Saturday 22 December 2018

"If we can set up skill acquisition centres to give jobs to a lot of people following us then it is certain it would help boost up the nation's economy as well- ADC Oyo State House of Assembly Ibadan North West, ward 11; Hon. Akindipe Ahmed Abiodun Akinsumnbo


 When the Federal government passed the bill on the "Not too young to run"  as inclusive right of the youth in Nigeria to participate fully, in the political activities in Nigeria; little the government knows that it would bring development to the political activities in Nigeria and the influx of some bright, brilliant, intelligent and focused set of the auspicious young politicians, into the political arena of the Nigerian politics and thus recently here we came across a young politician with name Akindipe Ahmed Abiodun Akinsumnbo under ADC Party in Oyo state, a candidate contesting for a seat in the Oyo State House of Assembly come 2019 election, this chap has traveled far and wide, yet very humble, gentle, enterprising and  receptive, while he is also determined that with God Almighty's support; he is billed to win a seat in the OYHA come 2019, to serve his people, to the best of his ability, experience and knowledge regarding global understanding of what politics and democracy ought to be about, in the amelioration of his people's problems, to provide an enabling environment and good standard of livings to the people of his constituency.
 And here underneath we unwind-ed on the reported version of our chat with him recently

 Honourable Akindipe Ahmed  Akinsumnbo under the ADC Party in Oyo state from Ward 11 Eleyele, Ibadan under Ibadan North West Local Government had his political career right from 2002 under ANPP, when his father was fully engaged in ANPP contesting for councillorship seat then, but  later joined PDP in 2007 under the gubernatorial candidate; Yekini Adeojo who couldn't get the ticket as he lost the ticket to Ex Oyo State Governor Alao Akala, yet the young chap remained in PDP, which as fate would have it he had to travel to Abeokuta on professional assignment, representing an Insurance Company, Branch Manager then, while since then he had been nursing an ambition to win a seat, as an honourable in the Oyo State House of Assembly, hence he acquainted his people of the constituency he belongs about it and they wholeheartedly gave him their support, due to some exemplary attributes of his, that they know would helped him a lot to represent them well, if given the opportunity to achieve the political position he aspires for..
 And this is the reason why he joined ADC with Senator/ Osi Olubadan of Ibadanland Senator Rashidi Ladoja  being his leader, but on the long run when Senator Rashidi Ladoja left ADC he thought over it that as a young breed and politician it is too early for him; to be jumping from one party to another, hence he remained in ADC; where he had gotten a ticket as candidate for a seat in the Oyo State House of Assembly come 2019 election, representing Ward 11 Ibadan North West Local Government Constituency.
  While responding to what structure his party ADC and him has presently to have believed in victory eventually, here he enunciated that party is just of logo and name, despite some descriptive importance attached to each party, in comparison with other parties, but the calibers and types of the people in the parties matter, and thus qualifying ADC Party as the party of the visionary, credible and considerate set of the politicians, that have the much concern for the welfare and good of the commoners, especially the downtrodden, who are the major electorates, that carry out their civic duties, to make sure democracy in actual fact exists, by this he bemoaned the shortcoming often from some politicians, failing to actualize their promises, as presented to the electorates, at their initial stage of canvassing to win the electorates to their sides and during the campaign, hence he lambasted it as being bad, but promised to make sure that he distant himself from such abnormality.
 However, he with candour vouched to described ADC Gubernatorial Candidate in Oyo State Senator Femi Olugbade Lanlehin as a truly tested, trusted and visionary leader, who when he served as senator had done a lot for his people, with nine local governments under him having evidence to justify his credibility and thus; sermonized to augment his point, that with good heart, it would be easy for anybody to be led to good end of any aspiration, hence his good heart for his people and his belief in God are the only requisite on which he relies, to see him through, to be one of the members of the next Oyo State House of Assembly come 2019.
 On what he has on ground for his people; the amiable young politician Ahmed Akinsumnbo stressed to empower his people, among many other programmes he has, by having a skill acquisition center established, to trained a lot of the members following them to be professionally independent and thus give them the necessary equipment with financial support after training them, to enable them serve as wealth creators; contributing optimally to the development of the country's economy.
 He further expressed his pity to the present state of the country's economic hardship, which has been bedeviling the people of the country, while he call on the leaders in the country to promptly come into their rescue, to help ameliorate their suffering.
 Therefore, he advised the Nigerian youth to come on board politically and not be dissuaded by their erroneous believe that without the elders or godfather, there could not be a head-way for them to do well in politics, with this he chided the Nigerians not to be bought with money, in order not to jeopardize the future the nation and that of her people and the unborn generation, but to vote the right kind of people and politicians into the rein of governance, to move the country forward, for the good of all and sundry.

Monday 17 December 2018

Oyo State Government Organises 1dayWorkshop On High Quality Cassava Peels Utilization And Its Value Chains


