself faced the rigour of it for eight years as against the six-months his aunt had suggested would last.
 Nevertheless, he highlighted on the risk of engaging just any apprentice from any source, who could abscond with the proceeds or capital belonging to his or her master or mistress at any time he wishes, which he had once fallen a victim; being deprived of thirteen and five hundred million naira ,by one of his apprentices sometime ago, hence many investors or male and female entrepreneurs ever believe in their wards or children rather than just take any apprentice just from anywhere.
  He eventually advised the Nigerians to be patient, prayerful and purposeful this time around; as there is nothing that brings constrains or troubled people thus far; that does not come to an end eventually for good.    

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