 The Office of the Special Adviser on Intervention Funds and Development Partners in Collaboration with Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MANR&RD), Raw Materials Research and Development Council(RMR&DC) with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) held a one day sensitization workshop on High Quality Cassava Peels Utilization and its Value Chain on Theme: Waste to Wealth : Cassava Peels Utilization inside House of Chiefs Secretariat, Ibadan on the 13th of December, 2018.
  The occasion which drew along many  successful and indigenous farmers of various kind of crops and animal husbandry both females and males to the venue, was well justified and used  to educate the participants and members of the audience, on the importance and magnitude values lying in the conversion of the cassava peels to feeds, for various kinds of animals, with the assurance of healthy growth and productive importance , as suitable feeds to these animals.
  However, different speakers and specialists were invited by the organizers to educate the participants and audience on various kind of farming,starting from planting of cassava , processing of the food and feeds from it, fishery, snail rearing and many more.
  Meanwhile, the participants were made to realize the much benefit in agricultural activities, with diversified value chains, which also creates job employment, for the teeming people who are both young, old,women and men. By which through this much positive impact is made to be effected on the buoyancy of any nation in food production and produce from agricultural activities .
  According to Dr./Mrs Adebusuyi the Special Adviser on Intervention Funds and Development Partners to His Executive Governor of Oyo State Governor Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi, farming as a lucrative occupation is of a diversified value chain, which with researches regularly agriculture could ease up a lot of the problems in the area of food production to mankind, animals and yet be of an inexhaustible avenue to generate employment for the different categories of people in the country, here she stressed forth that the 1 day sensitization was first of its kind, after the Federal Government's official endorsement on initiative programmes like it , and being a practicing farmer she made it more  clear the much importance lying in farming, concerning animal husbandry and crops plantation, which in the eventual helps  any nation a lot in productive and healthy living.
  She thus promised to give priority to the indigenous farmers who are majorly the general part of the population to benefit from the initiative, when planning for another workshop, hence giving consideration to bridging the gap that could be in communication to necessitate reaching them through different languages , so that they can understand the main context and idea of the workshop, for the good of the tribes in the country. 

PDP Oyo State Inaugurates Campaign Council

  People's Democratic Party Oyo State held the inauguration of her Campaign Council inside the Premier Hotel Banquet Hall, Ibadan on the 14th of December, 2018.
  Here the party's political stalwarts both male and female like Elder Wole Oyelese, Party Chairman Alhaji Omokunmi Mustapha,Professor Taoheed Adedoja,Chief/Mrs Jumoke Akinjide, Mrs Bose Adedibu, Dr. Saka Balogun , Chief Jacob Adetoro, Senator Robert Koleoso, Nureni Akande, Honourable Kamoru Adedibu, PDP Gubernatorial Candidate Engineer Seyi Makinde and wife, Deputy Governor Candidate of the party Engineer Olaniyan, Afijio Sunday Ogunlade to mention few were present.
  The event which started with the Chairman of the party in Oyo State Alhaji Omokunmi Mustapha giving highlight on the purpose of the meeting while after him the party gubernatorial candidate Engineer Seyi Makinde rose up to introduce those on the high-table.
  However, in his speech he made it clear that fixing the ailing economy of the state is paramount, as uphold by the party, hence the option lies with  the electorates whether to secure the future of the state and her citizenry by voting wisely, to bring in the PDP Candidates from the Federal to the states especially that of the Oyo State,come 2019 election or ruin another opportunity of four years rule under the hands of incompetent set of those that would made them suffered again under unfavorable but economic hardship , which would adversely affect their future and that of the children.
  Meanwhile, he reminisced to appraised historically that as hardworking people it has been common with Oyo State and her people generating internal revenue through the discovery and development of the available natural resources without depending on allocation from the Federal Government , hence his party is ready to renew the pace being set on this by tapping into both natural and human resources , for the optimum development of the state and her citizenry.
  Nevertheless, he reiterated  in his speech that his party is readily determined to take care of the able-bodied and the physically challenged people in the state while the elderly will be given adequate priority too,in the proposed bill of the People's Democratic Party.
  After this was the presentation of both the party's gubernatorial and deputy candidates in respect of Engineer Seyi Makinde and Engineer Olaniyan by the Chairman PDP Oyo State Alhaji Omokunmi Mustapha and thus the party campaign council was declared opened.
  By and large some party members seized the opportunity to expressed some points to clarify on some issues,before the event was brought to an end

Tuesday 20 November 2018

" My being chosen as the deputy governor candidate to governor Alao Akala under ADP is a destiny coming into place"- Associate Professor Abideen Olaiya.


 Associate Professor Abideen Olaiya has described his candidacy as the deputy Governor to Governor Alao Akala under ADP as a destiny coming into realization, considering his earlier attempt for a position as higher as that before.
 He then vouched for a good governance under ADP with the combination of him and that of the ADP's gubernatorial candidate; Chief Christopher Alao Akala.
 Here he emphasized that priority would be given to agriculture and education, with other sectors receiving equal attention.
 Meanwhile, he chided to condemned the state of things in the agricultural and educational sectors presently as all the make- believe of the propaganda given to it, instead of  a pragmatic approach that could have amount to much good result and benefit for the citizens of the state.
 However, he advised the people of the state to be patient and not engage in any violent act, but to know that democracy has given a lead-way; creating periodically for a new government to come in, so they should wait patiently and make sure they keep their voters' cards for use judiciously come 2019 election

" INEC should be proactive to eradicate vote-buying in any election in Nigeria to save the nation and her citizenry from jeopardy"- Alhaji/Chief/Dr. Lateef A. Adegoke, Oyo State Labour Party Vice Chairman


The Oyo State Labour Party Vice Chairman Alhaji Lateef A. Adegoke has described vote-buying in the Nigerian politics during election as an agelong abnormality which was not that pronounced then, especially with associated act of cross-carpeting, but which is now more prominent, as a result of some "money bags",who have corruptly enriched themselves and want to be in government by all means, so they see the act of vote buying as the easiest way to buy the conscience of the downtrodden and poor people, especially in this period of economic hardship.
 This he condemned as an unhealthy act, for the good of democracy and a conducive atmosphere to have free and fair election and thus could also bring the future of the country and of her citizenry to jeopardy, since vote-buying could be a means giving the questionable characters believing in the call to serve as an investment from which they would want to maximize their profit, to the detriment of the citizenry and availability of good governance.
 He therefore advised Independent National Electoral Commission to be impartial in the coming election of 2019 to all parties and make sure the election is free and fair, for the best party with the right candidates for different elective positions to be voted in, to aid the emergence of a good but civilian regime, that would be able to direct the affairs of the nation well, for the next four years.
 Nevertheless,  he enjoined the electorates to make sure they vote their conscience and vote the right candidates, while they make sure they are not influenced by money , in order not to extend their years of suffering and hardship under any bad governance again, for another four years.

"No farmer; no nation, a nation that does not care for her farmers would not survive"- Engr. Olumide Ayinla, Oyo State AFAN Chairman.

The Chairman Oyo State Association of Agricultural Farmers of Nigeria, Engineer Olumide Ayinla has implored the three tiers governments to stand up to their responsibilities in giving due encouragement to the farmers.
 This he reiterated that though the present Federal government is trying her possible best but some policies are not really favouring the farmers in the South West , hence he therefore advised the South West governors to do more in representing the farmers before the stakeholders and the governments at the three tiers well, for the benefit of the farmers.
 Meanwhile he stressed that the government should do the needful in solving the problems of farmers and the herdsmen to allow the farmers the enabling environment to farm and be able to produce abundantly for the good of the citizenry.
 Nevertheless, he bemoaned the unavailability of good roads which has been hindering the farmers from transporting their produce to the market, as at when due, and in order to avoid some of their produce from getting spoiled, especially the perishable ones, then urgent solution should be proffered to avert this problem.

" Those having their names that have to do with court cases on corruption should be debarred from any election in Nigeria until court declared them eligible"- Dr. Pade Agoro

 Dr. Pade Agoro has advised President Muhammed Buhari to extend the list of the 50 corrupt Nigerians to those having court cases on corruption and should be debarred from partaking in any election.
 He emphasized that there are a lot of dirty names that are going round signifying to contest in the coming election of 2019, who have to clear their names first by courts before coming out to contest in any election.
This suggestion by him was what he described as a way of sanitizing the political arena in Nigeria, in order to give rooms to those who are upright and are eligible enough to serve the nation well and honestly, to achieve the best for her citizenry.

Friday 26 October 2018

"It is a woman's world once the women follow me; we are winning the election in 2019"- NIP Oyo State Gubernatorial Candidate Omobolanle Ashabi Sarumi Aliyu.

It is absolutely true that girl child education should be given much priority and gender equality must be embraced , for the good of the society, to get the best from both male and female children educationally, this assumption is being deduced from the reality in this present generation, having and seeing in different fields of professions some best products from different colleges, tertiary institutions globally as female ; performing wonderfully, in their various walks of life and immensely contributing excellently to this modern day development in their different sectors of life, hence to say the fact that women in Nigeria should come on board politically and that they could bring much positive difference to politics in Nigeria is an issue that should be welcomed and deliberated upon for an acceptance.
 This suggestion is premised on the summation of our evaluation about the personality and proficiency by which the gubernatorial candidate of the National Interest Party Mrs Omobolanle Ashabi Sarumi Aliyu responded to our various questions posed to her recently in the course of our interview with her, proving to us of her readiness in all aspects. that is essentially needed politically to take women in Nigeria to an enviable level of engagement and performance in contributing their much quota to the state of politics and changing the fortune of the women, youth and the Nigerians in general.
 She is very eloquent in speech, sound in diction. coherent in presentation and fully knowledgeable of the intrinsic in politics, but of a compassionate and selfless in her objective to serve her people , and bring the necessary change to politics in Nigeria and here underneath we presented the interview we had with her as thus.
  Who are we having a chat with?
  Iam Mrs Omobolanle Ashabi Sarumi Aliyu, the candidate under National Interest Party contesting as the Oyo State Gubernatorial Candidate, come 2019 election.
Madam, the issue in Nigeria today especially the Oyo State focuses on youth , women , if selected in 2019 what are your plans for the women and youth?
Quite early to give you my manifestos however I will ensure every single citizen and not just women and the youth only, of the state live a comfortable life, I will ensure I give them an enabling  environment to thrive , and perform better, I will ensure that our medical facilities are top notched, I will ensure the educational system is fantastic , ensure the kids have the materials we need , to make sure they have proper laboratory equipment; physics and chemistry equipment, make sure they have computers in the schools, and the expectant mothers will have prenatal and post natal health care and the elderly will collect their pensions as at when due, how can somebody worked for donkey years and you cannot value the person and ensure they get their pension on time, the civil-servants will be paid timely as well, there will be a lot of welfare, because I studied social policy as well, psychology and sociology , everything I have done all my life is related to working for the betterment of people's life basically, so we would ensure we have all that is necessary , mass housing , all sorts, my manifestos forms my heart , if you breakdown HEART , I can send it to you on whats app, so you can have the breakdown there what I have to do for the people.
  Madam , what can you say about your area of vocational empowerment of the people especially women and the youth?
  Oh, definitely I have been in the business since the age of twenty-one, I have never used my certificate to work for anybody, so that is to show you that anyone that feels he/she couldn't continue or further  the education shouldn't feels he/she is going to be left out because I'm an entrepreneur , I will ensure we have enough vocational institution and skills acquisition centres, where people will learn different trades and also we will give them grants to make sure they fulfill what they wish to do and those who are in schools as well, we will make sure they are able to study well without disturbing their parents for finances, I did both my primary and secondary education in Nigeria but my university education in England and I know what the government over there did for me , to make my life comfortable to finish my education  without giving my parents one day of worry, so we are going to make sure we have that here as well.
  Madam, what do you have to do about some of our ladies going outside he shore of the country without having genuine document and yet do engage in illicit activities oversea?
  Yes, I do not support people leaving Nigeria and going to another man's land without the right documentation, they are going out there to suffer and it pains me when I heard of the women they are using for sex slavery in Libya and all those funny countries, I'm sure most of these people left the country because of the harsh nature of this country , that is why beside I wanting to be governor, every other person s aspiring to be governors should also have this at heart, they should ensure we can have an enabling environment for people to thrive so that we can be proud to be Nigerians, stay in Nigeria and live well here.
  Madam, among the educated is where we believe girl-child education is more pronounced but what do you plan to do to help those girls at the grassroots who have not being fortunate enough to enjoy being educated well?
  It is not the wish of the women at the grassroots not to see their daughters being sent to school . I dont think any woman will go through the pains of nine months , carrying the baby, raising the child and then wants the child to be selling on the streets, you could find most of these homes have some major problems. I met one woman at Ode Aje in Ibadan she has three children , the husband has run away and she is on her own , so the child couldnt go to school and I asked her what was the problem I discovered  it was only something of five thousand naira, and I make sure I gave her the money to put that child back in the school , do you think a woman will be the governor and allow the children to be hawking on the streets, it is not going to happen because I have children, I have kept my children aside and said look you guys cannot be comfortable while the children in Oyo State are suffering, because I picture how the children in pains feel, that is why they need more women in government because most of these men in government have no glue, they are not bothered about things like that, it doesn't pain them, for example once I am the governor I will ensure every single state in Nigeria adopts that child-right-act, that child's-right-act of 2003 till today all those states in the north have refused to adopt it, a twelve years old girl is being married to a fifty years old man as I speak to you right now, it is wrong, and if they refused to adopt it; I'm going to marry their own twelve years old daughters , I will make sure I found some of my adopted sons to marry their young-aged daughters and see how they will feel about it , it is the poor man's daughters they are marrying now, they cannot marry their own daughters at that tender age.
  With our evaluation of your personality, it is obvious you have the gut, grit and gumption, how do you want to win women more to your side to achieve this objective behind your aspiration?
  It is a woman's world, once the women follow me we are winning the election in 2019, because I have told the women that they are the ones suffering the most, so I have gingered them and I have woken them up, they should stop collecting one kongo of rice and dancing , singing and following these men, it is not going to happen again, we need to claim our rightful position now, back in the days the women did very well. I dont know how we got suppressed and oppressed along the line. You cannot tell me to be giving birth to children to the society and be giving birth for nothing to enjoy, so now we are all out there , and I have told the mothers that do they want to enjoy their fruits of labour then they should put me there and see what would happen, I'm not worrying, I'm not bothered, we are going to get there , all women are going to lock down , all women are going to lock down their 'thing', by January , there would be a strike in January.
  What will be your first area of concern if voted in come 2019?
  Employment ASAP especially for the youth and the young women with talents inside them but nobody to encourage them, the system has frustrated them, they have no jobs to go through, somebody needs to tell them look there is hope in you, you can be somebody , now I want to make sure you are somebody, so I would make sure there is employment ASAP, there will be a lot of things to do, I will collect data of the people in Oyo State, that will be the basis to the employment of ten thousand people , I want to know know  how many old people, I have in this state, how many young, how many unemployed, how many pensioners, like that they do abroad, so everybody will be documented and will be linked to computer. And it will be linked to their BVN as well and those who don't have BVN will go and get , so that I will know how many things I will channel for the pensioners, youth, unemployed, women , that is how they run a system, Nigeria we don't even know how many we are and it is on purpose, they don't want us to know how many we are so that  when they say I billion we have for the pension-fund, nobody can divide the one billion if they know three thousand people that should be there, but they don't want you to know the accurate figure , so it can't work with me.
What is your message to the populace?
Don't sell your tomorrow again, don't sell your future , if any politician come to you with money tell them to go and bring empowerment, don't collect that cash because that cash would do you nothing good for long, tell them to bring you your wealth, tell them to go and renovate schools, it is government money, so they can do it, when they have now done it decide if you want them , but for me I  cannot start doing a lot of things in local governments because I cannot afford it, I'm a business woman, I have never served before but I will ensure to sit down at every local government and map out what you need and I will sign "Memorandum Of Understanding" with you and then I would deliver once I'm voted in as the governor of Oyo State. So my people should not sell their votes .


Tuesday 25 September 2018

" Ladoja is an indisputable factor in Nigeria's politics- public opinion"

Senator Rashed Adewolu Ladoja ; an icon of repute in  all spheres of life; business, politics, traditional and advisory today; 25th of September marks his seventy-forth birthday anniversary.
At his house in Ibadan located around Ondo Street, old Bodija Area, Ibadan; there we; the editorial-crew of Online-News-track Magazine have gathered and garnered from our opinion research some various but valuable views and opinions, from important people, about this enigma; Chief Rasheed Adewolu Ladoja that truly he is an indisputable factor in Nigeria's politics, considering many challenges this enigma had encountered all along his life, to this present day of his seventy-forth birthday anniversary; he is still hale and hearty, waxing strong, despite many betrayal from many of his closed aides, other political bigwigs in Nigeria , he is still unperturbed, stoic, resilient and dogged, yet he is always reticent, not saying much about what he feels and knows, hence many are missing the great opportunity that they could be tapping, from his wealth of experience, expertise and exposure, with the much resources and cache lying in him, but to those that can perceive or discern the best from afar would know indisputably that he is truly a cynosure, calculative, visionary, bold, confident, accommodating and down to earth among many of the identifiable attributes he has, that had endeared him to the hearts of his majority fans, admirers and supporters, cutting across the state in Nigeria.
 And if an owl is known for its wisdom and the dove is known for its gentility then the gentility of a tiger is never to say it is timid nor bankrupt of the best and purposeful ideas of what to do for prompt solution to  any situation it finds itself, hence in the same analogy to our darling Chief Rasheed Adewolu Ladoja numerous attributes worthy of emulation , he is a kind of the person who believes in allowing grace of God to work for him, before applying his own initiative and creative ideas, for commendable and complementary facilitation, so it is for this rare quality of his foresightedness and forthrightness he had been living his life well, to the admiration of both at the echelon of ladder and lower rung of ladder, with this some sages from a school of life denoted his exceptionable trait of an enigma to be his own portion of destiny, as many have unnecessarily offended him, impertinently insulted him, fleeced him of his right and dues, yet no one will ever see him retaliating by spasm, but he rather prefers leaving them to God, for poetic justice and this the almighty God of the universe takes into having him as one of his "walis" or rather His beloveds, who prefers leaving everything to God in all of his relationship, admitting that 'over to God; the case is settled'
 And nevertheless, many who have done one thing or the other to offends him are always seen coming back to him remorsefully  or by style to beg him for forgiveness , because God who sees to the hearts of everyone knows how to fight for him, in absentia.


Thursday 30 August 2018

"C/O before was what people see as a difficult thing but it is your right, is shows you are the owner of a property and you can use the C/O to get loan from any right quarter"- Oyo State Commissioner for Land, Housing and Survey, Hon. Issac Ajiboye Omodewu.

Part two of our interview with the Oyo State Commissioner for Land, Housing and Survey, Honourable Isaac Ajiboye Omodewu:-

Sir, on the issue of C/O what have you to say about it?
The issue of C/O should not be a problem, before people believe that you cannot get your C/O within couple of years but now in Oyo State you can get your C/O within sixty days, with a new programme everything is now computerized, the reason why it is sixty days is that we have to make a publication for thirty days and the remaining three or four weeks is for processing, so C/O before was what people see as a difficult thing but it is your right , it shows you are the owner of a property and you can use the C/O to get loan from any right quarter, so that it is and to key the people into the programme we try to make sure we help them and appeal to them that it s a thing they can get within the shortest time, again we discovered that many people have houses in which they live but with no right document to back their ownership up so how are we going to help them because mostly people believe you can only get C/O on land but now if you have a property and living in that property you can get your C/O, so what we tried to do was that we introduced a programme we called HOME-OWNER-CHARTER at-least somebody who has already got his property and lives inside, so just with small amount of money; One hundred and twenty-five thousand {125.000}from which five thousand is for the form and one hundred and twenty thousand is for the processing , this money includes the survey, as we do the survey for the person and the plan according to what you have on ground, the only clause that is there is this; if you built the property on an illegal area or under the tension-wire or very close to the new road we are not going to give you the C/O for that, but if it is properly build where it is supposed to be built, within sixty days you are going to get your C/O, so HOME-OWNER-CHARTER and C/O ARE in the same group, we just name that programme HOME-OWNER-CHARTER  for those people who are already living in their property being built, so this is a way to encourage our people and this will help us a lot, for instance again we are doing the enumeration of properties in Oyo State, what do we men by that; we want to know how many properties we have in Oyo State, which ones are commercial, which ones are private, what is the purpose of this; it is to be used for MDA'S, Security etc, to determine which areas needed police-station, for ministry of health, where do we need health centres, hospitals, and it is good for town planning section , all this is for the planning purpose and this we have given the contract out to the Nigerian Institute of Estate Surveyors, they are the ones doing the enumeration for us, recently we flew an aircraft as low as possible , as as to determine the size of the land we have in Oyo State.
 So, we take note of all the major cities; Ibadan, Oyo township, Ogbomoso, Iseyin, Saki and Ibarapa area, why because we are doing what we call master-plan, the master-plan is now for Ibadan, it is one after the other, so all these aircrafts we flown is to let us see what is the size of the land in Ibadan, Oyo, Ogbomoso, Saki, Iseyin, Ibarapa, this is the foundation of development, take Lagos for example, as one of the best state it has passed through this stage before, this was not in place when we came in so that is the reason why we needed somebody who knows where they started, where they are and where they are going, to be the next governor, it is not easy for somebody from outside to say he can do this well, as private sector is different from governance, for somebody like me I have been in the government for the past seven good years continuously , couple with my years of both local and international experience, with the level of my education, I believe I can take over from Governorb Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi because those are the requirement to move Oyo State forward and if you want to move Oyo State forward you must be bold, determined and courageous hence Governor Ajimobi with these qualities had been able to achieve much more than all the previous governors, because without these qualities people wouldn't have allowed him to achieve thus far and this is why I'm appealing to my people in Oyo State to allow what is called continuity through me come 2019 election as Governor of Oyo State.


Prince Asimiyu Adeyinka Afeez Adio; a businessman of many years by specialization in Laboratory equipment has joined the other aspirants in APC Party  to contest for a seat in the Federal House of Representative come 2019 election.
The young-man who came into politics sixteen years ago and joined APC Party three years ago, was motivated into politics as a result of of his urge to better the lot of his people, especially in Ona Ara and its environ in Ibadan; the capital city of Oyo State, reason why among his many plans to actualise he successfully helped a thousand members of his party to secure a thousand forms for financial grant from the five-hundred billion financial grant initiated by the UN/FRANCE joint-endowment, to help empower people of the different origins globally, yet the budding chap still promised  to do more, to fulfil his aspiration to serve his people, in bettering their standard of living and the environment in which they belong .
Prince Asimiyu Adeyinka Afeez Adio who was born and bred in Ibadan precisely within Ona-Ara Local Government, with his father presently being the Baale of Foworogun in Ona-Ara Local Government.
In his statement while responding to a question eulogised Oyo State Governor Abiola Ajimobi whose record and attitude to developing the state was excellent and part of what give him the inspiration to have been active politically in emulating him, but vouched that the vibrant nature of the youth and their literacy in computer would even make many youth in politics to contribute immensely to the development and progress of the country, if given the opportunity, hence he advised that the highly intelligent youth who are computer literate having much potentials and value is a great opportunity for the country now to tap into their value, for the economic growth of the country and improvement on her human resources.
Meanwhile he commended President Muhammed Buhari for his crusade on anti corruption and yet his disposition to have endorsed the bill on the "Not too young to rule", which has given people like him among the other Nigerian's youth to have had an opportunity in serving their people.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

" I believe I'm in the best position to be the next Governor because I know where we started,where we are now and where we are going, atleast governance is not like private sector"- Oyo State Commissioner for Land, Housing and Survey, Isaac Ajiboye Omodewu.

  Life is all about being truthful to a purpose and nature favours anyone according to his/her choice yet any-man that avoids pretext, deceit but decides being truthful, just, upright and decisive to do his best in service to his people and mankind is always the one that God and man feel proud to be associated with, while his type always finds much mercy of God and favour of man, to serve mankind the more, in whatever position he may find himself.
 And this preamble is exactly descriptive of the worth and quality of the Oyo State Honourable Commissioner of Land, Housing and Survey in person of Sir Isaac Ajiboye Omodewu, whose much suitability and effectiveness had earned him more years and experience as the most long serving commissioner in the ministry he had proven well of his knowledge, experience and expertise under the Oyo State Amiable  and pragmatically productive cum record breaking "Koseleri" Governor of our time Senator Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi.
 And recently we had the opportunity to have a chat with the Commissioner of Land, Housing and Survey in his office and here underneath we un-winded as reported.

Sir, can we know you better?
My name is Isaac Ajiboye Omodewu, the current Commissioner for Land, Housing and Survey in Oyo State.
Sir, where were you born and your place of origin in Oyo State?
I was born in Otu, Itesiwaju Local Government in Oyo State.
Sir, people believe Oke Ogun should be the next place to present and produce the next Oyo State Governor, what is your take on this ?
 Well, I'm from Oke-Ogun as a people believe in equality that every part should be one and that everyone has the right to be the Governor of Oyo State and that is why my people over there believe that this time around come 2019 Oke-Ogun should be the area to produce the next Governor.
Sir, as a tested and trusted person, which area do you think your people are lacking that when you become the next Governor of Oyo State you will make sure you do the needful to alleviate their suffering?
Well, I'm not coming only because of my people in the state but because of the state generally, I see myself as a citizen of Oyo State and not a citizen of Oke-Ogun so I have decided to come out to be the next governor coming to serve the whole state and not a particular area and I believe my having the opportunity of being a member of the Governor Abiola Ajimobi's cabinet so I believe I'm in the best position to be the next Governor because I know where we started, I know where we are now and I know where we are going, mainly to build  on what Governor Abiola Ajimobi has achieved because I could see myself as an "established" candidate and that means definitely I want to improve on what he has done.
Sir, what about your machinery and how far are you prepared?
You see, when you say my machinery everybody in the state are part of my machinery, because they believe very much in me , I have  worked with so many ministries, I have mixed with a lot of people both in my party and other parties, and my integrity and previous attitude, good relationship with other parties' members can give me that opportunity to be the next governor.
Sir, what make you believe you are the right person to wear the shoe about being dropped by Governor Abiola Ajimobi?
You see anybody who wants to work with Governor Abiola Ajimobi must be the one that understands him very well, someone that must have worked closely with him, he knows what he wanted, how he want it, where he is going and one must be loyal to him and I believe I could set up all the requirement.
Sir, what is your rate of Governor Ajimobi's performance?
You see you are in the best position to do that now because you can look at what we have before and what we have now, if you want to talk of security, health, infrastructure etc you must have seen the vast difference , as being obviously evident, so there was no other governor since 1999 that has performed excellently well like Governor Abiola Ajimobi. and know one thing if you want to rule a state like Oyo State you must be bold, courageous and determined, all these Governor Abiola Ajimobi has proven excellently well, and he had used it perfectly to the advantage and development of Oyo State .
What is your philosophy of life?
Een, to me I believe in live and let live and I believe that we only come this life once so whatever one can do to help humanity one should do it now.
What is your message to the populace?
My message is that they should cooperate with the present government and at the same time they should support me for my ambition because I don't believe in myself alone but believe very much in my people, that by the special grace of God we shall get to where we are going.

                                    PART-TWO OF THIS INTERVIEW COMING SOON!!!

Tuesday 7 August 2018

"Governor Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi's love for the creativity of an indigenous but any hardworking professional knows no bound"- Dr. Adeyinka Olatunji; Mosco the Tailor.

To cite a verse in the bible which says "Seeth a man diligent in his piece of work he will stand before Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses and not just before Ordinary men", and in the affirmation to this beautiful scriptural expression ; permit we unwind on the recent interview we had with a professional tailor; Dr. Adeyinka Olatunji commonly known as "Mosco the Tailor, with his shop around Oke Ado in Ibadan Oyo State, who is a very dexterous, humble, courteous ,experienced, native-intelligently knowledgeable and multifaceted, yet blessed with wisdom about life , with his penchant for truth, is a man that could be mistaken for a practicing alfa.
This professional tailor; Dr. Adeyinka Olatunji was born to Late/ Alhaji Lasisi Ida Olatunji and Mrs Falilatu Yinyinola in 1966 at Idi-Arere in Ibadan, Oyo State. And being a child from a polygamous family but very promising he had his primary school experience to the detail, while afterwards opted for tailoring, with the zeal and determination to excel in the profession of his choice; tailoring, he learnt to know how to sew all kinds of dressings both for male, female, young, old, English-type and the native, with much commitment, prayerful life and good human relation he started having his own avid customers, who prefer having their clothing sew by him .
 Meanwhile, his apprenticeship which he had in 1979 led to his gaining freedom, and being on his own in 1985 and with a single sewing-machine he started serving his numerous customers, both literate and illiterate, rich and poor, privileged and less-privileged, until a period when one of his customers; a driver to a big company then brought his son's clothing to him , for sewing precisely to be made into a young-child suit, which he creatively did a good job on it and this caught the fancy of the boss to the driver, one way or the other and that was how great-luck shined and struck on him; Dr.Adeyinka Olatunji then and he was thereby endeared to the heart of the driver's boss; Chief Osideko, who Moscow started sewing for, and Chief Osideko put him on contract annually, to be sewing some large consignment of his company's staff uniforms, from which with more rapport, love and understanding between Moscow; the tailor and his God-sent helper; Chief Osideko he started making it financially big, considerably in comparison to the how and where he started and yet he came across another distinguished customer; Chief Ayininuola; an overall director to Wema Banks Plc then, as introduced by Chief Osideko to Chief Ayinninuola his luck gradually and encouragingly expanding for good, as he got more clients (customers) like Chief Olu Obagun who he was also introduced to by Chief Osideko, to the extent of having Alaafin Iku Baba Yeye Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, as one of his presently active customers, among his many on his list, yet his tailoring profession so also had given him the opportunity to travel overseas.
While responding to the impact of prayer to his line of occupation and activities, as a professional tailor of much experience, connection and achievement; he emphatically made us realized that prayer as an essential means of communication with God is the secrecy to any breakthrough in life, and any line, which without it nothing is achievable, buttressing up his point that "If God Almighty buildeth not; those that build are doing it in vain", hence he abides by prayer, with humility and good human relation, which had seen him breaking-through to his present state of proficiency, prosperity, popularity, prominence and connection, though he defended by advocating on truth as an essential quality, aside prayer and good human relation, if life should be made to  be of a complete-experience regarding worthwhile success, in whatever pursuit anybody might have singled himself/herself out.
 However,  "Mosco-the Tailor" as Dr Adeyinka Olatunji as he's often being called, by many of his admirers and customers, is a dexterous tailor of long and much experience, very multifaceted, but a self-effacing fashion-designer, very closed to our Amiable Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State, as his regular tailor, by whose 'Midas-touch and the golden fingers; have been the expert, behind the different but fitting and splendidly made native garbs, often being put on by Our Amiable Governor Abiola Ajimobi to many of his official outings, including his usual native garbs for the office work, by the way, Mosco came across the governor through the governor's brother; Toyin Ajimobi who after much reliance and good work for him was invited by the governor,s wife; Chief/Mrs Florence Ajimobi, who eventually gave some stuffs of textile-material to sew for her husband and eventually that was how the age-long deals; serving as the governor's tailor started till date.   

Thursday 5 July 2018

News Track Magazine: "Our waste to wealth is a reality"- Mrs Lolade Ore...

News Track Magazine: "Our waste to wealth is a reality"- Mrs Lolade Ore...: From the primordial we have known women are the best manager to eke out a living and considering computer age especially with the emergence ...

"Our waste to wealth is a reality"- Mrs Lolade Oresanwo; West African Energy Director Operation, OYOWMA

From the primordial we have known women are the best manager to eke out a living and considering computer age especially with the emergence of some more enlightened and educated women-folks managing some aspects of responsibilities at offices, in some organizations; then seeing some women at their seats of responsibilities and sections of work, one would surely agree to the fact that women are truly the best manager indeed, to coordinate both human and natural resources well, no matter the level of it, to succeed, in achieving the best ever known- success and this is exactly what Mrs Lolade Oresanwo is rightly doing, with an obvious attestation; that she is doing well at her place of work, in the section of Oyo State Waste Management; right acting as Operation Manager for West African Energy.

What has been your challenges thus far, in the course of your service to the residence in Oyo State and Ibadan especially?

One of the biggest challenges our contractors are facing is the attitude of our people , about sixty percentage are happy, want to pay and patronize our contractors, there is a problem of some percentage who feels the collection should be free  and it is the government responsibility to collect their waste , I mean there is a lesson there , people needs to know the advantage of dealing with clearing waste around them than sitting on it, and they also need to know that the contractors too need to run the cost of  running the business at the expenses and maintain the vehicle they use , to collect the waste . I think balancing both; that it is the challenge and definitely we are overcoming them. I'm proud to say about seventy  percentage of Oyo State have been covered, some parts that have not been is as a result of accessibility, which we are working with the community on right now, to provide bins , to ensure that there are bins liners, we thank the excellency for supporting us so much, for supporting us, because he wants a situation where bins-liners would be provided to those community we cannot reach, community based service would be provided  to those places, like Bere, Oje, so that we can be able to go there and access these places easier and this year have been particularly good because even with the incessant rain; we have been having people that are bringing out their waste, we have not  hear of flooding , as they now know you don't have to put your waste in the flood, because they have been putting them in the flood before , the awareness has improved people now, to know that it is not about draining,but to encourage them have clean environment in a sustainable manner and the good news is that today; we have very, very, good companies that are willing to partner with us, even West African Energy ; it has started with a company who with disposable-glass will be recycling into nylon in Oyo State today in Oluyole , there are several companies sponsoring us, there is a company that is now going to produce compose from disposable-waste that we are collecting from households and markets, so improvement are accomplished and we are very, very, happy about that.

How often do you have interface with your contractors?

Oh, we have stakeholders' meeting with our contractors regularly, because of the new technology we are having today, when chat is shown easily, we have a group chat with our contractors immediately they face a challenge, they post it on a group chat, so that other contractors could learn and work together and it is quite easy for us to work together .

How far have you gone with the enlightenment of the public, those customers of yours particularly?

Yes, we have an enlightenment team that goes out especially in the area of market, particularly in the area we have especially market, the small community are fine , but it is only the market we have problems with and it is only those markets we are definitely sure that with continuous enlightenment and advocacy they will comply, out of the numerous markets ; over fifty-million in Ibadan, we have been able to drive about twenty-five thousand to comply, even Bodija market we have a conversation about their waste and now they have engaged the contractors , Alesinloye, Oje markets are doing the same, all are paying the contractors, the education is really working, as it is not everytime we have to be using force or shout at people you have to do it, it is actually trying to let them see the problems associated to not doing things at the right time.

Definitely this is public-oriented strategic approach, can we say you are making enough to compensate all the effort in cost and commitment you give?

We are covering our cost, the profit is going to come from having  additional people , who will ensure their waste is collected by the registered contractors, we have appealed to them to pay the contractors that are doing the work, because they want the city and state to be clean, and there is a commitment to the transformation , restoration agenda, of his excellency and to ensure that Oyo State is restored back to its glory, transforming the city from being the dirtiest, thank God we don't have that name again, so the transformation agenda and the restoration we have to ensure that we key into it, so it is not just about the profit but to restore Oyo State back to its glory and our contractors are fully engaged and aware hence I'm proud to be part of that.

Where are you coming from and who are you?

My name is Lolade Oresanwo , I'm a daughter of the soil, I'm a local person, most of our staff are local ,even some are double in-depth related and we pride ourselves in using local content and intelligence to build and do the best of our work , we have experience doing our work the best it should be.

What is your antecedent?

We are not just new, we do waste management and we have been doing it for long.

Are you a workaholic with what we saw about your promptness and passion for the job, quite some minutes ago we have been here , seeing you having series of meeting with your members of staff?

That is all what we do, that is the name of the game and we work so that we can do the best and that is the only way we can do it to make us happy hence we have to work , at least today is Monday, so we have to work , considering that our staff have to be occupied, to work, we need to plan and know where we are going by the end of the week and to make sure the people that are committed, collecting the waste of the state are happy, those women; seventy-five percentage of our staff are women, we need to make sure they are happy and that they are well equipped ,with the proper pp, to get their jobs done.

What is the work force and are the youth really benefiting under your management, in respect of employment?

It is mostly the youth we are engaging, that is what we are advocating, there is a lot of opportunity , but you have to put your head down, you have to be dogged, determined and work hard, I believe in growing organic resource from the organization, we don't need to bring anybody from the outside to solve our local  problem, because the problems are local to us and we should be able to solve our problems ourselves internally. and to be frank with you our waste to wealth is a reality.

Ma, whoever see you will know you have passion for what you are doing, then what is your philosophy of life, how do you take life and what do you count life to be all about?

Life is not about enjoying the most of time, life is hard, circumstances around everybody is hard, that is why you have got to make sure of what you have and that is what I'm doing, I make sure any circumstances I found myself I make sure I put in my best and that is what I take my enjoyment from and that is why I'm happy.

This was how we came to the end,of our exclusive interview with this rare woman of excellence in management, who with courtesy and good human relation responded well, to enlighten us better, about the state of things,in respect of waste management under her responsibility at the Oyo State Waste Management Section tagged OYOWMA representing West African Energy.


Wednesday 4 July 2018

News Track Magazine: "Governor Abiola Ajimobi Is an Achiever, there is ...

News Track Magazine: "Governor Abiola Ajimobi Is an Achiever, there is ...: If surely "there is no where to anywhere than to start from where one is"; then it is better for anybody looking for the fact abou...

"Governor Abiola Ajimobi Is an Achiever, there is no doubt about that"-Oba Dr. Lekan Balogun

If surely "there is no where to anywhere than to start from where one is"; then it is better for anybody looking for the fact about his or her background, the history from a custodian of knowledge as an elder, in order to have the best of the fact of the history, hence talking about culture and tradition , which is essential for anybody wanting to enhance his or her understanding about and this is the reason why our Newstrack-Online thought it behooves us to stretched further, by having an exclusive interview with Oba Dr. Lekan Balogun who talked with us extensively, on what is the value of culture  and history cum the benefit therein in egungun festival, which he un-winded as reported below.

Sir,what is the importance of tradition and culture considering egungun festival and where are they helping in the generational development of our society, especially that of the Yoruba?

Essentially culture is an inherited product, it is another way of saying culture now represent your past and mine, and it is a worthwhile way of displaying the aspect our living in togetherness, to remember our forefathers and their values as inherited from generation to another, while it is better to present them, at least people without the knowledge of their history are like a tree without a root" even if masquerade is only a means of entertaining; it worth preserving, if it is a means of reflecting our old culture and history's effect, it worth preserving, which is why we are preserving masquerade.

With what we have seen as development and some probable changes in the areas of security, road-network, education under the present administration of Governor Ajimobi, sir with due reservation we thus ask you is Governor Ajimobi an achiever?

He is a great achiever, no doubt about it, he may be temperament , but in terms of concrete reality of achievement he is a real achiever, look at the roads-network, education, health, it is the most unusual things that happened in this area, the life that constitute likes of the society, life of the product  of the society; that is you and I, he has done very, very well, he may be temperamental, he may be impatient with people, who are not performance, not very intelligent, but he is a great achiever.

This is on the present killing in Nigeria here and there and as a father, king and a man of much experience, we like you to tell us what is the solution you could proffer, to make sure the killing is brought to an end?

The government should be upright , dealing with the problem, if a government cannot preserve the lives of the people it governs; why is it government and why are they governing the people, the herdsmen are killing the people everywhere, like they kill fowls, it is not right, it is unacceptable, whatever the basis may be, and the basic reason was said to be religion, in this day and age , why should anybody kill anybody , because of religion, in some cases a father may be Muslim and the children are Christians, some other children may be Muslim too in the same family, will they kill themselves, why will you leave your own territory and go other-side to start killing those who are not in the same religion, bible and quran described murder as sin, who do they thought they are fooling, the government should be prompt and deal with the problem, applying the law of the land, for everybody to sit up, but if the government is folding hands and watching ; then you are encouraging and that means you are not governing in that area and that means you have no legitimate right to govern in that area.

What is your comment on the Governor Ajimobi performance this second term he has been in the office?

I said it before, he's been wonderful, I hate commenting on his performance, because some people believe we are close, but you know I don't respect that kind of factor; closeness to anybody , at-least if I don't say it to him in the open I say it to him privately, but I have never had the cause to criticize him bitterly, some things he does I don't belittle him until he accept, I talk to him privately and he check his policy to change it, so how can I fault a man like that, if one makes the mistake of pursuing a wrong cause and I say aburo why must you do this one, two, three reasons; before you know it, he can drop it, what can you then say about a man like that, he is doing well and I'm happy with it, I don't even know who can succeed him , at that level of his performance, honestly I don't, at the level of his performance, and it is usual of people in power not to listen to correction but in his case, it is not unusual for him to listen to correction and change and in terms of public-personality conduct you can't beat him, true !